
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Did you mean Sunbeam explodes, or Aurora explodes, at the 20MB save mark?
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    ... sunbeam.

    Moving my post to page 6 now.
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    edited March 2017
    Can't help anyone with game not loading. But SO FAR I do have a solution that is working for me.

    First I'll explain some notes then how I got these to happen:

    NOTES: (I shouldn't need to write that these are just important or unique events during my play today, not a comprehensive list of everything done in the game)
    - Infected update installed
    - Game loads instantly from Xbox menu but now takes 30 seconds to get to the main menu. Says LOADING and blinks
    - Was able to recover a 2hr old game that previously wouldn't load! Glitched after C&C but loads with infected
    - Title screen asked me to update and it started working again
    - Since then did a few things including go to aurora, make sea moth, etc. no prawn no cyc,

    Events, at each one of these I'd save:

    Sunbeam explodes
    - seems fine
    - File save size about 20MB according to Xbox save data manager
    - Game time no longer than 10hr

    Rendezvous point (floating island)
    - Explored whole island
    - Save at beach
    - 137 seconds long save!
    - quit to title
    - Loads to menu INSTANTLY
    - Game at time at 12:37hr
    - Loads!

    Back at pod
    - 9 seconds to save
    - 30 seconds to load menu
    - loads
    - Save file now 32MB
    - Built a small base, 3x foundation, 2x tubes, 3x wall lockers, 1x hatch, 1x solar panel

    Built a moon pool
    - time now says 20hr
    - 9 seconds save
    - 30 seconds menu
    - Loads

    Changed base around
    - added multifunction room
    - Added and removed pieces
    - Window in moon pool
    - Saved in 10 seconds
    - 30 seconds from press menu to select game
    - Loads.
    - Game time now says 23hr, game time DEFINITELY messed up

    - taking what a dev mentioned about it possibly being a cache issue, I made only ONE SAVE at a time, and as soon as it was done I quit to menu and loaded the game to see if it would load properly
    - So far has loaded every time
    - My plan is this: pull the Ethernet cable from the Xbox right before every save (!IMPORTANT!), then save, quit to main, then load
    - if it works (game loads properly): plug internet back in, hopefully Xbox upload syncs known working save to cloud.
    - If it doesn't work (load file error): go to save data for game and while offline delete the local saves, THEN shut SN down, connect online, and allow download resync from cloud (haven't needed to do this yet)
    - The idea being I might be able to allow only the working save files to sync to cloud. On error, abort by deleting local and roll back to latest working cloud save
    - Each time I save I make sure I've only done specific set of things- for example I explored the aurora, got back, saved, tested the save.
    - If I get an error, and can successfully recover by resync download from cloud, might be able to dial in exactly what is causing error

    - Never double saved
    - Never saved while online, disconnected before save, if works plugged back in
    - Died once, not certain but I think death creates a save could be wrong, if it does it didn't glitch there. But if it does save on death and does glitch, that could be a false correlation to death and glitch
    - had a long save condition on floating island beach, expected error but continued to load, save game did get a lot bigger though 20MB to 32MB
    - interestingly: the Time Played counter is absolutely broken!! Went from 7hr to 23hr in 4 actual play hours

    I'll play more as available but so far it keeps working. At the same time, it's concerning that the gametime counter is so broken, maybe a clue.
  • sumrrainsumrrain USA Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220003Members
    i do not care about lnfectiuos when i cannot even save a game! either you have lost focus or your announcements have, I cannot play the game until you fix the save, any additional programming you provide is worthless until you fix that bug!!!!!!!!!
  • jessicalaurajessicalaura Australia Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228390Members
    sumrrain wrote: »
    i do not care about lnfectiuos when i cannot even save a game! either you have lost focus or your announcements have, I cannot play the game until you fix the save, any additional programming you provide is worthless until you fix that bug!!!!!!!!!

    Chill out buddy, they're working really hard trying to fix this bug. As they have said many times, fixing this bug is their TOP PRIORITY. You just have to be patient. This is an in development game, it's going to have issues. That's what we are here for, to test the game and report anything wrong so they can try their best to fix it.
  • HeartOfTheKINGHeartOfTheKING XBOX ONE Join Date: 2016-05-30 Member: 217758Members
    este_00 wrote: »
    Haven't heard about game not starting for anyone.

    Fwiw, anyone doing the delete local files and resyncing from cloud... I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to take 1/2 hour for three save files. Goes into my theory that the saves are massive because of a loop or buffer overrun.

    I recovered a save this way. you can read more about it here. It doesn't seem to work for everyone though, and I've only had the chance to try it once.
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    este_00 wrote: »
    Haven't heard about game not starting for anyone.

    Fwiw, anyone doing the delete local files and resyncing from cloud... I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to take 1/2 hour for three save files. Goes into my theory that the saves are massive because of a loop or buffer overrun.

    I recovered a save this way. you can read more about it here. It doesn't seem to work for everyone though, and I've only had the chance to try it once.

    Yea, if you long read my post you'll see that my method uses a similar process but doesn't rely on chance to pull a pre-corrupted one from the cloud. What I can't be sure if that I'm storing my latest on the cloud when I hope it is, but, I really don't know how I'd test that considering the resync process took me like 30 minutes and I'm not going to keep testing that!
  • BlindGuardianBlindGuardian Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217604Members
    I am still confident in my theory as I played all weekend and still haven't encountered any save issue.

    I believe the game is loading things in when you're saving and running into trouble. I am only saving at my base, after waiting 10 seconds standing still. The ONLY time I got the long "saving" issue was when I was facing a very long hallway, which led to a moon pool which led to an observatory. So there was a lot in my line of sight. The "saving" icon stayed on the screen for a few minutes, but then went away. I tried saving again, this time facing a wall instead of an opening, and waiting 10 seconds again for things to load in and no issues. I have been able to save like this repeatedly and am having NO issues.

    I had the long save before going to the Sunbeam event, only having a seamoth.

    So I can only assume some people are saving, but the saving icon stays, and during that time they are quitting before it goes away, or not waiting for it to go away and saving again, or moving around when it still says "saving" (again I am always standing still about 10 seconds and I don't move until the "saving" icon goes away.)

    Try this out, I seriously have not encountered this save issue on any of my 5 separate save files. I've had most of these save files since day 1 and they still work fine.


    Wait for game to load stuff (stand still), I wait about 10 seconds. Then save, don't move until "saving" at top of screen goes away. If it stays "saving" for a long time, wait it out, then save again after "saving" goes away. Try facing a wall and waiting ~10 seconds and saving if you get the long save.

    I hope this helps or the devs look into this maybe being the case, as I have no idea how computer or game programming is done, and am simply testing a theory I found. So far no issues for me though.
  • jessicalaurajessicalaura Australia Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228390Members
    I am still confident in my theory as I played all weekend and still haven't encountered any save issue.

    I believe the game is loading things in when you're saving and running into trouble. I am only saving at my base, after waiting 10 seconds standing still. The ONLY time I got the long "saving" issue was when I was facing a very long hallway, which led to a moon pool which led to an observatory. So there was a lot in my line of sight. The "saving" icon stayed on the screen for a few minutes, but then went away. I tried saving again, this time facing a wall instead of an opening, and waiting 10 seconds again for things to load in and no issues. I have been able to save like this repeatedly and am having NO issues.

    I had the long save before going to the Sunbeam event, only having a seamoth.

    So I can only assume some people are saving, but the saving icon stays, and during that time they are quitting before it goes away, or not waiting for it to go away and saving again, or moving around when it still says "saving" (again I am always standing still about 10 seconds and I don't move until the "saving" icon goes away.)

    Try this out, I seriously have not encountered this save issue on any of my 5 separate save files. I've had most of these save files since day 1 and they still work fine.


    Wait for game to load stuff (stand still), I wait about 10 seconds. Then save, don't move until "saving" at top of screen goes away. If it stays "saving" for a long time, wait it out, then save again after "saving" goes away. Try facing a wall and waiting ~10 seconds and saving if you get the long save.

    I hope this helps or the devs look into this maybe being the case, as I have no idea how computer or game programming is done, and am simply testing a theory I found. So far no issues for me though.

    I can debunk the moving before the save icon goes away. I had a save running for about an hour and didn't move while saving and the save file still corrupted.

    However, I have started a new save and try to save as little as possible and only save while I'm in the safe shallows (the frame rate is best for me there, and less chance that stuff are loading in while I save), so far I've had no issues. If I notice a dip in the frame rate I will not save until a minute or so after it returns to normal. This method is based on the theory that saves get corrupted if you save while there are things still loading into the game, so if it is correct then that would mean that saving as little as possible and only in areas that don't dip in frame rates often (safe shallows, for example), would have less of a chance of corrupting your save. Just a thought
  • ArientoAriento Join Date: 2017-03-13 Member: 228908Members
    I can't figure out screenshots, but I can type up the error I got:
    Save data loading failed (InvalidFormat).

    Before my most recent play session, I had already explored both islands, and watched the Sunbeam explode (RIP). I built a base in the Safe Shallows near my lifepod, with a growbed, battery charger, and 3 lockers.

    Last time I played, I went to the Aurora in my Seamoth. I explored all the areas, downloaded all the PDA data, and sealed the leaks. I also took various consumables, the kitty poster, some lab equipment, and all the luggage bags. I drove back home to my base, dumped a lot of the loot in my lockers, and did some work in the base. I filled up my hunger on Lantern Fruits, I built a lab counter, a narrow bed, and a bench. I put up the kitty poster, and put all of the luggage bags into one bag. I put the lab equipment and the bag-full-of-bags on the counter. I put my used batteries in the charger. I saved.

    And today I got the dreaded error. I don't think I'm gonna play seriously any more, not until this is fixed. But I may try to see if I can replicate the error when I'm less upset about the lost save.
  • onepeechewonepeechew Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228924Members
    So I suffered my first load failure at 11 hours after restarting for the recent update.

    I have previously played on 4 or 5 restarts, made bases explored the islands, built stuff, hoarded material, saved multiple times in session or only at the end, saved in different environments, in/out of bases, died/not died, triggered the Sunbeam event etc. - all the things that everyone else seems to have done in game when they experienced problems with one exception.

    The only thing that I have done differently this time from every other time I played and saved, was enter the alien base at Mountain Island during the session I subsequently saved and was then unable to load. This was also the only time I got a much longer than normal time to save ( I tried saving again right after having waited about 30 secs - the save time for this was short as reported by others).

    I understand from Max's post:

    "This is because before this patch the game didn't actually save the state of the world like it did on the PC (it only saved the player). That's the reason we had to delay the Precursor patch, because the new content created a lot of problems without the ability to save the state of the various doors you unlock.

    This is very likely the reason we're seeing some issues with loading save games... that part of the code has changed substantially from previous Xbox releases. Based on the reports it sounds like the problem is happening with the part of the process where the game copies the saved game from the Xbox's persistent storage to the area of the hard disk that's used for temporary storage (where the game will read it)."

    ... maybe the problem is related to saving/loading the state of this particular bit of the world?

    I'm going to restart and go in/not go in the alien base and see how consistently this behaviour stacks up.
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    yeah, I'm having this problem. I had a 13h save that i'd just lost. I had the seamoth, a good base, good gear, and I was prepping up for things, and looking for a moonpool. i'm not sure how to retrieve a previous save on the one save, as I'm playing on xbox one, which means back up saves aren't a thing on there. if anyone could help me, please quote on this comment.

  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    edited March 2017
    Ah, I posted a pretty scientific method with the best chance of being able to recover saves, already confirmed it's not death, it's not actually the long save that is definitely bad, it's not moving, I've saved inside the mushroom forest so it's not specifically related to loading or pop-in, I had a save crash with no doors open, no habitat built, and everyone just keeps posting the same thing :)

    I don't envy the devs. But really, at this point, I would overnight someone's Xbox if I had to or ask for a cloned external drive uploaded with their credentials, or whatever it took to replicate. This is a little ridiculous.

    That's said, still haven't been able to get a crash with my method.

    edit: also confirmed that for me, double saves didn't work
  • WizzyOfOzzyWizzyOfOzzy Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228946Members
    Shotout wrote: »
    XB1S F;
    Save Load Failed.
    Was in Prawn Bay (PB) about to leave ship.
    Saved in PB, but went back to Emissary's Room to guess door code.
    Day passed, quit save, looked at Main Menu Feedback.
    Tried to reload save from PB.
    Result Load error.
    Turned off XB. Restarted SN.
    Save Load failed.
    No Recovery Possible.
    Starting another save.

    This is exactly what is happening to me. I can't play my save files!!!
  • WizzyOfOzzyWizzyOfOzzy Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228946Members
    edited March 2017
    christiec5 wrote: »
    I began playing this game a couple weeks ago. I haven't had any issues with loading saved with the castles and coffee update but I just updated to the infected update tonight (March 9 around 12:30 maybe EST) and my save files no longer load. I have triggered the sunbeam event and have explored the floating island, the precursor containment facility (both the shooting gun one and the lost river one which just got updated), and the aurora. I am playing survival mode, in case anyone was wondering. I also have not tried to make any new games. I am attaching pictures to this so you can see what exactly I'm talking about. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. I used my phone and zoomed in on my tv because I couldn't figure how to upload screen shots from the Xbox onto the forum. Please let me know if you need clarification on anything.nlbhmx7dkr9m.jpg



    This is exactly what is happening to me. I can't play my save files!!!
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    @WizzyOfOzzy one message is plenty. Etiquette on most forums is to only put one message, and wait for others to respond. The developers have said they know about the issue, but are having trouble reproducing it. If you can figure out something that is helpful, please let them know. :)

    @Foxy Can we get a cleanup? :)

    Speaking of reproduction, has anyone who is having the save issue had a doubled or missing wreck before the failed save?
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    Day 5 using the pull-the-internet method, still can't get it to corrupt.

    On the topic of "long saves"... I had two last night, one at 3 minutes and another at 3.5 minutes. Followed the same method I've been using, load them up, they work fine. So it's not explicitly the long save that causes the issue. It does seem to be that the save time is proportional (albeit doesn't seem linear) to how far you've traveled since the last save.

    Interestingly loading to menu from these long saves is USUALLY nearly instant for how long the "Loading..." blinks after the "Press Menu" but not always, after the 3.5min it took a minute to load just to the menu.

    It's boring, but so far repeatable. Save game size is now 45MB or so.
  • Fluffybunny5000Fluffybunny5000 Panama City Beach, Fl Join Date: 2016-08-08 Member: 221092Members
    I'm having the EXACT same issue... i always come back to this game to see if they fixed it yet... i do hope they fix this soon i REALLY like this game.
    It's a good theory, however I started a fresh world yesterday and after I got to a certain point in the beginning, roughly 15 minutes or so, it would not load. I did not enter any structure, including the Aurora, and I had constructed a small base, a seaglider, and a mobile vehicle bay. It may, though, have something to do with the structures though.

  • Captn_MikroCaptn_Mikro Michigan Join Date: 2016-10-22 Member: 223287Members
    Preview Development there are will be issues you were warned are warned every time game launches
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    this has being going on for about almost 3 weeks. when is this going to be fixed? I've tried different ways to do it but it seems the game is just broken. my 13h save is corrupted, and I flee upset and distraught that I worked so hard on a save only for it to get glitched/corrupted. this has gone on far enough, and the solution too this bug might just destroy the game. I love this game, but I hate things like these bugs that make it so bad. I've seen a ton of threads trying to find ways to see what is going on.
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    este_00 wrote: »
    Ah, I posted a pretty scientific method with the best chance of being able to recover saves, already confirmed it's not death, it's not actually the long save that is definitely bad, it's not moving, I've saved inside the mushroom forest so it's not specifically related to loading or pop-in, I had a save crash with no doors open, no habitat built, and everyone just keeps posting the same thing :)

    I don't envy the devs. But really, at this point, I would overnight someone's Xbox if I had to or ask for a cloned external drive uploaded with their credentials, or whatever it took to replicate. This is a little ridiculous.

    That's said, still haven't been able to get a crash with my method.

    edit: also confirmed that for me, double saves didn't work

    I don't wanna give up on a 13h save, really. I got a ton of stuff done there, and it's been about 5 days since this happened.
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    NOTE: i got this AFTER the Infection update. i also have this on Xbox One and plan on getting it on the PC if my save on the Xbox is purely lost.
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    if my save is NOT lost after the patch, then i shall not buy subnautica on the PC.
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    edited March 2017
    Please stomp feet somewhere else. This isn't the right place for it.

    It's a PREVIEW game.
  • jessicalaurajessicalaura Australia Join Date: 2017-02-28 Member: 228390Members
    Spooky626 wrote: »
    this has being going on for about almost 3 weeks. when is this going to be fixed? I've tried different ways to do it but it seems the game is just broken. my 13h save is corrupted, and I flee upset and distraught that I worked so hard on a save only for it to get glitched/corrupted. this has gone on far enough, and the solution too this bug might just destroy the game. I love this game, but I hate things like these bugs that make it so bad. I've seen a ton of threads trying to find ways to see what is going on.

    It's an in development game. It is upsetting to lose a save, but just know that we are all in the same boat as you. The more people who stomp their feet and complain instead of being understanding to the developers and actually providing constructive input, the longer we have to wait for a fix that actually works. Once again, in development game: don't expect a full release gaming experience when you play it pre-release. Spamming the thread doesn't help.
  • bi99lesbi99les Oz Join Date: 2017-03-10 Member: 228798Members
    My friend people have every right to get upset with any game that breaks wether its development or not. The fact is this has developed into a pos.
  • PatrailPatrail Join Date: 2017-03-16 Member: 228992Members
    So after downloading the new update, containing the gun and base in the lava zone, I was extremely excited to see everything. After exploring the gun (after updating my latest and farthest world), I saved and exited. When I came back, the file will not load, stating "Save data loading failed. Try again?" After trying countless times it will not even load for three seconds. In turn I made a new world thinking that it was simply an update thing and a new world would be fine. Sure enough, it does the same exact thing. I love this game too much to put it down, and this glitch or bug is holding me back severely. I have searched the web and it seems like this has only happened to me, so I'm concerned with what the problem is seeing as how my Xbox One is still very new.

    Same thing i was about to get the PRAWN but i had to go i exited and saved came back the error pops up over and over again
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    bi99les wrote: »
    My friend people have every right to get upset with any game that breaks wether its development or not. The fact is this has developed into a pos.

    What other Early Access / Game Preview games are you comparing with? Pretty sure there are fully released games by large studios that have had teething problems for months on end, and yet somehow we're supposed to expect an indie company to have no major issues while still in beta release?
  • ArientoAriento Join Date: 2017-03-13 Member: 228908Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    bi99les wrote: »
    My friend people have every right to get upset with any game that breaks wether its development or not. The fact is this has developed into a pos.

    What other Early Access / Game Preview games are you comparing with? Pretty sure there are fully released games by large studios that have had teething problems for months on end, and yet somehow we're supposed to expect an indie company to have no major issues while still in beta release?

    Pokemon X and Y come to mind. If you saved in a certain spot, you would become unable to load your save. It has since been patched, but that was a AAA fully released game, not an Early Access/Game Preview.

    People certainly have a right to be upset <span style="font-size:7px">I may or may not have started losing it when it happened to me</span>, but these things happen, especially in an unfinished game. The devs are working hard to fix this, but it takes time.
  • este_00este_00 Join Date: 2017-03-01 Member: 228436Members
    Been using the pull-internet, save, unload, reload method for a week now. Zero issues.

    I've done all the things that people say are the problem, no issues so far. I've saved in the mushroom forest while moving, I died (accidentally), I've built bases, sunbeam event, been to the lost river and deep grand reef with 1-2fps, and the precursor bases, etc etc, no issues so far.

    It really does seem like an subnautica to xbox issue and not a game data/event issue. I'm not sure why this is so hard to replicate on the dev end, but whatever, I have a method that's working for now. I might take a break from SN to get a few games off my backlog, mainly because I'm sick of the FPS.
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