<div class="IPBDescription">Custom Maps</div> I am new to NS and whenever I try to go into a server it keeps on telling me that I need the custom maps. Where can I find these custom maps or is it just my NS download is curropted. Any help would be appreciated.
Some servers run maps that are not included in the release of the mod (in this case Natural-Selection). These are maps made by independant mappers who have no official association with the mod, but who map becuase they enjoy it and/or want to bring new and original maps to the scene. Some servers allow you to download these maps off their server. This unfortunatley can take some time due to bandwidth contraints which seem to be coded into Half-Life. The alternative is to go to a site which hosts maps for this mod, and download them from there which is faster. There are a few sites already out there dedicated to Natural-Selection where you can download these maps and find other useful information. One such site is <a href='http://WWW.PlanetNS.Com' target='_blank'>Planet NS</a>