As Comm, List The Most Irritating Things
Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8424Members

<div class="IPBDescription">That you have to put up with....</div> From a newb or non-newb MARINE, list the most irrating and most obvious things you have to put up with from everyone else. A little disclaimer, I've Comm'ed numerous games and I -know how to win-. Not be some amateur that wants to 'try' out the Comm spot to see what its like.
- "How about a shotty" (Early game)
- "Comm I have a nozzle here"
- "Lets move to xxxx"
- "How do I xxxx"
- "You need more turrets in base"*
- "You need a 2nd inf. portal"*
- "How about a jetpack, Comm?"
- "Give me jetpack and shotty and I can win this" (When were getting raped by Onos)
- "Need a turret generator here"**
- "Comm medpack plz"***
*Now there is always a certain level of confidence I give to those that I command. My BO is always 1 inf portal, Armory/TF, and 2 turrets. Later on I lay that 2nd portal.
**BAHAHAHAHHA. "Turret generator", yea thats a good line.
***While I won't bash this one, people seem to NOT be able to use the voice instead so I can simply space bar to them.
I always find that newbie/insecure Comms always lay 2 inf. portals, TF/Armory, and usually 3 turrets.
I will say that if I was skirmishing with a clan, I wouldn't even lay a 2nd turret because I can actually have confidence in my team not getting pwned once they step outside of base.
So, what irritates you?
- "How about a shotty" (Early game)
- "Comm I have a nozzle here"
- "Lets move to xxxx"
- "How do I xxxx"
- "You need more turrets in base"*
- "You need a 2nd inf. portal"*
- "How about a jetpack, Comm?"
- "Give me jetpack and shotty and I can win this" (When were getting raped by Onos)
- "Need a turret generator here"**
- "Comm medpack plz"***
*Now there is always a certain level of confidence I give to those that I command. My BO is always 1 inf portal, Armory/TF, and 2 turrets. Later on I lay that 2nd portal.
**BAHAHAHAHHA. "Turret generator", yea thats a good line.
***While I won't bash this one, people seem to NOT be able to use the voice instead so I can simply space bar to them.
I always find that newbie/insecure Comms always lay 2 inf. portals, TF/Armory, and usually 3 turrets.
I will say that if I was skirmishing with a clan, I wouldn't even lay a 2nd turret because I can actually have confidence in my team not getting pwned once they step outside of base.
So, what irritates you?
like when we had 6 on our team ...
im alien comm btw <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
-Marines are unfamiliar with my build order and think I suck as a com so they try to kick me out. The ones that end up voting against me are the same ones that want the heavy armor and heavy machine gun 2 minutes into the game. (My BO is a quick-paced 'take 2 hives' and secure them with phase gates, ignore ressource nozzles except those right next to the hive im taking, and slowly secure both hives with turrets - turns out most of the marines i play with are familiar with the 'take 1 hive', research upgrades and weapons, and fight for random ressource points that end up costing you time and usually the game)
-Some marine wants health and says "I need health" but he won't tell me where he is (i cant keep track of exactly who is where when i have 6+ players on my team)
-You do fine as a commander but all your marines just get killed by one skulk in some far-off location before you have time to secure it, and you have to do all that stuff over again(This isn't really the marines' fault, it's noone's fault really, you can't expect all marines to do great all the time)
-Marines sit next to armory and ask for stuff continuously even when I *can't* give it to them. They just sit there and wait and don't move. They usually say something like "man, I can't do anything with light armor and a light machine gun, so I might as well just wait here"
I know that they are trying to help, but it's bloody annoying, I mean I have to say "I know what I'm doing" which I think, sounds cocky and ignorant =/.
It's just a flaw with most people that they don't understand there is more then one way to do things.
It's real people you are dealing with, you will always have big jo hotshot who think he can win it all on his own. I love those guys in real games. I drop a JP+HMG on troops all around him who waited nicely and followed my orders. He sits there, whines, says to vote me out, but everyone is off killing and doesn't care <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
NS depicts the real army a bit more, troops who whine!
At the beginning:
- When they insist on building 4+ turrets in the base
- When they take the closest resource node instead of going for a hive, which pretty much is the only way to have a chance at winning, ie. getting at least one hive spot secured.
Later on:
- When they expect you to secure a section, ie. build tf and turrets, when you are all alone. I sometimes reply with "I am not touching that without backup" ("that" refering to the tf).
- When they don't give health even though we are the last breach to keep a resource node/hive spot.
- When they give lots of health but no ammo, even when you desperately ask for it...
- When they don't put up phase gates.
- When they don't give waypoints, or only give them rarely.
- When they insist on teching for HA & HMG when sieging that second hive is actually going to win us the game (not such a biggie since it is possible to win with teching as long as it is done in time)
And my all time winner:
- Giving HMG & HA without welder. Why even bother with HA if you aren't getting welders too?
However what I think commanders should be able to do:
- Somehow punish those who don't follow orders. Maybe some tiny damage punishment system?
Most of these annoyances come from sucky commanders, who doesn't know how to play to win.
comm : <<<< rolling his eyes .......... says nicely.......... have u looked at the 3 res that I have to work with , i'm taking on 2 hives at once and u think at this stage of the game i'm worried about u and your requests that will more than likely be spent and lost in all of 3 seconds?
Comm: actually says................ shhhhhh i'm working here
dork: ............... leaves game.
Its a full time job dealing with the dorks and the real players or what I like to call the back seat commanders!!! call me crazy but isnt there only one chair??? When i'm not commanding I'm not barking orders so a word of advice................ Shut your trap follow orders or find another server .......... your friend................ <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
thank god you can mute peoples voices <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
ohh.. and another thing that people have to really stop doing is blaming the commander everytime the marines lose.. sure a lot of the time its the commadners fault.. but oftentimes the commander does a great job. implements a great strat, but the soldiers get owned by skulks early game, fail to hold down locations etc..
A good commander can make a skilled team great, but cant make an unskilled team good.
-People with mics(they seem to get priority over me cause you know, they can talk.)
"Everyone follow me!"- him
"No! goto your waypoint, thats suicide!"-me
"Just drop us a few Med paks"-him
"NO Goto your waypoint, you're gonna all die!"-me
*screen fills up with alien kills
"Told ya"-me
"Alright lets go again guy we almost got it!"-him
"We just lost feed water..."-me
"Omg you're a n00b commander"-him
Also what erks me the most is "Armory next" "now another turret" "Drop a nozzle first"
=/ I mean I've probably command for more time then half these people have been playing NS =/
Oh and for all fools who think you drop a nozzle before a Phase gate, **obscenity** you.
VOICE: I need a medpack, stat!
I keep a keen eye on the doorways, my finger stroking the trigger...
VOICE: Medpack!
I see a gorge run past the doorway down the hall. I crouch and creep further into the shadows.
VOICE: Hey, I need a medpack (Or whatever it is)
Nothing. I hear a faint growl.
Commander-"Where are you? Use the voice binds you n00b"
VOICE: I need a medpack, stat!
Enter a fade. I spray gunfire, emptying the magazine. It hides behind the corner, then runs back out. I blast it with all ten shots of my pistol. It hacks my abdomen in half, spilling intestines and kidneys on the floor.
Seconds later, two medkits spawn in front of my body, nearly five feet away.
After attempting to cut off a small squad of aliens from reinforcing hive two, we run into the infamous Wall of Lame, plus webbing at our ankles. The lead gets webbed and killed, but manages to shout "WEBS!". We double back and reach our outpost.
Resource Count: Roughly 150.
Me - "Commander, can you give us health, a welder, an HMG, and a grenade launcher at [Name Here]?"
Comm - "Uh, hold on."
A few medkits fall. We heal up. Suddenly I find a jetpack on my back and an HMG in my hands. I assumed my chummer grabbed the grenade launcher. Nope, he has a jetpack and an HMG too. Furthermore, he gave us both welders and dropped more guns then we could make use of... all of them HMGs.
Resource Count: Roughly 30.
This happens all too often, too. Commanders assume they know better then you about what is needed for the situation, despite the fact that he can't see gaps and holes in the defense as well as an On-The-Spot Marine.
Okay, so I was playing as comm on what I think was ns_bast (the one with the no-name hive). Two games I lead my team to victory by building at the two empty hives first thing then killing the aliens at our leisure. Third game, some whiner kept wanting me to build at the res nozzle between the marine start and the mess hall and said what is quoted above.
Sheesh, we had the no-name hive secure and all I needed was some help getting the generator hive and we could have won a 3rd round without having a single fade show up.
I was playing on tanith as marine.
Our Commanders tactic was to rush an empty hive, build up a new base there and recycle the old one... i'm fine with that so far.
Our Comm send his marines to the hive, but left me out (i think he just didn't see me in his hurry).
After building up the few defences the Comm set up in our base, and the commander not responding to my "Need Order"-Message, I went off to reinforce my mates.
Because i had not benn given a waypoint, i made my way to the hive location at "Waste Something".
I told my commander: "Arrived at Waste Hive. No Enemy around. Waiting for orders"
his Answer: "Damn you, Hypergrip, you **obscenity** idiot! I told you to stick together. What the **obscenity** are you doing ?!"
Instead of taking adventage of this situation (my mates were facing heavy resistance at the other hive the Comm sent them to), he ordered my to help the others... I was eaten on my way.
A few minutes later i was cut off from my teammates when we faced some turrets... i decided to use another route to get around the alien defence, but insteat of helping me, the Comm kept on insulting me "Your a lame piece of **obscenity**. I told you to get to that waypoint, What the **obscenity** are you doing ?!?!"
I told him "I faced about 5 Turrets and 2 or 3 defence chambers. This is suicide, i'm using the vents to go around."
Comm: "This guy is sooo **obscenity** me off"
I died about a minute later fighting the 4th skulk on that run... were out of ammo and low at health.
After respawing in our new base at Waste Hive (remeber ? the one that had been judged "useless" at the beginning) and with the Commander ignoring me I decided to go and scout and help if i can (anything is better than standing in the base for minutes).
I made my way through several corridor without facing any aliens and finally got to the Satellite Commuication Hive Location.
Me: "I'm at Satellite Hive Location, their primary hive. There is no defence, i repeat no defence at all. no aliens, just a movement Chamber. Let me Build a phase gate in this hallyway and we could take this hive in no time!"
Comm: "**obscenity** **obscenity** You! You're way off! argh that guy makes me puke!"
I hid in the hallway for about a minute and told my Comm: "Hive is still unprotected, why waste marines and resources on a well fortified hive if we could this one 'for free' ??".
Comm: "What the hell are you still doing there"
Me: "I'm waiting for you to give me a waypoint or send some reinforcements so we can take this GODDAMIT HIVE THAT IS STILL COMPLETELY UNPROTECTED !!!"
Other Player: "LOL, were are you mate, i'll be there in a minute"
Yet Another Player: "Sattelite Comm, right ?"
Comm: "Stick together **obscenity**, stick together !!"
Well... some fade found me before reinforcements arrived and we lost that round a few minutes later.
The Comm blamed it on me because i didn't obey his orders.
Well this little "story" shows a lot of things that I don't like about some commanders (I played with a lot of good ones and a lot of bad ones):
Commanders treat their marines as worthless pawns, sending them into suicide missions.
Sure, marines will respawn, but respawning costs TIME, time is CRITICAL.
Commanders should not think, they are god and their marines have to obey.
I don't obey to orders that everone can see are just stupid.
I think it's important for marines, that the commanders keeps in touch with them and tells us what his plans are.
Commanders should listen to their marines, their needs and their ideas.
Sure, some players (most of the time it's noobs and/or rambo-style players) keep on whinning about "need HMG & HA"... as commander you gotta find out, who on your team is "competent" and work with them as a team.
Argh, wrote a lot more than I intended, sorry.
Hope you understand this sh*t.. at least a bit <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Could be summarized in 5 simple words: "Teamwork is the only way"
-= Hypergrip =-
if you select two marines and give them a way point Both marines will get a waypoint to the same position and the waypoint will only disapear when both marines are within 1-2 meters of the waypoint.
Well, maybe it isn't the commanders job to answer, but I think that as a team someone should at least anwer the question. When the person is spamming questions all over it's fair to go RtfM.
But in this game there are many game mechanics, and I doubt everyone here knew each and every thing in the game from the first moment they entered.
All I'm saying is, 1 overlooked thing (like how to build as a marine) is easily answered and greatly increases the 'Ns-value' for them, probably will keep them longer here.
Going yelling noob isn't helping anyone, answering/explaining does.
But a little bit more than that: Any marine who won't follow orders. Commanding on Eclipse the other day I had 3 marines on my team of 6 marines that would follow my orders. The rest huddled around the CC asking for guns, jet packs, and heavy armor. We nearly had the second hive sieged, and probably coulda saved it if we had 6 marines instead of 3 there. But they came back, took the hive back, slowly crawled their way to the third hive with fades and lerks, and eventually won.
Just bothers me that they didn't realize that the three guys that <i>were</i> following orders were out there kicking **obscenity** with just light armor and LMG's, and doing a damn fine job.
When will people learn LMG and Light armor is pretty damn good... if you have a big group of marines that can shoot well while using them.
1) As commander, my marines linger around base or go play cowboy on their own around the map. In other words, they don't go where I tell them, or do what I say. This is about the only way I lose as commander.
2) When the marines constantly yelp "give me a shotty," or "comm shotgun please."
3) When you have a newb commander that for example does something newbish like builds a turret factory at spawn, which is a TOTAL WASTE of resources.
First of all, the shotgun isn't much more effective than the light machine gun. Second, if you have the least bit of decent aim you can take out 3 skulks without any weap or armory upgrades as marine before a death. Third, turret factories at spawn are not needed in large games. All you need is two marine spawn portals and an observatory so you can use the distress signal in the case of a base attack, and you must keep 15 resource points handy for that.
Ok, Im sick of hearing a comm go OMG, when I die w/ my LMG and LA trying to build a TF outside a hive.
Need Health, I have keys bound to every voice comm and use them, Rarely get health.
Dont mind saving the 2 rp's early on, but most of the time you just have to live on what you spawned with.
Comm needs to read the situation, your well thought out tactics and build order have to change on the fly depending on the skill of your marines and the alien tactics.
Tell everyone to move in pairs or threes , tell marines to pursue fades in 2's or 3's dont wound them hunt them down relentlessly. Some know some dont.
Just because you give me HA and HMG or GL doesnt mean I am a one man army. Unless you form us up and carry out a plan and keep cohesion, these weapons and armor dont mean squat, if aliens are even slightly skilled. COMM "WTF I gave you HMG and HA and you died you suck this team sucks I outta here" COMM drops
BIG DEAL, comm isnt knowing the darned build order and dropping weapons.
COMM= COMMAND so to some, I repeat some comms get yer head outta yer arse and COMMAND.
Thats it for now, please dont Court Martial me for voicing my concerns.
Pvt Crazed-One "Used to be a LCPL but a few drunken episodes with the lmg got me busted."
Non-regular : [GlobalChat] *start of game* : comm i want ha/hmg!!! <---- repeat 10 times in spam form.Followed by :
Non-regular : [GlobalChat] : omfg this comm sucks!111111 eject him and i will give you all c00l stuff!!!1111
n00b : how do i build stuff?
n00b : how do i get ammo?
n00b : how do i use medpacks?
n00b : how can i buy guns?
n00b : how come there are no rocket launchers?
n00b : wtf is the point of getting hives?!
n00b : comm i need a medpack! <----- do i know where he is?
*half of the team sitting in base begging for ha/hmg at start of game and the other half going EXACTLY the OPPOSITE direction of the waypoint i gave them* <----- happens too often.
*a bunch of marines at a double res point so busy shooting each other,that they ignore the RTs and TF i placed there,and eventaully 1 skulk came and got free food* <-----ridiculously annoying.
*when we have 1 res point at start of game,a n00b says....."the comm sucks we so long still dont have heavy armor!"*<------ annoying.
It was the Bast, I started out as a marine and found their hive at engine room. I ask if the commander could put up a phase in the tunnels. Nope. After a few minutes, the commander leaves and I'm forced to go comm after a few minutes of no commander.
Fast forward: we had atmos, feedwater and tram resources. Tram gets beaten up by a single fade while half of the team is sitting at base with HA/welder and whining for grenade launchers and HMG while I scream at them to go to feedwater. Forward 2 minutes: fade and gorge are slowly killing all the defenses in feedwater. 4/8 people in the marine team are camping around the armory and a single fade is shooting at them, so they constantly whine for medpacks. 2 people are trying to close the vent to the marine spawn without much luck as they're not getting any help from the campers. One person actually went off to defend feedwater. Forward 2 minutes: feedwater has lost all it's turrets and TF (stupid aliens didn't kill phase first), finally a grand total of 3 people phase in, the one who was there earlier and the 2 people trying to close the vent. The HA guys have mostly went off ramboing as I gave them weapons one by one and are now whining for new stuff. Forward a minute: feedwater falls, then atmospherics, still have 4 people constantly whining for equipment. Suddenly, *kicked by console*. That last part was a bit unexpected, but I'm kinda glad it happened as I don't have to listen to the abuse those equipment campers would've given me.
Comm : oh my god!they have the 2nd hive!quick get the seiges up!
n00b : if you dont gimme stuff i wont go!
followed by :
n00b : oh my god this comm sucks!see he made us lose!why didnt he seige the 2nd hive?!
<!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
- "Comm I have a nozzle here"
- "Lets move to xxxx"
- "How do I xxxx"
- "You need more turrets in base"*
- "You need a 2nd inf. portal"*
- "How about a jetpack, Comm?"
- "Give me jetpack and shotty and I can win this" (When were getting raped by Onos)
- "Need a turret generator here"**<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
- hey at least he asks you nice, he doesn't DEMAND that shotgun NOW! .. so be nice to him: "sry, no shotties yet"
- this, in my opinion, is something caused by the numerous bad commanders out there that just dont know how to play the game. So they're actually trying to help you, they're being nice! tell him you saw it and you have other plans.. maybe by setting his waypoint again. "lets move to xxxx", "you need more turrets in base", "you eed a 2nd inf portal" and other advice from marines fall into the same category. They try to HELP you. Maybe he is even RIGHT! Consider it, and decide.
- If someone asks how to do something, and you can't stand that you're being arrogant. Although i wouldn't answer the question cause i need my time, and some other marine probably will anyway.
- "how about a jetpack, comm?" ... same as shotty .. be happy he doesn't scream: "JETPACK!"
- when raped by onos in a more or less already lost game (this is most of the time the case) and you've got the money, why wouldn't you spend it on nonsonse like that.. let him SHOW what he's got!
- turret generators? never hearded that one before : /
I think a lot of questions on pubs, should be taken more seriously. They don't KNOW YOU!
YOU have got to show THEM that you are a capable commander... and make clear that you're actually reading their advices or requests, then they'll know that you've got other plans.
Be active, 'visible', for the poor marines on the ground.. You're their GOD, it doesn't matter whether you do something about their desperate prayers, just show that you've heard them!
- "How about a shotty" (Early game)
- "Comm I have a nozzle here"
- "Lets move to xxxx"
- "How do I xxxx"
- "You need more turrets in base"*
- "You need a 2nd inf. portal"*
- "How about a jetpack, Comm?"
- "Give me jetpack and shotty and I can win this" (When were getting raped by Onos)
- "Need a turret generator here"**
- "Comm medpack plz"***
-- SNIP --
I always find that newbie/insecure Comms always lay 2 inf. portals, TF/Armory, and usually 3 turrets.
I will say that if I was skirmishing with a clan, I wouldn't even lay a 2nd turret because I can actually have confidence in my team not getting pwned once they step outside of base.
So, what irritates you?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, unless you are pretty confident of your marines, a well organized skulk rush CAN be really damaging if your marines cannot spawn back fast enough.
Sometimes it's useful for marines to indicate when they are at a nozzle, in case you want to opportunistically drop one and move on. When I don't want to I either ignore or just tell them to nevermind about that nozzle and move on.
One thing that is sort of annoying though is newbies who haven't spent 10 seconds to figure out the tech tree, and ask for stuff we obviously don't have like within 30 seconds of starting a round. Or "promising" that they will kill a hive or something. "Comm just give me XYZ and I *promise* you we will kill that hive! Ok, so ..." <<<CHOMP>>> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
and when I'm a marine the most anoying comm...
To be honest the comm who sent a small group of us to fight off fades when we had no ammo and most of us needed health, whilst ignoring our plees for ammo and/or health (and yes I used the menu so he could find me!) is probably closest but we died, we respawned, we lost, it was challenging.