powercell exploite
Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members

the wall charger is neat but i have found that i can change out the powercells in the seamoth and/or the prawnsuit wail its in the moonpool to charge them almost instantly making the wall mounted powercell charger pointless

the prawnsuit is easier as you dont have to be in the water to change it

the prawnsuit is easier as you dont have to be in the water to change it

Myself I just posted an alternative
Maybe they should reduce the power consumption rate and the recharge rate, but given how much more resources are needed for the Moonpool vs the Power Cell Charger, the MP should have an advantage over the PCC, in my opinion. Not to mention the fact the Moonpool is a friggin' SEABASE ROOM that distributes power to environmental vehicles and their complex electronic consoles... as opposed to a small appliance that charges two smaller devices.
So what it's faster, I actually use the Wall Chargers to hold my extra power cells anyway.
(it's cooler looking than just stuffing them into a locker)
This constant searching for "exploits" that some folks spend their time doing, seems to me to be a really pizz-poor way to play the game.
Hey, if it helps the devs find bugs and workarounds that hurt the intended product it's a good thing at this stage.
This is a neat trick but I wouldn't say it's an exploit, you are still paying for the power and it's probably more expensive to do it this way in terms of base power lost. The speed is a good tradeoff for that.
Yeah completely agree. We are basically playtesters since the game is still in Early Access and our ''job'' is to find out what seem to not work as intended so the Devs can get to it before official release. In my opinion its a very cool job tho
Of course one could very well get a powercell charger long before the moonpool, then once the moonpool is acquired its much easier and faster to recharge the cells like that if thats what they choose to go for as a progression .... but then imo it should be much harder to get the moonpool than it is now.
Whether or not they rework the energy, I don't see this 'bug/feature' cause problem.
I know right now the energy exploits are getting closed and the system reworked, but will this also be the case for the station rechargers? Because if this happens, then the energy need of a station will drastically rise. While a station could have far less than 1000 power in the past, this would make stations need 1000's of energy from power plants. Considering how much resources you must gather for power that should get ugly.
Agreed. Base power is consumed either way, so it's more or less a personal preference sort of thing. Besides, I can't think of any time where I've needed a ton of charged power cells right now...probably because I have a rack of cell chargers to hold spares at 100%, but that's another story.
Sorry for the drift, but I really like that blue on both your subs.
1. Drain your Seamoth to zero power.
2. Dock the Seamoth in your Moon Pool
3. Observe what happens to your base power.
(It drops by a HUGE amount immediately)
Experiment two:
1. Place (4) completely depleted Power Cells in your Power Cell Charger
2. Observe what happens to your base power.
(Does it even drop at all while slowly charging them to full?)
As things currently stand, the exploit is most definitely not using the Moon Pool. If there is any exploit at all, it is the "FREE" energy you get when you use the Power Cell Charger...
Though, judging from the recent changes to the Cyclops, I doubt it will stay that way long...
Ran a quick test just to make sure I wasn't spewing nonsense.
Power cell charger takes roughly 13 seconds to charge 1%.
At the present the power cell charger gives 6% energy to a cell for every 1 power taken.
By contrast the bioreactor generates 1 power every 12 seconds (abouts)
So as it stands the drain of a power cell charger is roughly 1 power every 78 seconds, or roughly 7 energy throughout the night (if using solar panels)
In the same amount of time the bioreactor, the worst energy producer in the game, produces 6.5 power.
so... is not free but might as well be.
vehicles in real life don't charge that fast and yes letterly rather then charging it slowly the moonpool transfers a huge amount power from your base to your vehicle and if you don't have a buffer or extra power in storage you can kill your base in till the generator caches up
i also don't think that you should be able to go right back out as soon as you get back i think you should at least have wait a little wile for the battery's in the vehicle to charge especially when your using ion powercels
I tried experiment 1, but it failed as my 0% energy Seamoth could no longer move, so I couldn't dock it in my Moonpool.
Experiment 2 also failed, as my Power Cell Charger can only hold 2 Power Cells, so I'm afraid I couldn't test that either </snark>
In all seriousness, I see what you're getting at - the Moonpool drains power much faster than the PCC. However, the PCC doesn't give 'free energy' or consume any less amount of energy than the Moonpool does. If you charge PCs with just a Bioreactor or Nuclear Reactor (not using Solar Panels or Thermal Generators) you'll eventually run out of power without refilling the Reactors' fuel source.
Again, it's probably a stylistic choice the devs made: PCCs recharge slower but are more stable, while Moonpools recharge incredibly fast but leave you at risk of running out of power for a while.
Exactly so.
You can think of it using the old washbasin example. Say you have a tub with a filling valve and a drain valve. If you have it filling slowly but not draining, the water will rise. If you open the drain valve a little, it'll be draining water but not as fast as the tub's being filled, so the water still comes up but slowly. Open the drain a bit more and now you're filling and draining at the same rate, so the water level stays put. Drain more and the water starts slowly falling because you're withdrawing more than is going in. Open the drain all the way, though, and water runs out of the tub fast, leaving the level dropping quickly.
The seabase power system really isn't any more sophisticated than that. The powercell charger has a tiny draw, so at most it paces with most power systems. The moonpool, however, is a big drain, so it knocks down the power balance fast. Both do the same thing, but in radically different time spans.
As for the why of it, it's a design strategy. Fully recharging a powercell in a snap is a little out of line; hard-charging like that should shorten the lifespan of the cell. But rather than have players constantly teed off that this moonpool that they labored to build charges their subs too slowly, the concession is made for the sake of gameplay so that players can get on with playing rather than waiting for the sub to charge.
(Note: DO NOT place power cells in the tub. That was an illustrative example. Putting power cells in the tub will probably kill you.)
Two PCCs on the cyclops works for me. You don't need any more than that.
When the change to the power system on the Cyclops comes to Stable, more than one PCC on the Cyclops won't make sense, as you'll no longer be able to get infinite power by swapping around Powercells.
Since the Cyclops doesn't regenerate power like your base does, I don't think we'll want even a single PCC in the Cyclops. If I understand correctly the upcoming changes, then charging a Power Cell in the Cyclops will reduce the power in one of the Cyclops by the exact amount of power charged by the PCC. If that's the case, then if you need to transfer power from the Cyclops to a Power Cell for some reason, it will be just as easy to grab one of the charged Power Cells from the Cylops, right?
Or you can just run into them without actively searching for them, you know?
Why are you so strongly against reporting possible mistakes in the game? Be it a theory, someone pointing out an inconsistency, exploit, factual mistake or bug, pointing out game concepts that make no sense or doing math (etc.) considering the game, regardless of how serious is it or is it just for fun, I see you very often saying stuff along the lines:
"Just play the game and don't theorize about it, it just takes away the fun!"
For many people, these theories add to the fun and are a part of it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean liking it is somehow wrong. People like different things and have different opinions. Get over it. If you want proof that some people like theorizing, just look at all the game theory channels (Including one named "Game Theory") in YouTube.
Play the game your way, not caring about possible exploits and mistakes, but also let others play the game the way they want to play it instead of telling them how it should be played. If you don't like these threads, just ignore them instead of insulting the OP and anyone else who doesn't play the way you do.
There was once an exploit where you could build a Solar Panel onto a Cyclops and it would actually recharge the sub's power in sunlight, but they nerfed that fairly quickly. What I feel they should do at this point is to add an upgrade module like the Seamoth's Solar Charge Module or the Exosuit's Thermal Charge Module - have it so an upgrade slot is used up for the sake of power restoration. However, since the other two vehicles have their own unique 'power restore' option what I'd personally like to see is Silent Running Mode have the ability to recharge power to the Cyclops.
Now before people complain about balance, hear me out: They could add an Upgrade Module that slowly shunts power from 'offline' systems and return it back to the Power Cells. Or they could just make it a natural feature, where even without an upgrade module it could slowly restore power to the Cyclops. But the trade-off would be that you can only get energy restored back during Silent Running, and the sub has to be standing still as it's focusing all of the energy restoration from the inactive systems. Also, any powered appliances such as the Battery Charger or Power Cell Charger would not work in this mode, since the sub is in sleep mode and slowly recharging the Power Cells. That way people don't have to worry about running out of power, and we won't have to worry so much about rotating Power Cells as often.
Also I'd like to point something else out regarding the Cyclops. I finally got to build one and tested out the Fire Extinguisher clip; I was a bit put-off how it operates. If you pick it up, you get a hover option to "Put back Fire Extinguisher" but you apparently just respawn a new one. After removing/replacing one several times I dismally noticed my inventory suddenly had 8 Extinguishers in it.
Pretty sure that's a bug, as I haven't seen that behavior from others playing on experimental (YT streamers)
That would require nuclear reactors to be rebalanced into not sucking, of course.
I'd just put 2 ion cells in a prawn, drop it near a vent, and charge that way. Repeat 3x.
Not to be a grammar critic, but try to use commas. If you talk like this on a less - friendly forum, you will be made fun of, and nobody wants that.