4th or 5th play-through... CYCLOPS Power Usage is Insane!

ArmoramaArmorama Clovis, CA Join Date: 2015-03-26 Member: 202606Members
Okay as I hope the title indicates I am NOT new to this game. I love almost all the updates and changes, but in regard to all the new functionality on the Cyclops I think there needs to be a simple question asked...

If 20th century military subs had nuclear power (or some form of power generation) why can't the Cyclops? I would love to use all these new things; Silent Running, Scanner, Shields, but with them running for less than a minute when a Reaper was near my 6 cell power supply which was at 80% dropped to 38%!! And yes that is WITH the Cyclops Engine Efficiency module installed.

While I think power cells are fine for the SeaMoth and your tools, etc. I think an onboard power system is really needed to make the Cyclops truly usable. Maybe have it start with power cells and add an option to upgrade with nuclear, solar, or bio power?

Also I would really love if there was a way to dock the Cyclops to your base. The swimming back and forth if you have harvested a lot of materials is a pain in the butt. And it just seems right that such an advanced culture would have a docking port or something. Perhaps use the underside hatch and have a tube/ladder system that hooks on when you are near it?

Last thing... About hatches... I don't know why it didn't bother me the first 4 times playing through, but the visual look of the hatch and entry to the base just seems off. Obviously you could never open a hatch directly leading into the pressurized area of a base, so maybe make it a dedicated module that you open, de-pressurize, and then open a second hatch to access base? Yeah I know I complained about the length of time for the Cyclops, but once you have a Moonpool I have found I use the hatches less and so that early effect would seem more in keeping with the rest of the game. And you already have the water drain effect for the base draining so... easy right?



  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2017
    For hatches, you can put them on the bottom of any of the corridors if that helps the immersion any. (instead of sides, ends, or top).

    Cyclops dock is set for would-be-nice & maybe after v1.0

    Cyclops has a Thermal Power upgrade you can get

    As for using all the upgrades and it killing power, I'm assuming you have the Cyclops Power Efficiency module (the one you salvage from the upgrade console in the Aurora's Drive room when you repair the radiation leaks) installed?

    There's some tips & tricks in the newbie guide here -- you've probably learned most of them by now, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a look over and see if there's a couple you weren't aware of. Also, if there's anything you think should be in there, feel free to leave a comment on the thread and I'll see about adding it.
  • ArmoramaArmorama Clovis, CA Join Date: 2015-03-26 Member: 202606Members
    Thanks. I wasn't aware they would go on the bottom of corridor tubes so thanks that works for that.

    And yes I did have the efficiency module installed and was aware of the thermal upgrade for the end game levels.

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