Probably A Stupid Question.

Obsidian_ThirteenObsidian_Thirteen Columbia, MO Join Date: 2017-02-26 Member: 228284Members
I keep hearing what sounds like a sonar pinging sound sometimes when exploring the world of SubNautica. This happens whether or not I am in a vehicle, and I've determined that it is not part of the music. Does it mean something? Like that I'm near something important? Or is it just part of the background soundscape? I'd really appreciate a bit of help, thanks!


  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    I think it's just ambience, though I might be super wrong about that. Either way, I never paid it any heed and I seem to be doing fine in survival. So whatever it is, I doubt it's extremely important.
  • adel_50adel_50 Join Date: 2016-09-01 Member: 221973Members
    Yes it's a part of the background music there's nothing like pings starts to play when near something important
    And there's no stupid question here buddy we all learn sometimes stupid questions could lead to something big
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