Is it a bug? No, it's a blob.
Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members

Yesterday, after bringing my Cyclops into its parking space on the surface above my main seabase, I found the dang thing wouldn't level out. It was sitting there with a nose-up attitude that was throwing things off. Did the usual to try to get him to cooperate - jump it, submerge and re-surface - and no dice. Still listing. So, like any good submariner, I did a hull crawl. (Little used procedure with modern subs involving putting a diver or two into the water to comb the surface of the sub for anything out of the ordinary.)
Was it a bug? Nope! There was a floater attached to the sub's side, right near the waterline and forward of amidships. Popped the floater off and wouldn't'cha know it, the sub leveled right out.
Now I have no idea where that annoying little floater came from, nor why it decided to make friends with my sub. I can say that it's going to be stuck to something deep in the Lost River as punishment for that little indiscretion, though.
Point being: before thinking "I've found a bug," make sure it's not something doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing.
Was it a bug? Nope! There was a floater attached to the sub's side, right near the waterline and forward of amidships. Popped the floater off and wouldn't'cha know it, the sub leveled right out.
Now I have no idea where that annoying little floater came from, nor why it decided to make friends with my sub. I can say that it's going to be stuck to something deep in the Lost River as punishment for that little indiscretion, though.
Point being: before thinking "I've found a bug," make sure it's not something doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing.

Funny how that comment is so context-dependent.
Ubsioft: Even money; might be either one. Tiebreaker: is smoke coming out of your device?
Microsoft: It's definitely a bug. Maybe more than one, in fact.
Subnautica: It's probably a feature. Look again.
I remember seeing like three floaters stuck to a single peeper. Poor thing couldn't move. Didn't cause any trouble like ramming into my base and making it flood, but it was rooted in position and looking rather sad.
Yes. One floater can force a Cyclops to the surface and prevent it from sinking. Yet I often see 4 or 5 floaters on a little rock but it continues to sink.
Well did you help the poor thing? (Note: Cooking it is not considered "helping.")
Yeah I grabbed the floaters off it and let the lil guy go.
You're a good man, @Rezca... a good man.
I let the floaters go too - one of them latched onto a nearby rock, the other latched onto a gasopod. I wasn't about to go up to that thing to get them off since they don't like me getting close to them without gassing me to death
No idea where the third one went.
To the surface, I expect.
The Cyclops maintains neutral buoyancy, therefore that can be altered rather easily. In other words, it maintains just enough water in the ballast tanks to maintain a net weight in the water that it's displacing of '0' -- therefore, it neither rises nor sinks. Until you tell it to. Then, either water is pumped in or out of the ballast tanks, or pump jets thrust it up or down (or also, in a RL sub, movable fins let it 'fly' in the water when going forwards, but I don't see those on the Cyclops except for the little pump jet struts, and I dunno if those are big enough).
The rock, on the other hand, maintains no such thing.
Fire 5 floaters into a reaper leviathan...
Hahaha I can literally see the "Top of the foodchain" floating on top of the ocean in quite a few games from now on.