Subnautica: Below Zero Relics of the Past Update - Subnautica
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A new update has arrived for Subnautica: Below Zero Early Access. Experience the story in new detail, with full voice acting implemented, a new creature lurking in the Void, further...
Have to agree unfortunately. I've put about 6 hours in today (made a base, met Marg for first time, have Al-An) - the voice acting of Robin is... I'll come back to that if I find a positive spin for it. I do like the PDA voice, but the manager guy at Delta base? I know he's meant to sound like a bit of a pain, but wowsers...
As fartman says, it pulls you out of the story making you an observer rather than the protagonist.
I am also really struggling with the basic plot flaw. It's a known planet with known resources, Robin is a survivor who got caught out and had to last 6 months with some rope or something previously. SO WHY DIDN'T SHE BRING ANY BLUEPRINTS WITH HER? Even a 5-second 'oh-bugger the fabricator has been reset to default' in the opening cinematic would have helped paper over this plothole I've been trying to forget for the past 5 hours since it occured to me. It's not as bad as Raiders of the Lost Ark if-Indy-had-done-nothing-the-nazis-would-have-died-anyway, but it is really frustrating to have no motivation that makes sense to find / research tech.
Solid 7/10 for me, but I think originally the game had potential for 9.5. I'll still play and finish it, but I won't replay it dozens of times I like the original I don't think - partly 'coz of the above, partly 'coz I find the seatruck so damn miserable compared to the 'moth.
Good luck with the rest, hope it comes together well.
On the upside, the game looks and plays extremely well. I did another runthrough on S1 and finished the day before this patch came out, so the comparison was very clear to me. If the empty seatruck w/horsepower upgrade could sound like the 'moth it wouldn't feel so delivery-van utilitarian, but I get that's just me. Sure there's some polish still to come - recipes are scattered between the mod station, vehicle upgrade bay and standard fab in a way that doesn't make any sense at the moment for example - there's no reason at all for the vehicle upgrade bay at the moment other than cosmetic I don't think?. But yeah, dialogue aside, the bones of the game are utterly superb and a lot of the game looks and feels amazing. I'm still awful at driving the fox, so largely lumber about in the prawn on land. The spy pengling is useful and fun to use. It is a great game and technically miles beyond S1, that needs to be recognised - well done.
Any chance of large rooms in S1? I'd happily pay for a cosmetic expansion that brought rooms and all the accompanying furniture items from BZ back into S1.
Sorry!!! I have seen that it was some kind of error the last month. I am very glad both games are still in the services!
Instead of having the void just be open ocean, have it be a passage under a large iceberg area. Now, it has an excuse to be pitch black. Then, have the Void Chilicerate eyes give off search light like beams of light as it searches for you. When it finds you, they go yellow like its current eyes do.
Anyways, I'm just spitballing ideas; the current version just doesn't feel as scary as the OG void.
Yeah, I am not too fond of chelicerates in general. They look like giant prawns, I mean... I feel hungry when I see them, not afraid... I don't think that any recolor could make them too much better, your design looks cool in a first reading but trying to imagine it... that giant prawn with yellow eyes may look a bit ridiculous...
That's pretty good criticism. That being said, I think it can still work but it'll be a different experience. SBN1 was much more sand-boxy. Sure, it nudged you in the "right" direction, but you could still completely ignore it and not feel bad or like you weren't playing the game correctly.
SBN2 has a much harder push, but as long as there are periods in the story where you aren't being pushed, it will still have it's sand-box feel in addition to a character-centric plot as opposed to a history/detective-centric plot. Of course, if at every point in the story, I'm being told: "go get this," "go visit this place," "you must get this upgrade" instead of "Hey, there might be something interesting in this general area" that would ruin the sandbox feel and, in my opinion, would be a different game completely instead of a sequel. And different doesn't equal bad, it just wouldn't be a SBN experience. It'd be like buying a ticket to a basketball game and, when you show up, it's a baseball game. I like both sports, but I still have expectations.
For me be bold - make the dead sis a partner instead of a sister (the LBGTQ+ add-in feels awfully added in and token). Add some dialogue that actually shows Robin cares and centre the story on that - not cute Al-An chats. Sub had one goal and was the better for it, BZ splits and if you take advantage of the sandbox, one half of the story becomes increasingly rediculous.
I love Sub and BZ - I'd happily pay £15 for an update that adds large rooms + all the other fancy bits to Sub. I do feel extremely let down by the story on BZ. There's a million other bugs that I am presuming will get fixed, but the baked-in 'voiceover complete' message is really depressing. Roll on the mods that make more sense.