A nifty trick for getting Stalker teeth

ssutcliffessutcliffe United States Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223565Members
It turns out that if you raise a stalker from an egg in the alien containment (and probably the other predators too), they don't attack you if you let them go. I did that with a stalker, let it go right by my base with a nice piece of titanium for him to play with, and the next thing I knew, there was a pile of 4 titanium right next to my base, and every time a piece fell off the ledge, he'd dive down to get it and often drop a tooth or two! And the stalker wasn't trying to nip me, even though he was right next to the base.

I was always disappointed you couldn't tame stalkers permanently with fish gifts, but it seems that raising them in the aquarium will work. I imagine that over the course of time, there may well be a whole pile of teeth waiting to be harvested right next to my base. A fine thing for those who like getting observatories (or a 5 tooth Cyclops) the easy way! It was fun watching him be ADD too and diving down every time a piece fell off or if you moved it too.

It says something about this game that it's worth waiting just to watch a sunrise from a base on one of the islands. Or building a base in the crash zone just to watch Reaper Leviathans swim by and peek in your windows.


  • dayofmonedayofmone Germany Join Date: 2016-08-07 Member: 221078Members
    I have a hostile stalker next to my base that dropps a full locker of teeth over the course of 2-3 hours.
    Kinda annoying, all that littering.
  • KurasuKurasu Join Date: 2017-06-24 Member: 231322Members
    Before I had to restart my game, I had a pet stalker as well (having accidentally hatched a second while 'testing' eggs I'd found). I knew they were docile, but I never thought to give it some metal to get teeth! I just figured that it would like hanging out in the kelp farm I keep near my base (I love the way the seeds light it up outside).

    This is brilliant. :D
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