[Tool] Observatory: Basic webinterface to Hive 2 player statistics
While we're waiting for the official Hive 2 UI to go live - which may or may not happen "soon" - I've put together a very basic interface to the information which is already exposed via Hive 2's API. It can be found here: https://observatory.morrolan.ch/
It allows you to put in any form of Steam ID, and will return what kind of data has been collected about that player - skill, accumulated score, playtime, ...
In the end it just fetches data exposed via http://hive2.ns2cdt.com/api/get/playerData/, and presents it in a more human-friendly way, so is limited to whatever I can pull from there.
Edit: For clarification - 'any form of steam ID' means:
- 'Old' Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24110655
- Steam ID 64: 76561198008487038
- Steam ID 3: U:1:48221310
- Vanity URLs: http://steamcommunity.com/id/morrolan-lz/ or simply 'morrolan-lz'
Using custom URLs (e.g. 'morrolan-lz' in my case) does not work yet - as I would have to hit up Valve's API to convert those to something useable. Whereas the currently supported Steam IDs can be converted directly. works too, now - see above.
It allows you to put in any form of Steam ID, and will return what kind of data has been collected about that player - skill, accumulated score, playtime, ...
In the end it just fetches data exposed via http://hive2.ns2cdt.com/api/get/playerData/, and presents it in a more human-friendly way, so is limited to whatever I can pull from there.
Edit: For clarification - 'any form of steam ID' means:
- 'Old' Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24110655
- Steam ID 64: 76561198008487038
- Steam ID 3: U:1:48221310
- Vanity URLs: http://steamcommunity.com/id/morrolan-lz/ or simply 'morrolan-lz'
Using custom URLs (e.g. 'morrolan-lz' in my case) does not work yet - as I would have to hit up Valve's API to convert those to something useable. Whereas the currently supported Steam IDs can be converted directly. works too, now - see above.
Now let's scan all possible steam IDs to find ns2 players, and we'll be able to spy on one another hehe
e.g. mine is simply 'Zdrytchx' and the result appears!
Yup, 'custom'/'vanity' URLs work too. Steam display names will not, however, as those are not unique.
That means that Hive 2 returned no, or incomplete data. What did you query for?
There's a rather elusive bug there, where it sometimes does not pass XSS protection. I have not been able to figure out its cause, yet. Clearing cookies / rebooting / swearing makes it usually go away.