Interested In Writing Articles For An Ns Site?

Ensign_DeadmeatEnsign_Deadmeat Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9590Members
edited December 2002 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">We're looking for you!</div> Smoothgames now has a Natural Selection website! It's brand new and still needs content. After reading some of the awesome tips and stategies from these forums, I'd like to add alot of them to the website, if only to spread the word and help more people get into NS.

If you're interested in writing Articles, FAQs, strategy advice, etc... for the site, please e-mail me at [] You'll get the credit on the site for anything you write.

If you want to check out the beginnings of the site, you can see it at

<a href='' target='_blank'>SmoothGames/naturalselection</a>


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