Flares: Does anyone use them?



  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    edited September 2017
    Never used a flare and I rarely use my flashlight too

    Main place I use the flash light is in the Aurora. I don't take the Seaglide to the Aurora because I need as much inventory space as possible to pickup posters. :)

    Of course, they *give* you a flashlight on the Aurora. So, now I don't take a flashlight even to the Aurora.

    It all depends upon how well I'm doing finding copper. In the game I started a couple of days ago, I'm sitting on 25 copper with nothing to use it for. Crazy!
    Jacke wrote: »
    I just started a new Experimental game tonight (54517). I didn't make any new flares, but I have lots of Cave Sulphur if I want to. Have used 1 of the initial 2 to light my way through caves, even after getting the Seaglide. I'm only 2h20m in and don't have the Battery Charger, so I want to avoid consuming Battery Power. The light on the Seaglide doesn't, but if I move with it deployed, I use up its charge.

    Can get hard to find the Limestone and Sandstone Outcroppings with light from a flare.

    I'll likely never build another battery charger now that I can make a scanner with a dead battery and a piece of Titanium:

    Dead Battery + Titanium = Scanner with fully charged battery

    So, I can charge a battery for the cost of the most common element in the game, titanium. Of course, I hope to have found the trash can by then. Otherwise, I might have a huge pile of scanners. :)

  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    garath wrote: »
    Main place I use the flash light is in the Aurora. I don't take the Seaglide to the Aurora because I need as much inventory space as possible to pickup posters. :)

    Of course, they *give* you a flashlight on the Aurora. So, now I don't take a flashlight even to the Aurora.
    I've never been able to find that Flashlight that is supposedly in the PRAWN Bay.

    In fact, the only place you would really need a light in the Aurora is in the flooded pipe passage between the PRAWN Bay and Lifepod Bay. And after fighting through that passage once, never again. I do the port-side access to the Lab and the Lifepod Bay first, then I go on at least two trips to the starboard-side ramps up to the main passage and the other parts accessible including the Seamoth Bay, the PRAWN Bay, the living quarters, and the Drive Room.

    And the Laser Cutter is a perfectly good light itself. Hold it out and it faintly glows.

    garath wrote: »
    It all depends upon how well I'm doing finding copper. In the game I started a couple of days ago, I'm sitting on 25 copper with nothing to use it for. Crazy!
    I'm not surprised, now that there's no Lead from Limestone and other changes. If you economize on everything, right now in Experimental the mats that will be tight will be Silver, Gold, and Lead, with maybe Gold and Lead reversed. That's right, it's very easy to now run out of Lead as it is now sourced from Sandstone and is used in more blueprints.

    The best way to economize on Copper or any of the tight mats is not to use it unless necessary, especially for making Batteries. One or two spare for when the ones in use run out.

    And power consumption appears to have gone up for the Scanner and maybe even the other tools. So some of that Copper will have to go to Batteries unless I get the Battery Charger soon.

    garath wrote: »
    I'll likely never build another battery charger now that I can make a scanner with a dead battery and a piece of Titanium:

    Dead Battery + Titanium = Scanner with fully charged battery

    So, I can charge a battery for the cost of the most common element in the game, titanium. Of course, I hope to have found the trash can by then. Otherwise, I might have a huge pile of scanners. :)
    That is just wrong. The charge state of a Battery as an ingredient in a blueprint needs to be carried to the resultant item. Or more simply, have the blueprint not need a Battery and have it produce a tool without a battery inside.

    Similarly, there should be a Battery in the blueprint for the Repair Tool. Or that blueprint should create a Repair Tool without a Battery.

  • scifiwriterguyscifiwriterguy Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members
    I use flares to mark which wrecks I've cleared out. Otherwise I end up checking out the same stupid wreck and wasting time like an idiot until I see the first door I cut.

    As for being used as a light source? Nope; that's why the Seamoth has headlights.
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    I use flares to mark which wrecks I've cleared out. Otherwise I end up checking out the same stupid wreck and wasting time like an idiot until I see the first door I cut.

    Given the flares burn out after around 1 hour of in game time do you revisit the wrecks periodically to toss another flare? Or do they only burn and run down the timer while you're in the vicinity?
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    I use flares to mark which wrecks I've cleared out. Otherwise I end up checking out the same stupid wreck and wasting time like an idiot until I see the first door I cut.

    Given the flares burn out after around 1 hour of in game time do you revisit the wrecks periodically to toss another flare? Or do they only burn and run down the timer while you're in the vicinity?

    I've had flares burn for days and days in game time, but I don't know if that was intended behavior or not. Still, they do burn out after a while, so I don't think I'd use them to mark a wreck. Of course, I've been all over the dang map so many times I've practically memorized all the locations anyway. c.c
  • scifiwriterguyscifiwriterguy Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    I use flares to mark which wrecks I've cleared out. Otherwise I end up checking out the same stupid wreck and wasting time like an idiot until I see the first door I cut.

    Given the flares burn out after around 1 hour of in game time do you revisit the wrecks periodically to toss another flare? Or do they only burn and run down the timer while you're in the vicinity?

    I've never had one burn out, actually. Of course, it's been a couple updates since I've put in any real time, so maybe they fixed that.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    Tried to use a flare in the game I started today. I dropped it... and it promptly fell through the world. It's lit and providing light... from inside the rock face. Kinda hard (impossible) to pick it up. LOL.
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    garath wrote: »
    Tried to use a flare in the game I started today. I dropped it... and it promptly fell through the world. It's lit and providing light... from inside the rock face. Kinda hard (impossible) to pick it up. LOL.
    That's...unfortunate. Never know what such a light might wake inside the world. ("Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!")

  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    I use flares to mark which wrecks I've cleared out. Otherwise I end up checking out the same stupid wreck and wasting time like an idiot until I see the first door I cut.

    Given the flares burn out after around 1 hour of in game time do you revisit the wrecks periodically to toss another flare? Or do they only burn and run down the timer while you're in the vicinity?

    I remember when Flares used to burn out with the red phosphor glow. But when they switched to the white glow, they never burn out. I still have my two Flares from the start of the game (one has never been cracked open) with over 200 game days of activity. I've left the one active Flare on my Seabase Foundation in the Grand Reef just to see if it would poof, but alas, it's still burning. :frowning:

    I don't know if it's just my version or what, but I really wish they would fix Flares so they would burn out again. Then that way they're more realistic and can't be exploited for a cheap light source.
  • kingkumakingkuma cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members
    I wish they were red again...
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited October 2017
    kingkuma wrote: »
    I wish they were red again...

    So... I assume they are bright green now, I honestly have no idea :tongue:

    My logic card says, red when underwater is a color which tends to get muted or rather absorbed and looks blue/green, because red is the slowest light wave... BUT this is Subnutica, where they throw all rules out the window and instead present a colorful underwater world ala Sponge Bob land (Bikini bottom?)

  • KostriktorKostriktor Switzerland Join Date: 2017-01-08 Member: 226342Members
    best light source early game. for your cave explorations. activate it, trowing it to the floor, then pick it back up and bind it to a hotkey. the strongest light ingame !
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @Kouji_San They were bright white for a while, but have a red tint to them again these days.
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