Midgame fragments and monsters stop spawning.
Join Date: 2016-12-23 Member: 225380Members

This is a weird one and will try my best to explain what happens. At the beginning of the game monsters/loot/fragments spawn at a normal and somewhat predictable rate. Just being able to roam around and find fragments and monsters at a rate of 1fragment-per15min play time and monsters at random points.
However after getting a good number of the fragments and blue prints the fragments just stop spawning. I am normally lucky and somehow get all the fragments for the cyclops(I had two runs where I couldn't find more then 2 fragments of the 9 needed) and go hunting deeper and deeper for more fragments. But at some point there is a cutoff so no fragments spawn not even the geaglide fragments.
I just thought I wasn't looking in the right spots and that some changes were made to the game but after driving around in my cyclops and seamoth for almost 6 hours of play time with no fragments spawning or even monsters feels more like a glitch. The problem is persistent but resets when making a new game so the game spawns more fragments at the beginning then randomly stops midgame.
I have tried reinstalling the game 3 times and tried verifying the integrity of game cache with little noticeable differences.
Has anyone else experienced this type of bug before because I feel like it might be tied to my gpu or cpu but cant say for sure.
However after getting a good number of the fragments and blue prints the fragments just stop spawning. I am normally lucky and somehow get all the fragments for the cyclops(I had two runs where I couldn't find more then 2 fragments of the 9 needed) and go hunting deeper and deeper for more fragments. But at some point there is a cutoff so no fragments spawn not even the geaglide fragments.
I just thought I wasn't looking in the right spots and that some changes were made to the game but after driving around in my cyclops and seamoth for almost 6 hours of play time with no fragments spawning or even monsters feels more like a glitch. The problem is persistent but resets when making a new game so the game spawns more fragments at the beginning then randomly stops midgame.
I have tried reinstalling the game 3 times and tried verifying the integrity of game cache with little noticeable differences.
Has anyone else experienced this type of bug before because I feel like it might be tied to my gpu or cpu but cant say for sure.
Also, if you have an SSD, use it for Subnautica, that seems to help some. Have a look through my sig ▼ down there and see if there's anything that will help (I don't think your particular case is covered, though, besides moving Subnautica to SSD).
My cpu is a AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor.
So my HDD with my OS just died so that might have been the reason for these abnormal game runs. The funny thing is I have all my steam games installed to a separate HDD so that might explain why the game seemed stable with no errors found on the check program.
Thanks for your help once again. I still have to reinstall my OS once I get a fresh drive after the new year so i will check back in after that but I expect that will fix the problem.
I will miss the deep seas until I can get my boat of a gaming computer up and running.
Definitely spring for an SSD. 10-15 seconds to boot and be ready to run programs. If you get a large enough one, you can also put certain games that you want to load fast or that have problems when playing *cough* Subnautica *cough*.
The Samsung 850 EVO is good, and the Mushkin ECO3 is as well if you want something cheaper (not quite as fast, though). I have both models of SSD personally and they work great.
Well I just got back from the Local NCIX and got a SSD. You got your way 0x6A7232. However i didn't go for the samsung 850 Evo but I did get the ADATA SU800 SSD 512gb unit. Now I just need to reinstall everything and hopefully it fixes all the problems I was having.
Tom's Hardware review for that is here. If you want to skip all of the details and jump to the conclusions it comes to, skip to page 3.
How much did you pay for it?
I paid 165 Canadian after tax for the drive. Didn't have much options in canadaland because everything gets supper marked up when it crosses the boarder but I got it on sale. The newegg site says the version I got is 129.99usd so after conversion come out to 175 canadian dollars so I beat the newegg price by 10$cad.
Just finished install the os and in the process of installing subnautic now.
Well the new SSD is helping the game by improving the FOV and load times. Maybe it was because of the old drive dying that was messing up the spawn rate of fragments because that has stabilized. However I have had moments where no creatures spawn and have to save and restart the game. But it made for a weird glitch where my base loaded but the ground didn't.
Things still pop in at the last second...I lost a seamoth when a wreck spawned around me while I was driving...well it wasn't lost but it couldn't move so I removed the pressure compensator and let it out of its misery.
The SSD is helping alot and is removing most of the lag but I will keep you updated on whats going on with my game.
Yeah I was surprised by the 7 second boot time I got with a fresh install of windows 8.1 however I bet after I start install things it will slow down to 11-15 second boot time like you said. With 16 gb of ram an ok video card my rig is up and running even better than before.
P.S. My old boot time was something stupid like 1-3 minutes but was going up to 7 when the hdd was failing.
If not, well, you managed to avoid being forced into the upgrade so far, so I'd say you've got that part down. XD
lol yup I had no interest to beta test an OS for a year. For games I'm all for beta testing to make it great but to opt into a beta for an OS...nope just no because I just want an OS that works. Plus I didn't know if they would fill windows 10 with bloat-ware because of how pushy they were getting with the adds. I had a weird feeling they would do something sleazy like switch to a subscription model like they did with MS office.
But thanks for the loop hole link because I will look into it. Have you noticed any bloatware on windows 10?
So sorry back to the original topic of this page. Looks like the SSD is helping things load but at the same time I'm having random episodes of things not spawn, anywhere between 5-15mins episodes of no spawns then fixes itself for about 30-40mins.
Sorry, trying to get a feel for this bug... I couldn't get anything to load in when i had the issue except 1 time.
Nothing that's not easily surmountable. https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10
Some of what's listed in SU10 is to better serve you, eg Cortana reminds you to leave early to get to the airport on time... which requires certain access to your info -- it's all up to how you want your device to behave, but there are something like suggested apps in the start menu, that MS allows you to disable, but you have to find the setting. O&O SU10 gives everything to you in one place.
Thank you for chiming in @Nachoboy because this glitch has had two separate events that I'm still processing because of hard drive failure.
Event one- (dying sata HDD, mid-game everything but ground would stop spawning until I started a new game)
Event two-(New SSD, episodes of no spawning between 5-15mins then episodes of spawning about 30-50 mins of play time.)