So, I have a nice survival world and a Cyclops. I've had little crashes but lately that number has sky rocketed, the reason for this being that every time I get in or out the Cyclops my game charshes. Can any one help me with this?
Subnautica is currently in Early Access and as such you may find gameplay bugs and weird glitches.
It would greatly help us out if you could please post your issues with as much detail as possible (video/screenshots/descriptions), followed by the following requested information...
Things to include in your report (if possible)
Example Topic Title:
[Bug] Seamoth Is Turning Blue! [Version Number]
Contents of Bug report:
Subnautica Version - This can be found in the top right of your game when playing Description - What is wrong, in general terms Reproduction steps - Detailed steps on how to reproduce your problem. This makes it a lot easier to fix! Pictures or Video - Pictures can be uploaded to, videos to output_log.txt (Error Log) - If applicable. Instructions:
Anything you find with reproduction steps, with images and/or video should be posted. Posting something like "this is broken" doesnt help us fix the issue. The more information, the better!
Other users can also chime in on the topic, post their screenshots and discuss reproduction steps.
Thanks so much for helping!