How about a backpack or a seasack? Strap it to your back or to the back of a Seamoth. Makes things much easier to move around.
Or how about a new submarine, which is gonna be similar to a pickup truck (double the size of a Seamoth)?
A backpack or seapack in exchange for the O2 tank would be much faster to realise tho.
Once you get the Moonpool, you can add 4 16 slot storage areas to the Seamoth. This makes it much easier to gather the tons of titanium you need for the depth upgrades for the various vehicles, etc.
We already have the ability to add somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 lockers to the Cyclops. So, that negates the need for a new submarine.
My favorite suggestion in this thread is some mechanism to transfer items from Seamoth docked in a Moonpool between Seamoth and base storage or Seamoth docked in Cyclops between Seamoth and Cyclops. Currently, that is one of the more tedious aspects of the game--more so for the Seamoth to Cyclops since you can't even access the Seamoth storage from inside the Cyclops. Thus, you must park it *outside* the Cyclops, grab a bunch of stuff, swim to the Cyclops, climb the ladder up into the Cyclops, walk to your locker and deposit the items. Quite tedious. If they just let us access the Seamoth storage from inside the Cyclops, that would be a huge step forward.
Why do you feel the need to build on a foundation? I have not used foundations for anything but to hold external grow beds since my first playthrough of Subnautica. Every room and every piece of corridor will extend its own supports if you do not place it on a foundation, so you don't need them at all.
Well, I like Foundations since they add durability to the base without the need of Reinforcements. If you add WFMs or a Moonpol to your base and are over the weight limit, it's nice to be able to add more durability to your base if you need it with just Titanium alone... instead of having to spend time foraging for Lithium in a few out-of-the-way places.
Plus, I think it adds more elegance to the base design. Not to mention when building external devices like Spotlights, Thermal Plants or Solar Panels, it's nice to have a spot for them to rest on - instead of them kludged onto the terrain at weird angles or just not operating properly otherwise. But to each their own.
Oh, and I use free standing lockers rather than wall mounted. I can stuff a lot of them into an MPR by standing them perpendicular to the wall (more or less) and still leave enough room for an interior grow bed if I want one there, while still being able to stack another MPR on top of the full one. FWIW I consider the wall mounted locker to only be useful in tight quarters like base corridor modules or certain parts of the cyclops. As a test, I went into one save and just added an MPR on top of another MPR that had 14 floor standing lockers, two Reinforcement panels and 3 Window panels installed in it, literally just now to make sure I wasn't talking out my arse.
Yeah, I've built Lockers instead of Wall Lockers in the past, and they're nice as they have more storage. But I stopped using them entirely as the Lockers can't be named. When you have as many Wall Lockers as I do, it gets very tedious when you're trying to find Silver vs Gold, or Table Coral Samples vs Common Coral Samples. Plus there's the fact as time goes on, I'll eventually eliminate and deconstruct unused Wall Lockers. The Quartz from Wall Lockers can be repurposed into several other uses, whereas the Glass from Lockers either sits in storage forever or get tossed into the void... such a waste of Quartz.
Edit: Just tested this on an MPR with three Water Filtration machines and was also able to build another MPR without a problem, so it's only those dratted wall mounted lockers, and maybe certain other things, that cause this problem.
Wall Lockers have this issue for sure, but certain other appliances like the Alien Containment and the Fabricator also will block a 2nd-story MPR from being built if they are present. But again... if Wall Lockers and Lockers were such a hassle to move around in the first place, it wouldn't be an issue I think.
I never use foundations because they seem like a huge waste of materials. A foundation costs 4 titanium but only gives +2 HP. On the other hand, a single reinforcement costs only 2 titanium and 1 Lithium but gives +7 HP. However, I do realize I may be unique in my base building because:
1. I built my base as a stack of Multi Purpose Rooms. Thus, I'm not losing as much HP as others who use more corridors.
2. I don't built any windows until I find lithium
3. I know exactly where to find lithium on day 1 and so can go get it if I need it.
I only build foundations for:
1. A place to initally place external growbeds (and then deconstruct the foundation afterward--at least in the current build.)
2. As a "landing platform" for my Seamoth before I get the Moonpool.
It sounds like the developers are making progress on the issue of not being able to stack MPR but aren't there yet. As for me, I've encountered the issue so many times that I'll always assume the issue will exist and will thus just plan ahead and build a stack of 5 MPR's to start--even if I may initially leave 2-3 empty.
We've all been there mate, don't worry you aren't alone!
My Grand Reef base is now literally the exact spot of a nesting ground for a Ghost Leviathan, but it is 24 MP rooms and 13 lockers - no way am I spending 5 hours juggling my inventory, building temporary lockers and accidentally deleting interior pieces when deconstructing.
It's easier just to use silent running whenever approaching/departing my base.
As for running out of space when constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing, it would make things a lot easier if the Hab builder could convert titanium ingots to titanium and visa versa, either automatically or via a menu/hotkey!!!
Edit: Just tested this on an MPR with three Water Filtration machines and was also able to build another MPR without a problem, so it's only those dratted wall mounted lockers, and maybe certain other things, that cause this problem.
@Jones108 Or how about a new submarine, which is gonna be similar to a pickup truck (double the size of a Seamoth)?
This is basically my "sledge" idea for the Seamoth (which I still like). Like a really big backpack for the Seamoth, it's basically both of your ideas in one!
I wish I could draw or I would mock up a sketch to show people. Maybe I'll try anyway...
As @garath said, Lithium can be easy to find in the early game. It's all over the cliff going down from the Aurora to the Mushroom Forest there.
Sometimes I'll build a foundation if I don't have any Lithium, but as soon as I can make reinforcements, I'll get rid of the foundation. They really do need to give more of an HP bonus if the Devs want people to use them for more than grow beds. They do look nice, though, I will admit.
@elfcrisis Yeah, I'm aware of that Lithium is easy to find even in the early game - the Jellyshroom Caves, Sparse Reef and the Mountain Island are practically swimming with Lithium now. But what my earlier post was referring to, is that I dont like to build bases with Reinforcements... I like using Foundations instead. They only require one element to make (just Titanium) which is incredibly abundant with a very high repurpose value... versus Reinforcements needing two elements instead (Titanium and Lithium) which #2 is rarer to locate compared to Titanium and has minimal repurpose value if you need to Deconstruct them later on.
I used to use Reinforcements, but what with having to move bases around (either due to relocating or physics bugs) I've personally found that Foundations are just easier to deal with, between moving components around and having more free space to work with. Although, for smaller areas that utilize small one-room MPR bases like in the Lost River, Reinforcements are stellar if you really don't want to build extensive bases but need the extra strength.
Why do you feel the need to build on a foundation?
Well, why do you feel the need to build with Reinforcements? Kidding aside, it's a valid question. I personally like the aesthetic design of Multipurpose Rooms sitting on Foundations. They look like they'll stand up to water better, and its great for games when you need to power bases with Solar Panels or Thermal Plants. The appliances can actually be supported by the base itself, without the need of Power Transfer Modules cluttering up the landscape (or having to kludge them on top of the MPRs instead, like some kind of funky antenna).
Although also keeping with the aesthetic design, I can't believe after over a year and the devs haven't addressed why they haven't added (or aren't going to add) a "center snap" for room modules in the center of Foundations. It looks so tacky to have MPRs and corridors offset so much, when they would look SO MUCH better centered. But then again, we haven't gotten a yay or nay over why the time passage on 4546B is so ridiculously fast-paced either...
versus Reinforcements needing two elements instead (Titanium and Lithium) which #2 is rarer to locate compared to Titanium and has minimal repurpose value if you need to Deconstruct them later on
Ahah, I gotcha, it's a good point. They really should buff the bonus you get from the foundation platforms, though. I'd use them a lot more if that were the case.
Once you get the Moonpool, you can add 4 16 slot storage areas to the Seamoth. This makes it much easier to gather the tons of titanium you need for the depth upgrades for the various vehicles, etc.
We already have the ability to add somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 lockers to the Cyclops. So, that negates the need for a new submarine.
My favorite suggestion in this thread is some mechanism to transfer items from Seamoth docked in a Moonpool between Seamoth and base storage or Seamoth docked in Cyclops between Seamoth and Cyclops. Currently, that is one of the more tedious aspects of the game--more so for the Seamoth to Cyclops since you can't even access the Seamoth storage from inside the Cyclops. Thus, you must park it *outside* the Cyclops, grab a bunch of stuff, swim to the Cyclops, climb the ladder up into the Cyclops, walk to your locker and deposit the items. Quite tedious. If they just let us access the Seamoth storage from inside the Cyclops, that would be a huge step forward.
Well, I like Foundations since they add durability to the base without the need of Reinforcements. If you add WFMs or a Moonpol to your base and are over the weight limit, it's nice to be able to add more durability to your base if you need it with just Titanium alone... instead of having to spend time foraging for Lithium in a few out-of-the-way places.
Plus, I think it adds more elegance to the base design. Not to mention when building external devices like Spotlights, Thermal Plants or Solar Panels, it's nice to have a spot for them to rest on - instead of them kludged onto the terrain at weird angles or just not operating properly otherwise. But to each their own.
Yeah, I've built Lockers instead of Wall Lockers in the past, and they're nice as they have more storage. But I stopped using them entirely as the Lockers can't be named. When you have as many Wall Lockers as I do, it gets very tedious when you're trying to find Silver vs Gold, or Table Coral Samples vs Common Coral Samples. Plus there's the fact as time goes on, I'll eventually eliminate and deconstruct unused Wall Lockers. The Quartz from Wall Lockers can be repurposed into several other uses, whereas the Glass from Lockers either sits in storage forever or get tossed into the void... such a waste of Quartz.
Wall Lockers have this issue for sure, but certain other appliances like the Alien Containment and the Fabricator also will block a 2nd-story MPR from being built if they are present. But again... if Wall Lockers and Lockers were such a hassle to move around in the first place, it wouldn't be an issue I think.
1. I built my base as a stack of Multi Purpose Rooms. Thus, I'm not losing as much HP as others who use more corridors.
2. I don't built any windows until I find lithium
3. I know exactly where to find lithium on day 1 and so can go get it if I need it.
I only build foundations for:
1. A place to initally place external growbeds (and then deconstruct the foundation afterward--at least in the current build.)
2. As a "landing platform" for my Seamoth before I get the Moonpool.
It sounds like the developers are making progress on the issue of not being able to stack MPR but aren't there yet. As for me, I've encountered the issue so many times that I'll always assume the issue will exist and will thus just plan ahead and build a stack of 5 MPR's to start--even if I may initially leave 2-3 empty.
52941 /main/Added vehicle inventory access from inside Cyclops 2017-09-01 10:11:30 Scott Thunelius Added vehicle inventory access from inside Cyclops
My Grand Reef base is now literally the exact spot of a nesting ground for a Ghost Leviathan, but it is 24 MP rooms and 13 lockers - no way am I spending 5 hours juggling my inventory, building temporary lockers and accidentally deleting interior pieces when deconstructing.
It's easier just to use silent running whenever approaching/departing my base.
As for running out of space when constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing, it would make things a lot easier if the Hab builder could convert titanium ingots to titanium and visa versa, either automatically or via a menu/hotkey!!!
This is basically my "sledge" idea for the Seamoth (which I still like). Like a really big backpack for the Seamoth, it's basically both of your ideas in one!
I wish I could draw or I would mock up a sketch to show people. Maybe I'll try anyway...
As @garath said, Lithium can be easy to find in the early game. It's all over the cliff going down from the Aurora to the Mushroom Forest there.
Sometimes I'll build a foundation if I don't have any Lithium, but as soon as I can make reinforcements, I'll get rid of the foundation. They really do need to give more of an HP bonus if the Devs want people to use them for more than grow beds. They do look nice, though, I will admit.
I used to use Reinforcements, but what with having to move bases around (either due to relocating or physics bugs) I've personally found that Foundations are just easier to deal with, between moving components around and having more free space to work with. Although, for smaller areas that utilize small one-room MPR bases like in the Lost River, Reinforcements are stellar if you really don't want to build extensive bases but need the extra strength.
Well, why do you feel the need to build with Reinforcements?
Although also keeping with the aesthetic design, I can't believe after over a year and the devs haven't addressed why they haven't added (or aren't going to add) a "center snap" for room modules in the center of Foundations. It looks so tacky to have MPRs and corridors offset so much, when they would look SO MUCH better centered. But then again, we haven't gotten a yay or nay over why the time passage on 4546B is so ridiculously fast-paced either...
Ahah, I gotcha, it's a good point. They really should buff the bonus you get from the foundation platforms, though. I'd use them a lot more if that were the case.