Update 313 (Kham Tutorial) is now Live on Steam! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

A happy new year to all of you out there! I’ll bet some of you thought we hit the snooze button around the holidays and never woke up, but no!...
What does this mean? What changed?
I assume this means that the whip will stop slapping at the air when there is nobody around, but does this also fix that whips hit for no damage?
A small but highly valuable suggestion... keep in touch with the community. Just a quick twitter post or blog post to say a patch is on it's way will tell the player base they are not playing a dead game. It's been too quiet for too long and you still have a strong core of players who want it.
Thanks for the patch! I'm off home from work now to go play it.
Before, when placing a cyst, it would find the closest connected cyst and map out a path from that cyst to where your mouse cursor was. As it "walked" along the path, it would place a cyst down whenever it reached the maximum distance a cyst can be from its neighbor. Then, a cyst was placed at the end, where the mouse cursor was. This never really felt all that polished, as cysts would jitter around on the path and not behave consistently. Worse, the cyst at the end of the path would rarely actually be underneath the mouse cursor. This change is just a very minor change that ensures that the cyst is always under the mouse cursor, and that the intermediate cysts that are created are spaced out evenly.
Got it. Thanks.
(good to see that the HMG is still on your radar guys)
Yes but it was broken and hidden until @Brute fixed that shiz
25 health are 3 bullets. now straightline lerks can kill me only because they have more health than me time to shoot them. u are just supporting stupid lerk play.
the lerk was okay how it was.
Fixed that for you. Of course a marine can take down a trash lerk. but normally a descent lerk will always win a 1v1 against a rifle marine. but now even the most awful lerk can kill a marine with his tanky hp. in my experience aliens win so much rounds now. in 11 rounds since update 313 9 were won by the aliens.
They changed it because they are thinking increasing HP is a good rebalance for the horrible hitbox change.
Of course it doesn't work that Way. Sorry Nordic.
If you wish to offer constructive criticism of the change, do so. Please understand the actual reasoning behind it first though. This will net you better results.
You call me out, but not IronHorse? He has been talking up the lerk changes in the forums more than I have been. .
Those values were chosen because it resulted in a 2 more LMG bullets needing to kill a lerk in earlier stages of the game. Don't forget that biomass scaling was also reduced.
I understand that the reasoning makes sense from a UWE standpoint, but I dislike their standpoint, so I have no real interest to discuss this here.
Sorry i can't discuss with you when u dont even know the purposes of the lifeform. this sentence shows perfectly your pub-mentality and that u have a wrong picture of how to play a lerk.
To stay on topic, and speaking about comp 6v6 games you are right. After my match people were talking about it, how a rifle marine could not anymore have enough DPS to get a lerk in a single clip unless he does miss one byte, or how it affects a meatshot taking into account the spread pattern. This assumes a good accuracy and I am far from it, however I understand the concept. It felt good to be a rookie again and placed room for improvement I can learn from.
On my side 25 hp is only a single pistol shot or 2 rifle shot and I think this difference could only be relevance to div players, where each missed hit has a huge timing impact on if a lifeform is out of combat or alive. Otherwise for less skilled players like me this is more a question of how, when and where the engagment occures that matter.
@Rammler & @Katzenfleisch : you two are back to the age old argument: should they balance the game for pub or for comp?
Boosting the lerk HP is kinda cheesy, considering the previous flawed (in my view) hitbox change. They already played this with the skulks, remember? Marines were stomping unashamed, so they boosted the skulks HP (instead of reverting the hitboxes).
I'm not a comp player so I don't know the nuances regarding lerkplay, but even I can imagine the impact the HP increase results in.
I'm really grateful for the technical improvements, but can't the devs please leave the balancing alone for a bit? Pretty-please? x)
I also don't see the real reason for lerk HP increase... the games i've been playing looked balanced if the teams were equal to begin with.
I would probably need to take like a couple of days/weeks to figure out how to deal with balance changes in a way that I can clearly say it is OP.
You should realize that most parts in my posts are not about balance.
Sorry but it is annoying, in the beginning of the "change everything" era I gave constructive feedback why things are bad. The only response I ever got was either: 1.) We don't care. Or: 2.) You are a hater and hate changes in general without valid reasons.
It is 2.) what you seem to think too and if that is what you read out of my posts, I have no interest in giving you a proper answer to your post.
You are a nice guy Meph, but your attitude on some things is just bad.