Update 322 Live on Steam! - Natural Selection 2
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Update 322 is now live on Steam! This update is primarily a maintenance patch. Over the last few months lots of new systems and features have been introduced to the...
FTFY. Whatever happened to the rookie confusion by the way?
Oh there's still plenty of that going around, unfortunately.
- well there is always a next year or of any crafty person wanna make a mod i think that a good way to start this off
That's disingenuous.
What you're quoting is removal of weapon slots entirely - which is not what has occurred.
It's not a weapon and it's why it's been bound on the movement modifier key all these years.
That being said, it's already been mentioned that we're going to consider adding a toggle in the options for those that have gotten used to that implementation.
Edit: We're looking to add an option to NS2+ so you will not have to wait for another patch.
Muscle memory is one hell of a drug.
Many people that played NS1 had swapped to metabolize for 10 years, when ns2 had the option to continue with muscle memory or start doing something totally different for the exact same result, people didn't see the point in changing what they already knew... so here we are 15 years later.
Other people use quick switch with all lifeforms, metabolize being one of the things they use it for.
Some people use WASD to move, others use the arrow keys... some people use their space bar to jump, others use their mouse.
Some people use view models, others disable them...
People have different setups to suit their own needs, is it really so difficult for you to understand that some people may use the options you don't?
Regarding this, I read a feedback post last week by @d0ped0g that I just remembered. He explains this mechanic quite well:
His post reminded me that after I switch to metab, I can simply hold LMB in order to trigger metab instantly and automatically as soon as it's off cooldown. Shift-metab is not instantaneous nor automatic unless it was changed these past few years to match our current playstyle. I say 'our' because every fade main (at least in pubs) would probably be used to manual weapon switching for metab.
Yea but you must agree that it is kind of a dick move to to remove metab from weapon slots before you add that option.
Is there any other way than the UWE way
By the way, I used to script my weapons and abilities to my mouse buttons per lifeform back in NS so they were a one click away from being accesses. Much smoother than keyboard keys and leaving you free from fiddling around with your WASD hand. For Gorge I scripted structures to specific keyboard keys bypassing the build menu.
Customization never killed anyone, so script this bitch up UWE and everyone is happy
Right. Or more likely, any after the fact justification goes. Can't even keep it consistent.
I have problems believing experienced commanders are beaconing by accident. Doesn't stop me from agreeing that the hotkey should be moved.
I don't play gorge often but wasn't this in one of the prior patches?
This and that are not that comparable by the way. Its not like you are changing the basic menu options. Its more analogous to moving gorge buildings around than removing metabolise. Maybe if I were suggesting moving around the basic menu or removing the ability to use hotkey/mouse click selection, but I'm not.
Apologies for the inconvenience this caused for those most affected by this change in the past 24 hours, we obviously did not realize how much this would impact certain individuals.
A friendly reminder that our trello board is always open to the public during the average ~1 month patch cycle, for anyone willing to provide feedback on proposed changes or bug fixes during that time.
The developer in question doesn't even work for UWE anymore, a lot of proposed things were likely either changed, dropped, or forgotten about since they left. That confirmation being one of them.
Though now it's an option in NS2+ so the players who needed it will now continue to be able to use it and new players won't accidentally stumble upon metabolize by mistake. Problem solved.
Feedback was also provided days before this change went live, so...
That is why the NS2+ option was created sooner than later.
It seems that just yesterday they weren't sure either. What's more, the NS2+ option has some flaws, as described here https://github.com/sclark39/NS2Plus/issues/83 .
I started working on the ns2+ option 5 days ago but did run into technical issues while trying to resolve the issue you describe. Due to a lack of free time I haven't been able to resolve the issue that the prediction world is not aware of the client's ns2+ options and there is currently almost no way of propagating values from the client world into the prediction world.
In the end I decided to push the half finished change and mention the issues in the changelog so players who rely on switching to metabolize using the weapons slots can still do so while i try to fix the issue in my free time over the weekend.