Unable to reach habitat

RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
edited December 2018 in Subnautica on Consoles
I can't reach the small habitat (ground) on the Aurora rendez-vous island because any way I approach it, I fall through the floor and end up under the island. On my last attempt, I jumped from rock to rock as I thought "well they are held above the floor so...." and hooray, it worked: I reached the bulkhead mere centimeters from entering. So I take one step off the rocks, aiming for the door. And I plummet through the island. So, Unknown Worlds, Get your bloody shit together! You are ruining your own fabulous game. No one is going to buy the DLC you chose to put all your development hours in if the base game doesn't even work! And you should be happy we are still ranting about it even all those months and all the shit we endured. It means the game is good enough to keep on playing. Which makes the fact that there are still so many bugs -and even lots of new ones after 1.0, hey this bug was not present in the preview- even more disappointing.
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