Small idea, bigger implications

MiniSquatchMiniSquatch Join Date: 2017-01-01 Member: 225874Members
(sorry, couldnt think of a good title for the thing)

so we have plant pots that we can use indoors. relatively small, they dont take as much space as the growbeds but dont hold as much.

i'd love an underwater equivalent. Pipes seem to break the game for me, not to mention arent really viable for the wrecks guarded by fierce predators.

however, if we could build a small plant pot/shelf/whatever inside the wrecks, we could simply plant some purple brain coral, and create little oxygen stations so that exploring wrecks isn't a mad dash.

so yeah, not a big addition, but it would certainly be helpful!


  • andrewcandrewc Join Date: 2016-12-20 Member: 225231Members
    Build multiple oxygen tanks (they stack) to give you more than enough to search wreck.
    I like the thrill of searching wrecks with limited oxygen...
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    andrewc wrote: »
    Build multiple oxygen tanks (they stack) to give you more than enough to search wreck.
    I like the thrill of searching wrecks with limited oxygen...

    However, they do slow you down, so they do have their downsides. I would love these smaller plant pots, if they were implemented. They would also make it easier to farm in limited or uneven terrain.

    Tangent about airtank slowness:
    I see lots of people complain about the seaglide, and some (but not as many) complain about airtanks, so I had an idea: What if the seaglide brought your movement to a constant speed, instead of just giving you a speedboost? This way, even if you had the slowest swim speed with max tanks, you could use the seaglide to bring yourself up to a really fast speed.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    andrewc wrote: »
    Build multiple oxygen tanks (they stack) to give you more than enough to search wreck.
    I like the thrill of searching wrecks with limited oxygen...

    However, they do slow you down, so they do have their downsides. I would love these smaller plant pots, if they were implemented. They would also make it easier to farm in limited or uneven terrain.

    Tangent about airtank slowness:

    I see lots of people complain about the seaglide, and some (but not as many) complain about airtanks, so I had an idea: What if the seaglide brought your movement to a constant speed, instead of just giving you a speedboost? This way, even if you had the slowest swim speed with max tanks, you could use the seaglide to bring yourself up to a really fast speed.

    ^ Well, to make it more realistic, have the O2 tanks slow down the SeaGlide's acceleration time, but not affect the top speed. So it will make the SeaGlide take a little while to get to sop speed, but at least you get there.

    Also, because of that ^, have the SeaGlide use as much power as it currently does when towing more than, say, 2 extra tanks, increasing more and more until it reaches current levels.

    In other words, make the SeaGlide use less battery with 1 or 2 tanks, then start adding faster drain the more tanks you have, capping out at how fast it drains currently. That in addition to taking a while to get to top speed. Reasoning: the SeaGlide has to work harder to reach & maintain top speed because of the tanks.

    Might be better to not give the first 2 tanks a free ride, just make the rate exponential or something (rat curves up dramatically per tank, first one barely notice, sort of notice second one, third one, woah, gee), with a cap put on it.
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