Feel the need to complain about something ingame? Do it here!
cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members

This is a place for people to post complaints about the game, but first, some rules.
Add a suggestion about how to make something better - AGAIN, it has to be ingame.
Do this: I think it would be cool if you could repair knives, I have about 3 broken thermoblades in my locker without any use.
Ok - my one suggestion for what to do with the old terrafomer model (the devs said it was "too cool" to not reuse.)
TWO WORDS. Portal gun.
- Only mention things that are INGAME - no begging the devs for new stuff.
- Don't repeat complaints - I don't want 10 copies of people complaining about the laser cutter.
- Don't complain about the game lagging. That is not the dev's problem.
- Please, PLEASE refrain from using bad language. You may be upset, but seriously, kids play this game.
- Do not mention the rock puncher. Don't do it.
- Please make complaints reasonable. Don't ask for stupid stuff. (i'll let you be the judge of what is stupid, but use common sense.)
Add a suggestion about how to make something better - AGAIN, it has to be ingame.
Do this: I think it would be cool if you could repair knives, I have about 3 broken thermoblades in my locker without any use.
Ok - my one suggestion for what to do with the old terrafomer model (the devs said it was "too cool" to not reuse.)
TWO WORDS. Portal gun.
I've been long, long, looong requesting that the LED Lights and Flood Lights be allowed to draw from base power wirelessly. The former's spectacularly useless in almost every conceivable way, and most wrecks aren't dark enough to warrant needing a floodlight. Endgame biomes are bright as day with the exception of the BKZ Trench, so its not of much use there either. They're only really good for decoration, but needing to replace their batteries constantly - rechargeable or not - is a pain. And speaking of darkness...
The Lost River, Deep Grand, and Inactive Lava regions are all way, way too bright. I wouldn't want to see them pitch black, but I'd love to see them darker. The Sea Dragon's bioluminescence is entirely wasted in the Active Lava Zone, and the Inactive Lava Zone doesn't do it any justice either.
Seeding some 'common' resources into the Mountains would be nice. Mixing some Large Titanium Deposits, scrap metal, and such along with the Basalt and Uraninite. Even the DUNES has common resources in it, and Large Silver Deposits, to make it worth scanning over for the basics. Because of the reaper infested waters of both regions, it would be a last resort or late game harvesting, but still. Variety and all that yes?
On resources.... Later resources tend to be way more common than the staples. You burn through Titanium and Quartz so rapidly, but after a few crafts you've exhausted the usefulness of Gold and Diamond. Either they need to be made rarer, or given more use.
yeah, I get 100% of my silver from the dunes now. only place it's accually worth going to to get it.
The only other place I know of is the Northern Kelp Forests near the UW Islands and Mountain. The caves there sometimes have loads of it in a concentrated area. The Dunes is still my go-to place when I'm willing to play dodge-the-reaper or have a Prawn up and ready ^^
It was actually a nice change of pace to see the Dunes - a deeper biome - actually sport some staples rather than what you'd usually expect from a later game location.
"Dodge - The - Reaper" - That made me smile. Sounds like some kind of incredibly dark children's game.
Of course it's the dev's problem. The devs clearly acknowledge this. Think before you post!
I might have a mild case of OCD, but I like things neat and organized in the seabase but as it stands now the multipurpose room sucks when building lockers. Before I was able to fit 4 on every wall, dunno if that was intended or not but that's how my "crafting area" looks. But I was about to relocate and fix my base up, but now it seems I can build 4 lockers on one wall and the rest is limited to 3 lockers. Which sucks and really grinds my gears because its not even! Also having them be a little higher so I can fit 2 rows of lockers on the walls would be great, because I cannot fit everything I want in one multipurpose room and if I have to use a ladder or make tubes sticking out of it just looks and feel so unorganized. Being able to merge them would be great, but I still have to use a ladder, but if there was a way to remove the floor when you stack them like if you stack alien containment aquariums that would solve my problem as I would be able to fit all the lockers I need so that each item have atleast on locker each with the most common items like titanium have 2 or maybe even 3.
As it stands, we have our blueprints to follow, but in a real survival situation we would be able to make rooms wider or narrower, higher or lower. Like it would be great if we were able to make stuff bigger or smaller by a few %'s atleast, that would again solve my complaint.
Also, when using ladders in corridors they end up being in the middle and not against the wall so you are bound to run into them, which also sucks major balls. Like who in their right mind decide to build a ladder in the middle of the hallway so he have to sneak past it everytime?
Also, as much as I like my reefback friends I don't need them stuck in the safe shallows bumping into my base, if they were able to destory my base, the whole thing would be gone by now. How I see it I can't really imagine it being impossible to limit creatures to their own biomez, atleast when it comes to the reefback because they are clearly not made to swim around in the safe shallows. And the one I currently have as my neighbor came there on his own accord, I was in the process of building my new base when I came back to my old one to get a battery and there he was, like he spawned there. and yes, its almost in the middle of the safe shallow, I can hardly park my cyclops there.
I meant if you have a crappy computer and your game lags, it's not the dev's fault.
The whole unoriginal, cliche Precursor concept sucks and has really ruined the game for me. The game was a thousand times better before these ridiculous and ugly Precursor structures and story lines popped up all over the place.
The PRAWN really sucks, as a concept. And it's ugly as hell and I never want to build one because mechs are for wimps.
The fact you're basically following an easy (but time consuming) check list from start to finish sucks.
The complete lack of replayability sucks. I know people will disagree, but really there's nothing I can't experience in one play through, and I have no real desire to see anything more than once any more.
The lack of challenge, the easy-to-deal-with creatures, and the fact I haven't felt scared in the game since my very first play through, really, really sucks.
The fact I'm so burned out on Subnautica sucks most of all. But it really is a game where the first play through is the best play through.
Gees, don't hold back dude...
Except ever these so called uberrigs will run into trouble anyway after a while
eventually, yes.
The only one I honestly disagree with is the Replayability part. I can't stop starting up a new save and doing it all over again every single time xD
The checklist thing and lack of a challenge is def a complaint I strongly share though. When the immediate start of the game is the only real challenge, and the game gets exponentially easier as time goes by, is a bit of a let down.
The Lava Zones are endgame biomes, yet I feel safer there than I do in the Dunes, the Mountains, and sometimes even kinda feel just like its a cavern version of the Grassy Plateus. Sure, it's "superhot" (one damage every what, seven seconds?) and it's got a leviathan in it (That spends more time ignoring you and attacking other fauna than anything), Warpers (And they're definitely terrifying when they're not busy wandering on a predefined patrol path then vanishing) Lava Lizards (fiery sandsharks)..... But it just doesn't feel like a very threatening or dangerous place.
Yup lag fest on my rig
AMD 9590
ASRock extreme 9 mother board
32gb Corsair dominator
XFX R280 card
2tb Samsung SSD
Still can't enter the mushroom forest with out walking it in the prawn.
I wish the Gravsphere had an upgrade. Maybe have it stasis things that get too close, or actually pull things in towards it rather than simply keeping it from straying too far, or at least slowing things down that it snares. Also I've noticed that it doesn't actually snare new things that approach after its deployed. I had peepers swim up to and past it just fine - only the ones that were within range at deployment seemed to be snared?
I'd also like to add a note to my List after re-reading my comment earlier. When a Gasopod bomb damages you a thousand times faster than superheated volcanic water - while unprotected I must add - then there's a bit of a problem with that endgame biome the developers really feel like limiting access to right now. The Brine Pools in the Lost River at least damage you pretty harshly if you step into them (The freezing water, will that ever affect anything?) but the boiling hot water damages far too slowly for it to really be considered a threat of any kind.
I think most people just swim around until they have a feel for the environment. I've never used a map, I've just explored enough that there are several landmarks that I recognize that I use to figure out where I'm at.
If I'm in the safe shallows and I hear a loud thermal vent, I know I'm near my usual base location.
GOD DAMN THE AIRLOCK DOOR FAILING TO OPEN AFTER RELOAD... bulkheads please, how many times do the devs have to fix you?
Save the map in your screenshots folder, then you can access it from the PDA in game or even put it in a picture frame.
That's actually a genius workaround. Consider it like the player digging around in the aurora PDA files to find a rudimentary mapping of the region and saving it to his personal PDA.
Yep. You might have to resize the map (you did on one build, then you didn't after an update, not sure anymore) but it's nice.
I always used to put the map by my base exits so I could have a little recon before I left on a resource run.
I've seen some custom art in the seabase showcase - I'm working on taking screenshots of the PDAs and making a library.
Lifepod mode: You can start in any of the abandoned lifepods, and you have to survive from there. Some, like number 7(bloodgrass) or 6(safe shallows), are easy, while numbers 4(crash zone) and 2(blood kelp) are harder. This would add the ability to make the start of the game easier/ harder.
I might take some time and make some Subnautica / Ocean related images for people to use. I already have started a collection myself.