Banned, 8bit server
Join Date: 2012-10-03 Member: 161403Members

Please move the thread in its not for general. This is more of a note for server owner.
Have been banned from 8-bit server. No drama or whatsoever, a troll was using my name and.. well trolling people. A known UK accented guy, hes been around for a long time under various names.
Anyway, have been slapped with ban in his place. Or so I hope.
Have been banned from 8-bit server. No drama or whatsoever, a troll was using my name and.. well trolling people. A known UK accented guy, hes been around for a long time under various names.
Anyway, have been slapped with ban in his place. Or so I hope.
This discussion has been closed.
Did you even read what he said?
Ban goes for steamid not username?
Anyway should complain at said server op, not here.
Difficult to ban him if he uses smurf accounts.
anyways i think if banner looked up payers in console, displays in game name and steam id. could be, since names identical, just banned first one he saw.
makes no sense at all
Probably doesn't know who the admin is... heck I don't even know. There's all these mysterious servers that just sorta appear in the browser.
Thanks for support people, happy holidays and happy upcoming year!
hmm............ a troll player from the UK? hmm....... i know his smurf account: easymode. i give you a hint what his real account is: B___A
Should use a ID, but you can.
Yeh.. I perhaps should do a ask around and update the topic in the server section since, obviously, end users arent in the server ops discord.
Try 280? maybe
Thanks fazza
When Rammler and I played on the same server with him, he kept spamming racist insults the whole time. Maybe he just had a bad day that day, but maybe he's really just an idiot.
Players like this make NS2 look bad. They make any game look bad, but that is not the point. NS2 is smaller and struggling.
Congrats. You get to live that for the next four to eight years! Hope you are entertained.
When I was growing up, I was taught "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This is as true now as it has ever been, however the modern interpretation seems to be "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words ESPECIALLY HURT ME."
I do not subscribe to this. Nobody should. I was offended and irritated by him quite a lot for years. But I have come to understand him. We've all got vices. I'm still NOT saying that I endorse, agree with, or care to participate in what he does. But what I am saying is that ppl are entirely TOO sensitive in general. You will encounter persons like this throughout your life. If you cannot tolerate and accept somebody like this, you cant ban them from life. you cant ban them from your job (unless you're da boss.) You have to learn to live w/ these people and NOT be so perturbed by them to come making silly and poorly thought-out political analogies at their expense. In this way, you let hate and stupidity beget more hate and stupidity. If you cant take the high road, who really is the worse person?
"We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it."
-Baberham Lincoln
So yes, you can sit in the park and see the kid chasing the birds and let yourself be SUPER PISSED off about it. You can waste your energy and your effort trying to change the kid, in futility. You burn yourself out. I was like that with him for a while, I thought he was pure toxic waste. Or your other option is to take from it what you can, not let the kid get to you individually, and enjoy what you can of the arbitrary scattering of the birds.
Two things about this:
1. Have you ever been bullied as a child? My guess is no.
2. There's a difference between being a little sissy that's hurt by Bad Words and not taking the bullshit of someone whose assholish behavior ruins both specific matches and the community at large in a game that already has such a small playerbase that it becomes hard to avoid them.
Take a look at the Law of Jackassery on tvtropes. NS2 has reached the where it sits firmly at the very right of the spectrum, and at this point we shouldn't put up with dicks like that simply because we don't have to.
We are talking about a video game here. You can ban people like that. Don't get pissed about it. Just ban him and move on.
Quick note about the "You will always meet people like that in real life"... My father usually says the same, but he adds that you always have three options: Take it, change it, or leave it. He personally favors the leave it option: If an environment is toxic or just plain sucks, don't waste your energy on it. Just go somewhere else. Clearly, you favor the take it option: Just endure.
But we are talking about video games here. We have modding and banning tools. We have the option to change the situation.
Regarding his voice spam: You can always mute a player. If someone engages him and perpetuates the drama, mute them too.
It's a choice everyone can make: either participate or blissfully ignore and keep playing.
Regarding his tactics: Turret farming is a valid strat on pub, you can't blame him for deviating from the norm. If you find the strat boring, then vote eject. It's that simple.
Every player have the tools in-game to cope with basterds like him. If all you do is whine about it and act butthurt, while ignoring those tools you have, you're also the problem, because he gets his audience and thus his fun x)
Well, I have no idea what he did, but it sounded like he was also trolling as a comm. That's where that came from.
Frankly I only wanted to make a witty comment but it somehow turned into a rant
2) It is not a valid choice to mute him. Why should one team be disadvantaged by having a player it can't communicate with? Banning him is the only option, which is a choice HE made. He obviously WANTS to get banned.
When I step in shit, I don't say "Oh, well, I'll just endure this shit on my shoe and try my best to ignore it untill it leaves by itself." - no, I take a stick and scratch the shit off my shoe and move on.
Yes, I was bullied in elementary school, lots in middle school, and lots in highschool. So all of my formative years. It put hair on my chest and I wasnt a pussy about it. In my adult life I've encountered old bullies in public who didnt quite "make it" in their own adult years, and to see them shitting their pants and avoiding ME for once is a gratifying feeling. Thankfully I had good friends and parents to keep a good perspective on things. I feel that's why I'm so attached to "bullying" sentiments because frankly, i dealt with it a lot and I made it thru just fine. I can be so much more toxic to myself than any other person could hope to be to me.
My honest opinion is that the anti-bullying campaigns, especially one w/in like the past 10 years actually make bullying victims feel a lot worse. Kids are going to be little shits no matter how much you try to encourage the opposite. Bullying WILL always exist, as it ALWAYS HAS. I am not saying it's a good thing. I was never a bully and I'm the youngest of my siblings so I couldn't bully anyone at home and was really never interested. But the fact that it won't go away coupled w/ these over-in-you-face campaigns just make the victims of bullies feel SO MUCH WORSE than they might. If I'm a kid in middle school with a bully and there was just this huge anti-bullying thing at my school that everyone had to participate in, and I'm still getting bullied during and after the event, that would make me feel a LOT more attacked, isolated, singled out since it's such a huge "NO NO" at my school now, acknowledged by everyone. But the fact that there was some stupid campaign doesnt change the fact that there will always be assholes. The better option in my opinion is to teach kids to be thick skinned about it, take the power of "hurt" away from the bully, and focus on their own lives. Obviously when being outnumbered and there's potential for physical violence, there's less to be done about that but hope that there's enough good eggs around to stand up for them when they need it, and hope people start raising their damn kids.
Anyways, point of all this is that bullies/trolls are reactive beings like anybody else. If you're not baited by their shit, understand that they're a sick person to be pitied and not envied, you'll have a much better time. There's not enough servers or control for trolls to be put on their own "planet" of servers so the rest of us dont have to deal w/ them, but they will always exist. Smurf accounts are EASY. Ban them, they'll be back. Deal w/ them, play w/ them, get on. And tbh, the person I think the OP is referring to is right 90% of the time, but the way he goes about how he communicates it is 100% wrong. If you could read through the troll and play along, you will have successful games w/ him of all people too. After all S10 CHAMP AMIRITE?
The internet is pure trash in the first place. Everything on internet should be taken w/ healthy spoonfuls of salt.
1) I've seen people leave the server because of him(?), so i'd consider it as acting butthurt
2) You may have something there, but there are also a lot of players without any communication... so i don't think it's that big of a deal
3) Sure, you do move on and not start stomping on the shit again to get revenge :]
These people are a nuisance, but who am I to police his expressions over a microphone? I just mute anyone who annoys me after a time.
If he wants to get banned, then that's another reason not to get rid of him, don't do him any pleasure xD
Yeah, yeah, I run one of them, but there are others and it's not even about TGNS -- it's about everyone understanding that, with just a bit of effort, you can choose to participate in one of these spaces instead of "the Internet" when you play NS2. And, with admittedly more effort, you can help create or maintain one.
Just don't feel /forced/ to tolerate it. That's all I'm saying. Choose it if it suits you ("thick skin", and all that), but don't feel forced.
Guys, you've got show Bubba more love, he deserves it.. i think he practicly made all russian servers empty by this time?
You know.. I just wanted to make sure nobody else steps into shit, just because it's funny to watch for some : ).
Ok, maybe a little revenge.
So... you're saying that words do hurt?
I wasn't trying to make a point about bullying, just about the "words are nothing" attitude.
And it's nice if you have a thick skin like that, good for you, but there's people who don't.
I'm glad you didn't feel /forced/ to continue your obscene moderating policy which ironically lead to the highest levels of trolling on this forum.