[BUG] Animation glitch when picking up precursor artifact [41483 Nov-2016]

AifreadAifread Australia Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221365Members
edited December 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Description - When you pick up a Precursor Artifact for the first time with a seaglide in hands the animation glitches out and you are unable to do anything but move. I was able to get rid of the precursor artifact by using it to open the weapon door but had the same issue of being unable to do anything but waltz with an invisible Mesmer.

Reproduction steps - Create and equip a seaglide, then head to mountain island and up through the tunnels until you find a precursor artifact (purple square). Pick it up with seaglide equipped (light was on). Just in case, I had a radiation suit and compass equipped.

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