Probably be much easier for Them to just program in wall mounts to specific places in a couple of the base components, rather than having to add the complete process of using the Fabricator and then making it possible for us to add them to the walls.
While we're on the subject, how about adding a way to 'recharge' empty fire extinguishers? Now that they have an endgame use, it sucks that they have limited lifespan. Although I haven't had to use one lately, but I suspect they probably last as long in real life as they do in game. But with that said, if you're needing to use one for periods of time when piloting the Cyclops, you're going to need more than just the one to put out fires. And I know, there's the Fire Suppression Module that can be used - but sometimes people won't have it made, or just want to prioritize other modules over that one.
I'm not asking for an entirely new appliance just for one unit, although having one built-in to the Cyclops could be useful (similar to the new fabricator that they added to it recently - I'm not sure what it is called though, since I keep having to restart my games over due to various issues) They could add a recipe that uses a Fire Extinguisher, Magnesium and Crashfish Sulphur Powder to 'recharge' it to a new unit. I'm not certain what compounds make up the actual coolant in reality - I'm just looking to give minimal-use ingredients more of a purpose, lol.
But! While writing this up I hit on a smart solution: Just give the single Cyclops Fire Extinguisher holder the ability to slowly recharge the Extinguisher when clipped to the wall. That way, we can rely on fewer Extinguishers should the need arise, and we won't need to lug around ingredients to make more or have a locker filled with just them. It adds a level of management, so that if you're only holding a couple and they're empty, and you're surrounded by aggressive enemies, then you can Silent Running up and let those babies recharge!
I'm not asking for an entirely new appliance just for one unit, although having one built-in to the Cyclops could be useful (similar to the new fabricator that they added to it recently - I'm not sure what it is called though, since I keep having to restart my games over due to various issues)
But! While writing this up I hit on a smart solution: Just give the single Cyclops Fire Extinguisher holder the ability to slowly recharge the Extinguisher when clipped to the wall. That way, we can rely on fewer Extinguishers should the need arise, and we won't need to lug around ingredients to make more or have a locker filled with just them. It adds a level of management, so that if you're only holding a couple and they're empty, and you're surrounded by aggressive enemies, then you can Silent Running up and let those babies recharge!