Turn off the hive for a week and see what happens!
Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58289Members

My suggestion is this. Smurfs and elochasers might not rejoice? But might be an interesting experiment? NS1 had nothing like hive skill. And these days we have ELOchasers and smurfs. Maybe "randomise the rr" works better. Then it would be true natural selection as a concept...
Matchmaking, probably doesn't work in small player bases. But the ELO system is pretty accurate even in small playerbases.
Shuffle may have a number of problems (smurfs and elo chasers being only two of them) but it's infinitely better than randomize ready room...
This x99
I actually stopped playing NS a few days ago because of the hive skill and rubbish shuffles not including playing with a community that doesn't eject trash commanders and then complain later on but still do nothing...
I admit i get highly frustrated that i am almost always on top of the score board regardless of the server and having greens on my team leading me to never be able to gain any more hive skill points because somehow to balance it out you need to stack a sanji with blues and no greens, i swear...
thinking about the dumbfuckry of argumentation from both sides that comes out of these forums is absolutely laughable at times.
I would like to request @Squeal_Like_A_Pig or someone from the UWE original development team to please help implement skill progression system including an updated alternative hive system as a means to save the game from a horrible death, now is probably a good time just to even lend a hand with one developer from Subnautica, that would be awesome. @Flayra @Max @dushan I promise that this is probably one of the prime times to do this as it's not looking healthy.
But on the serious note: how do you propose to do that (I mean the alternative hive)? Apart from introducing separate hive skill for marines and aliens which, I believe, is already being worked on.
NS2 was always about some sh*tty rounds, and tbh with the last updates I see (and take part in) a surprisingly large number of really good rounds. Besides ppl have eyes and brains, and when they notice a particularly bad shuffle, they can always vote for another one. Resetting skills is likely to introduce more chaos and discourage many ppl from playing (this is ofc my opinion, maybe i'm wrong, but many ppl are fighting now for a higher tier badge and might take it as a slap in their face).
I also desperately want the game to live and develop, but maybe the best way to act is to show some support to the devs, esp. with their new roadmap...
"Mathematical random" is not "human random" :P
If you flip coins enough times, you are bound to have a very long-long series of the same side. 20 heads in a row is not considered random by humans, but it actually is.
The same is true for Randomize RR, you have basically the same chance to get a stack vs a balanced round.
Except people vote for a shuffle again when it's not needed (4 point difference in team skill, 1759 - 1755) and won't shuffle again when it's needed (500+ point difference)
It's super super annoying to have the first shuffle give you perfectly balanced teams AND you actually get the team you want (and is the only reason you play the game) only to have complete idiots call for another shuffle that not only forces you to the team you hate, but also skews the teams so they're several hundred points (or more) off instead of the 0-50 points they were off the first shuffle.
In short, people are rarely capable of using their eyes and brains at the same time.
For me it is obvious that the community of NS2 players consists of observant people who are perfectly able to calculate, as these are skills that are absolutely necessary for even scratching the surface of this game. Which sadly, on the side note, may be the reason why we dont have that many players
Just as you have a preferred team, others do too, and when they get shuffled to the other side they are not happy either. Hence the new shuffles.
Not to mention when one side has a comm, and after 5 minutes the opposing side is still goofing around in warmup.
There are multiple reasons for multiple shuffles, and most are not nefarious.
Yes but he's saying people are smart enough to know when a shuffle is or isn't needed, here you're basically admitting that people shuffle for reasons that shuffle is not meant for.
This is solved by someone getting in the chair/hive, or a reset if the game has started.. it is not solved by an unnecessary shuffle... Shuffle does not produce commanders or force commanders into the chair.
I'm not saying most of the reasons are nefarious I'm saying they're idiotic. Plus it doesn't help matters that 9/10 times the only reason given is "uneven teams" (even when teams are dead even)
I'm not trying to complain here, just saying you can't expect intelligence to solve this problem.
If it could then we wouldn't need shuffle in the first place.
If you want to be on the other side, you "need" to shuffle, since you cant switch. Same for the comm situation, if no one wants to comm, someone on the other team might...
But yeah, we are arguing semantics here
As a personal experience on [GS] server, if the teams are obviously imbalanced, people are willing to reshuffle/reset the round even after start.
Assuming you are referring to me, I hasten to explain that I simply expressed my strong disbelief in that any automated mechanism can solve all our problems, and my equally strong belief in that ns2 players can use brains and eyes even at the same time
Perma-bans for the losing team???
In competitive games, each team has to say in chat that they're "ready" before the game starts. A similar system would probably help reduce the number of false starts in public games.
Servers have the option in shine to specifically do that.
I find it odd that no server uses these options.
Sudamerica does. I also implemented a "Ready" gui button for Rebirth that each commander needs to press.
I am aware of the sudamerica server. I probably play half of my ns2 games there anymore.
Dmd experimented with auto shuffle and some other settings in the past. I don't know all of the options they tried but they clearly didn't stick with them. Dmd has other wierd things going on so it is hard to know what they are really doing.
This Site is tracking all the data you need for an real skill based shuffle.
K/D, Accuracy and hive skill are the most important.
Based on this you can track cheaters relative easy also:
or Smurfs (maybe cheater):
Its easy:Under 50 hrs, over 3000 skill and steam profile private? 95% smurf
Classic https://observatory.morrolan.ch/player/63283
Something like this would be close to my good old HBZ shuffle.