Will the "corrupted" databank entry ever be adjusted or addressed?
North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members

When playing through the world in Subnautica, you come across lost PDAs from other crew members, Alien Terminals from key points of interest, and Data Terminals from certain parts of the Aurora. In particular, there is a database entry from a Wreck near Lifepod 17. This one is of particular interest (and annoyance) as it doesn't have any practical technical data, universe lore or anything of interest from before. I'm of course talking about the terminal from the lower level of the wreck, the one with the lit display in the otherwise powerless section of the ship:

This particular file has probably been this way long before now, but I've found very little information online regarding why it's there. It's time to solve the mystery of this perplexing dilemma!
Is the data corrupted or damaged due to the crash? Not likely, as other Data Terminals found on the Aurora are fully functional and their information is intact - in fact the Data Terminal in the Medical Bay detects corrupted files on your PDA and corrects them (aka adds another Blueprint) but this entry stays unchanged. Could it be then that it only affects Terminals from Wrecks seperated from the Aurora? That's an unlikely possibilty, as at least one Terminal from a Wreck on the Underwater Islands has all of its data intact as well.
Could it be some form of a cipher to protect sensitive data? Perhaps someone on the Aurora was trying to smuggle intel to another person or party (perhaps another Corporation?) and didn't want to risk getting caught... After all, Alterra has eyes everywhere and have been known to record people's conversations without their knowledge... or consent. But I've tried various cipher and decryption tools online, and really it just seems to be a jumble of letters in random patterns.
Could it then be an attempt to delete or destroy data by someone like the Warpers? I highly doubt that, since the Warpers mainly seem interested in destroying biological entities affected by Carar, and their scythe appendages seem unlikely able to access a human data-entry terminal.
Not to mention the fact that Wreck never features a Warper, and every other Wreck with Warpers has intact Terminals/PDAs, they don't seem to be the culprits.
So then it boils down to this question: Why is it that ONE Data Terminal out of dozens of binary storage is the only one with a scrambled info entry? Is there some future story development for this, or is it a red herring from the developers? Could we get some input regarding why this is, or otherwise could the data entry be replaced with something more coherent? I like the idea of having "corrupted" data we gather that has to be defragmented up by the PDA to get proper entries, but this singular distraction is just too off-key. Can @Foxy or anyone check into this before 1.0 launches please?
P.S. (There is a subtle Star Trek: TNG reference embedded... can you find it?)
This particular file has probably been this way long before now, but I've found very little information online regarding why it's there. It's time to solve the mystery of this perplexing dilemma!
Is the data corrupted or damaged due to the crash? Not likely, as other Data Terminals found on the Aurora are fully functional and their information is intact - in fact the Data Terminal in the Medical Bay detects corrupted files on your PDA and corrects them (aka adds another Blueprint) but this entry stays unchanged. Could it be then that it only affects Terminals from Wrecks seperated from the Aurora? That's an unlikely possibilty, as at least one Terminal from a Wreck on the Underwater Islands has all of its data intact as well.
Could it be some form of a cipher to protect sensitive data? Perhaps someone on the Aurora was trying to smuggle intel to another person or party (perhaps another Corporation?) and didn't want to risk getting caught... After all, Alterra has eyes everywhere and have been known to record people's conversations without their knowledge... or consent. But I've tried various cipher and decryption tools online, and really it just seems to be a jumble of letters in random patterns.
Could it then be an attempt to delete or destroy data by someone like the Warpers? I highly doubt that, since the Warpers mainly seem interested in destroying biological entities affected by Carar, and their scythe appendages seem unlikely able to access a human data-entry terminal.

So then it boils down to this question: Why is it that ONE Data Terminal out of dozens of binary storage is the only one with a scrambled info entry? Is there some future story development for this, or is it a red herring from the developers? Could we get some input regarding why this is, or otherwise could the data entry be replaced with something more coherent? I like the idea of having "corrupted" data we gather that has to be defragmented up by the PDA to get proper entries, but this singular distraction is just too off-key. Can @Foxy or anyone check into this before 1.0 launches please?

P.S. (There is a subtle Star Trek: TNG reference embedded... can you find it?)

Or even better
That's not really what I'd call "subtle".
And you did use "Fully Functional" which is what Tasha drooled over about Data when she was drunk.
You win a cookie, even though the answer wasn't quite 100% correct.
Anyways, this was the answer I was striving for:
But for the other thing...
Did I? Hmm... oh wow. I really didn't intend that at all... I kind of shoehorned in the Data/Lore/B-4 pun in on purpose, but I've discredited myself as a Star Trek fan for not even noticing what I wrote. I hereby pronounce your Star Trek-fu stronger than mine. @DaveyNY wins all of the cookies from now on!
But back to the original post, is there a reason for this crummy data entry? @Obraxis or @Foxy, any takers?
Who knew Alfa Romeo sponsored Alterra.
Kirk is much better than Picard? Are you insane? What are you smoking? And where can I get some? The only people who think Kirk is better than Picard are... single cell amoebas... And not even the single cell amoebas on planet earth. Only on some far distant alien planet that we have yet to discover. And when we *do* discover it, you can bet that we will annihilate that planet immediately.
Kirk is much better? Better than what? I can't think of anything. Maybe he is better than No Man's Sky. :-)
In the star trek cookbook Kirk has A cold soup. And Picard has a lowly breakfast croissant! Hah! I shall not give in to your propaganda!
All I have to say is:
Shatner's acting was so bad that TOS only lasted three seasons whereas Stewart was so good TNG lasted seven seasons!
Oh. Forget I said that. I would never say the VG'r captain's acting was better than TOS. Scary.
On second though, erm, yeah, Shat rules!
Oh come on, I thought everybody around here was a Trek Fan in some way, shape or form...
< snicker >
What's Star Trek?...
Why do you have an old style England police box for your avatar? Are you some sort of history buff?
He's a doctor
I'm actually a Pediatrician...
yes, finally, you admit it. kirk was only fired because of turnabout intruder. not his fault. I blatantly use bad grammar and do not capitalize.
Well, it's been over two weeks since I posted this thread - there have been multiple Experimental updates and one Stable update to the game since then. We got a ping by Foxy at least, but no official response or even an explanation. I have to assume by now that it's truly a mistake, possibly by a developer who linked the wrong memory address and the "data entry" is instead just reading off bizarre text meant for programming code instead. This is similar to how the infamous "World -1" glitch in Super Mario Bros works: when performed the game tries to load level data from memory locations that are not meant to be loaded in this method. As such, the game exhibits strange behavior and operates in such a way that was not originally intended.
Since we've had no official word on whether this is intended behavior or not, and has not been fixed still in the last Stable update, I have to conclude by now that this entry is just a programming BUG. Hopefully it will be fixed before retail release, as this singular disappointing data entry among the dozens of useful and funny ones stands out glaringly as a programmer's oversight.
Try not to @ Devs over things like this.
But yes, this is clearly lore.
Thanks for the response, at least!
But if it has no practical use, can't be decoded and (as far as we know) has no bearing on the game at all... why is it there?
We discover the central Precursor "intelligence" is communicating with the Warpers giving them targeting coordinates for Curar infected individuals. The first "garbled" communication is one that we cannot decipher. Later, we have apparently deciphered the communications and see a message that is more clear.
It's completely possible that this wasn't ever intended to be anything. But the developer to ask about this would be TJ (the writer).