Czech Republic Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221450Members

Hello everyone.
As much of you know,sunbeam is ship who try to rescue us,but this dont end good.So i would be happy if we get sunbeam explorable wreck.
Sunbaem was much smaler then aurora.Because he was to small i suposse was totaly smashed.So from sunbeam dont will be some big parts.
I think can be parts of sunbeam around one of the map corner,or near montain island.And this wreck dont be on one pieace,much pieces(like aurora underwater wrecks).I would like find a bridge of ship and see last sunbeam moments.
Als whots can be awesome:When you character arrive to G.U.N and gun starting turning,you character see it,and start cream ,,No!NOOO!,, and after gun fire and shot down sunbeam he can fall down on knee and make almost animal scream and start crying.
Also can be make he saw one lifepod fall to see,you will swim faster how you can but when you arived you see lifpod sinking,you get into lifepod and see one man from Sunbeam,he just lookd to yours eays,give you photo of his family,and die in your hands.
As much of you know,sunbeam is ship who try to rescue us,but this dont end good.So i would be happy if we get sunbeam explorable wreck.
Sunbaem was much smaler then aurora.Because he was to small i suposse was totaly smashed.So from sunbeam dont will be some big parts.
I think can be parts of sunbeam around one of the map corner,or near montain island.And this wreck dont be on one pieace,much pieces(like aurora underwater wrecks).I would like find a bridge of ship and see last sunbeam moments.
Als whots can be awesome:When you character arrive to G.U.N and gun starting turning,you character see it,and start cream ,,No!NOOO!,, and after gun fire and shot down sunbeam he can fall down on knee and make almost animal scream and start crying.
Also can be make he saw one lifepod fall to see,you will swim faster how you can but when you arived you see lifpod sinking,you get into lifepod and see one man from Sunbeam,he just lookd to yours eays,give you photo of his family,and die in your hands.
I agree, if that gun is capable of bringing down something the size of the Aurora (Looks to hold at least 1000 crew) , it would just turn the Sunbeam (Has 16 crew) into space dust. Though it is odd that the Degasi wasn't completely vaporized by the gun and it only had 6 crew.
A cargo ship really just needs enough crew to keep the ship going from point A to point B, loading and unloading can be handled by ground / space dock crew and machines.
Same with a mining ship.
A science or exploration vessel, however, probably needs more crew.
The Aurora was putting up a new warp gate, so I'm going to say, lots of specialists, engineers, support crew, etc.
You could probably easily have something near the size of the Aurora with a small (ish) crew, if all the ship was doing was hauling goods from one place to another.
Example:ærsk (container ship, crew compliment 13, with room for 30)
is only slightly smaller than (guided missile destroyer, crew compliment 270)
I just lost it at the "start cream" part. Me and my immature mind
Okay, so assuming a warpgate is some big fast transit device for large ships, it might be safe to assume that the ship is just mostly empty. I think somewhere something said there was a quarter cubic kilometer of storage area in the aurora. So maybe the goal is to use Prawn suits to deploy this gigantic device in space. There's not a lot of people needed to manage a big room that no one goes in. Of course, we haven't seen this device yet. I think it'd be cool to get access to this and be able to scan it as part of the teleporter model later. This might add some incentive for the player to go back to the Aurora late in the game.
From the charter we can find in game it says the Aurora had a crew of like 100 people
To be precise, from the data entry on the Aurora: "Crew: Command Team (23), Engineering Team (85), Support Crew (40), Passengers (9)". So, 157. Or 148 if you don't count the passengers.
So lets make it.Aurora was having 20 lifepods,every lifepod can contain 2 peoples,this mean on aurora was 40 crew.If you have right it must be here 74-76 lifepods.
The Titanic also didn't have enough lifeboats.
The new Alterra ship Aurora, she's unsinkable!
"She's totally un-shoot-down-able"
Yes,but this was more than 100 years ago.Today ship MUST have enough lifeboats,so real qeustion is why Aurora have just 20?
This is Alterra we're talking about. In my opinion, they're almost as bad as Aperture Sci.