Help Starting A Win32 Server For Ns

darkrevengedarkrevenge Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11660Members
someone please help me i want to start a win32 server for ns but not sure how and do i have to have half life the game itself installed on that computer with the full ns mod? please help i would very much appreciate it


  • j0ej0e Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2840Banned
    to start it up without any embellishments is pretty simple. create a shortcut that looks like this

    c:\sierra\half-life\hlds.exe -game ns +maxplayers 20 +map ns_eclipse

    that is all you need to run a server, but assuming you want to run a serious server and aren't fooling around

    1. install serverdoc or gamehost to keep it running

    2. install adminmod and learn how to use it

    3. play on it a lot and respect the players and protect them from idiots

    4. host a website with forums (and stats when available)

    5. get some good trustworhty mature people to be admins. good admins are the lifeblood of a good server.
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