[BUG] Missing exterior of wrecks and lifepods [Stable - 42313-Dec-2016]

Casual_PlayerCasual_Player That...is a really good question Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221875Members
edited December 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Subnautica Version: Stable - 42313-Dec-2016

Description: The wreck near lifepod 17 has it's hull missing. Everything there is just floating. I can acess anything that is inside of the wreck, objects which are now floating. Lifepod 17 is missing

Reproduction steps: I was on Freedom mode, with the nocost and oxygen cheats activated. I normally use this, but it shouldn't affect the game this way.

Pictures: Mt68rLn.jpg

*and know it returned, but the lifepod is still missing:

Additional info: I'm placing the save file, output and dxdiag file all together on this link, because I really don't know which kind of bug this is. I didn't save again.


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