A few noob questions

filledbfilledb Join Date: 2017-02-10 Member: 227782Members
I have a few questions. How do I access my personal inventory, or do I have to be aboard the pod to do so? How do I remove unwanted items from the inventory? Can I move the pod to a new position after clearing an area? Apparently coral and salt create potable water, salt I can find but where do I get coral? Do the bladderfish respawn and if so how long does it take?


  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    edited February 2017

    Welcome to the world of Subnautica. I'll try to answer your questions.

    1) To access personal inventory press the TAB key - you can do this anywhere.

    2) To remove items from inventory you can either drop them (I think it's right mouse click on the item), or open a locker, such as the one in the lifepod and click and drag items from your inventory to the locker.

    3) I am not sure if you can move the pod, though I guess you could try pushing it.

    4) Coral - tend to grow on rocky areas, and can be red, green or a sort of grey colour. There's loads of red ones in the safeshallows. You need a knife to cut them up.

    5) I am not sure if fish respawn.
  • filledbfilledb Join Date: 2017-02-10 Member: 227782Members
    Thanks for the help (: Perhaps you would be kind enough to field another question. In order to make a knife I need creepvine, in order to cut creepvine, I need a knife? It's a catch 22...
  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members
    filledb wrote: »
    Thanks for the help (: Perhaps you would be kind enough to field another question. In order to make a knife I need creepvine, in order to cut creepvine, I need a knife? It's a catch 22...

    You can pick up the seed clusters to create the silicon.
    Also go the floater island as soon as you make the scanner to get the good blueprints.
  • LordSingulothLordSinguloth Join Date: 2017-01-19 Member: 226955Members
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    No, you don't need creepvine for the knife, you need the yellow grape like things that grow on the creepvine. I think you need two of them to make the rubber handle of the knife.
  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    You get common coral samples from the big tubes sitting around. The table corals are only good for computer chips.
  • Crewman87Crewman87 Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224967Members
    As mentioned above, go the island (the direction without a compass is behind the Aurora, look for a big cloud covering the island). Here you will find many useful items, though I would craft a scanner first. On the island you can get growable food and blueprints (scan object to research) which will make your starting a bit easier.
  • IcremunIcremun Join Date: 2016-09-12 Member: 222276Members
    Myrm wrote: »

    Welcome to the world of Subnautica. I'll try to answer your questions.

    1) To access personal inventory press the TAB key - you can do this anywhere.

    2) To remove items from inventory you can either drop them (I think it's right mouse click on the item), or open a locker, such as the one in the lifepod and click and drag items from your inventory to the locker.

    3) I am not sure if you can move the pod, though I guess you could try pushing it.

    4) Coral - tend to grow on rocky areas, and can be red, green or a sort of grey colour. There's loads of red ones in the safeshallows. You need a knife to cut them up.

    5) I am not sure if fish respawn.

    To clear things up thing do respawn and you can move the life pod with the repulsion cannon, but just build a base.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    edited February 2017
    Just a highlight on #2, most items can only be dropped outside of Lifepod-5 and/or your base, in the ocean.

    A relatively small number of items can also be dropped inside, Luggage; Coffee Machine; and any of the Lab Equipment items (though these get "placed" rather than "dropped")

    The one exception to this is the "Equipment Locker" that you can fabricate, it can be dropped anywhere.

    With the latest update, almost everything can be put in a Trash Can (no need to trash-up the environment anymore), the exception being the Spent Nuclear Rods, they can only be eliminated by putting them into the LAB Biohazard Trash Can.

    Hopefully, sometime in the distant future, the Dev's will implement a process where we can breakdown fabricated items back to their basic elements.
  • Crewman87Crewman87 Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224967Members
    Funny thing is, I have yet to find the lab trash can on my newest save. I have only finished the Aurora so I am hoping the few abandoned bases I haven't reached yet will have them.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    More newbie tips: if you're holding something, you swim slower (one-handed swimming is slow). This can save your life as if you swim to the bottom holding a knife or scanner, and then swim up, the extra time it takes may be too much. Put it away, get there, pull it out, do work, put it away, then surface. Of course once you get the SeaGlide this is much easier (SeaGlide about 100m every 10 seconds, but keep the following point in mind.)

    Water depth and O2 / oxygen consumption. If you don't have a rebreather on (and you can't wear both the rad helmet and the rebreather at the same time) your O2 consumption is as follows:

    0-99m (white): 1x
    100-199m (yellow): 1.5x
    200+m (red): 2x

    Once you fix the radiation leakage from the Aurora, and the radiation dissipates, you can swap out the rad helmet for a rebreather to alleviate this.

    Oh. And Stalkers (sharky alligator type fish in the creepvine forest) like shiny things. Your knife is shiny. And they can steal your knife, so if it disappears that's what happened.

    Your knife can break, mouseover it in the inventory to find its durability % (you can just make 2 and have a spare).

    You should read the scanner encyclopedia entries, there is useful information there even though some of it is fluff. For example:
    Acid mushrooms are explosive. You need to cut them to get seeds, however, if you do this in a cluster of them they will chain react and kill you. The Stalker can be tamed temporarily, as well as trade with you. Hold a Peeper in your hand (I would keep several in inventory for his buddies & in case he gets bored) and he will eat it, and probably bring you a piece of Scrap Metal. When Stalkers pick up and play with / drop Scrap Metal, sometimes they lose teeth, which you need for Enameled Glass.

    As you can see, you should kind of pay attention to those entries, it will make your life a lot easier.
  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
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