There's some netgraph crap you can use, but that can actually decrease framerate if you have a machine slow enough that you need to see what your framerate is. Anyhow, I prefer the cl_showfps 1 command in the console. It puts a little number in the top left corner of your screen. 'Twas quite handy for me before I built my new (well, 8 months old, now) computer.
Anyhow, I prefer the
cl_showfps 1
command in the console. It puts a little number in the top left corner of your screen. 'Twas quite handy for me before I built my new (well, 8 months old, now) computer.
net_graph 3
you can also set the position of this indicator.
another method is r_speeds 1 but it's more uselul to see wpolys/epolys than fps.