Ns rookie writings: part 2

TraneTrane Join Date: 2002-02-01 Member: 148Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Read it and find out</div>Our original 6 member squad had suffered 3 casualties, and the resulting stress made sweat run down my neck and back faster.  We were all in pretty poor condition, and there was no way we could, with our current supplies move to a better position without putting ourselves in even more danger.  We would be in such a better situation if Sparks had just followed orders.  @#$%, if that ####### had just stayed with the commander instead of gone bob-hunting he'd be alive and our commander would be alive too.
    Higgins and I were holed up in a short hallway between the barracks complex and the cafeteria.  The place had only 2 entrances, and from the looks of it, no exposed pipes, or at least none big enough for a bob or lvl 3.  We sat back to back each of us a mere 5 ft from the doors.  He had a broken leg and might have had some internal bleeding.  We couldn't tell at this point, but he wouldn't stop groaning and after the pain salve a broken leg wouldn't still be hurting.  That lvl 5 had slamed him hard.  
    Since he was in such bad condition he got to face the fully welded door.  My door on the otherhand was only half welded because our welder had puttered out at the last second.  Its not like it mattered if a lvl 5 showed up.  Recently, they had figured out how to ram doors down.  
    Our third member, Riggs, was on the way to the command console.  He was the only one without a scratch, and he had the most knowledge of the command console.  We were hoping he'd link up in about 10 minutes, if he made it.  For now we were going to have to wait it out and hope we got some ammo and med fast.
    "Riggs, how much farther to the console?", I whispered into my com unit.
    "Not much further.  I'm guessing only 2 minutes as long as the lift is clean.", he responded.  "Are you guys holding up well?"
    "Were fine.", I said.
    "#$%@ You, I feel like-"
Tick, tick, tick....  Higgins stoped talking midsentence at the sound.  That sound is one of two things.  Either, the sound of the static sparks of one of those 50 year old light bulb fuses burning out, or the sound of bob claws.  We were already in the pitch black since the power had cut out about an hour ago.  
    Both Higgins and I grabbed our LMG's.  I stood up and turned off the safety on my pistol at my hip.  I gave it to Higgins.  He only had 13 shots left in his clip and no pistol ammo because a bob had nearly swallowed his hand after the 5'er knocked him down.  Luckily, the bob only swallowed his pistol.  
   The com buzzed in my ear, "Why'd he cut off, whats happening?"  Riggs had already lost his cool, but he was always a little nervous.
   "At least a bob, Just hurry."
   Higgins groaned simultaneously as the half welded door groaned against the pressure of some alien life form straining against it.  The lower right half of the door started slowly bending up like tinfoil.  Damn, those things are strong.  I crouched and fired into the exposed alien flesh in that corner.  There was a high pitched squeal and then, tick tick tick...  The bob scurried away into the unknown darkness.  
   There was silence for the next 30 seconds.  I checked my ammo readout and I was at 47.  If there is anything I prided my self in it was my ability to 3 round burst perfectly and accurately everytime I pulled the trigger.  Most grunts swithed to burst fire mode to do it, but I knew if a situation got hot you wouldn't want to be pressing buttons just to go full auto.  
    After 30 seconds of complete eternal silence.....  
Thunk, Thunk.  
"HOLY $#%&!"

Look for the following and previous chapters later, just tell me which one you want first or if you want them at all.


  • TraneTrane Join Date: 2002-02-01 Member: 148Members
    "Holy $#*&!", yelled Higgins.  "Now were dea-"
        A bob uncloaked and it jaws bit down around Higgins head.  A sick crunch followed.  
        "HOW THE HELL!?"  I reacted as fast as possible, but Higgins was already dead by the time i turned around.  I started pummeling the lvl 1, but it was moving so fast.  Half a second later i was down to half a clip and the bob was on the ceiling coming at me at full speed.  Then it flung itself at me.  Its weight hit my body hard and I could feel its head drop full force into my shoulder.  As we collided with the floor I expected its teeth to be sinking into my shoulder, but nothing happened at all.  It was lifeless on top of me.  I quickly rolled it off me and stood up.  I looked at my ammo readout, I only had 3 bullets left.  And I quickly found a use for them when the bob started to move again.  The last 3 bullets finished it off for good.  The aliens had an incredible regenerative power and even with a fatal wound the regeneration could keep it alive.  I kicked the bob just to be sure.  Yep, it was dead.
       "BRITTON! BRITTON!"  Riggs sounded like he was having a nervous breakdown on the other end of the com.  "W-W-WHATS HAPPENING!?"
       My breathing slowed and I replied, --Thunk, Thunk.--"Higgins just got ate, somehow a bob snuck in here, and we have a" -Thunk, Thunk.- "5er outside someplace." --Thunk.--
       The lvl 5 aliens didn't fit very well in the corridors and often hit up against them making a Thunk sound. the 5er was often moving at high speeds rebounding off both walls.  The thunk-thunk sound would resonate for what seemed like miles.
      "Riggs where are you?"  
      His voice came through the com unit, "I-I-I'm waiting for the l-lift to the console room.  Here it is now... DAMN IT!."
       I heard a series of scuffling sounds then some firing.  But, --THUNK, THUNK-- I didn't have any time to think about it.  The behemoth was getting too close.
       Riggs voice came through nervous as hell, "D-Dispatched a b-b-ob.  Its p-p-probably the same one that killed the commader and S-Sparks.  On my way up the l-lift now."
       Riggs was always nervous as hell but a sure shot none the less.  --THUNK-- I could feel the vibrations now, and they were getting stronger.
       "I-I'm linking up ... now", Riggs said.
       "HURRY", I whispered feircely, hoping somehow by keeping quiet the 5er wouldn't know where I was.  How wrong i was.  I heard the footfalls now.  They sounded like thunder.  I grabbed Higgins bloodied LMG with its 13 ammo and quickly holstered my pistol.  The thunder sound grew louder and louder.  Then, -SLAM!- two giant horns slammed through the half welded door.  The metal door whined as the 5er easily ripped it off with its horns and tossed it to the side.  Staring at it the whole time, this being only the second time I'd ever seen the beast, I lifted up the LMG and spent the 13 ammo full into the beast's head.  It shook its head like a horse and then rammed itself full force into the doorway.  It was much to large and would have to tear the whole wall siding and supports out to get at me.  I was just a sitting duck waiting for it to figure out how to get at me.  My sweat thickened as did my breathing.  The 5er repeatedly slammed itself in the support and siding.  It started to give way.
       "RIGGS!", I yelled.  "I need an HMG with chemical tipped ammo now!"
       "The b-bob ate through half the wiring at the console and I'm w-w-working as fast as I can to replace it!"
       "W-W-Work faster you stuttering fool.", I mocked. "The 5er is almost on me."  
       The 5er had succesfully rammed half of the metal siding so it bent inwards.  It could almost fit and would continue to ram the doorway until he could.  It probably would only need to throw its body against the door way 2 or 3 more times.  I closed my eyes and prepared for death.
       Then, to my luck, the small teleport unit attached to Higgins backpack came online.  The high pitched teleport sound started and next to the unit appeared a fully loaded HMG and 2 clips.  I grabbed the gun and quickly attached the recoil strap to my armor.  I turned the safety off and went full auto on the beast whose head was now fully inside the doorway and was working with all its might to fit its mammoth torso in.  The bullets exploded against the lvl 5 and the pure acid started to work at the carapace.  It roared in pain and jammed its head out quickly getting out of my line of sight.  I had just spent 25 ammo of my 100 clip.  I was hoping it would just run away, but I could still here it moving around outside.
      "Thanks Riggs, its leaving me alone, but i still here it.  Could you spend some resources on an infra-red chip?"
      His voice, more assured now the most critical part of the situation seemed to be past, responded, "O-Of course, we have plenty of resources.  I'd send you a sentry too but its so close quarters in that little hallway I don't want you catching your own sentry fire if things get out of hand."  He added quickly, "The lvl 5 dissapeared in that large room ahead somewhere to your left."
      "Just get me that chip and I'll spot 'em", I said.
      The chip appeared and I plugged it into the slot on my display goggles.  I deactivated the nightvision because NV and IR get too funny looking combined.  I looked around and quickly spotted it.  About 20 feet to the left of the door  it sat waiting for me to come out.  Knowing I couldn't give it time to regenerate and not really knowing how tough this thing was I formulated a plan.  
      I ran out of the door way, rolled into a crouching position, and started shooting the 5er.  Completely unprepared the beast got off its haunches and started charging me.  My bullets didn't seem to be doing anything to it.  When it was about 5 feet from me my legs, out of gut reflex, through me left hard right back into the little hallway.  I reaimed and started shooting wildly into the flank of the beast.  It reoriented itself and charged at the hallway.  It slamed through the doorway, but it was stuck halfway through the entrance.  It horns a mere foot from my face.  -Click Click- I through the empty clip to the side and loaded a new one as I backed up away from the lethal force of its horns.  I started firing again.  The 5er couldn't take the brutal assault of the acid and with all its might tore free and backed away from the entrance.  
      The thunder of its footsteps retreated.  It was running away into the passageway in the left of the big room.
      "Run away you peice of alien #@$%!", I yelled.
      My com unit buzzed, "B-Britton, What the hell was that?  That was possibly the dummest assault in the h-h-history of the TSA."
      I sighed. "Well, no time to worry about the stupidity of my tactics.  I need a way out of here, and fast."
  • GreedoGreedo Bounty Hunter Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 37Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    That's some pretty intense action you have there.  I think, the only thing that could make this story better would be if you used actual names for the aliens (i.e. not "bob", "lvl3" etc.).  I hope this delay in response didn't discourage you from writing more, because I really would like to read some.
  • TraneTrane Join Date: 2002-02-01 Member: 148Members
    Well actually I figured no one liked it since no one wrote back, and didn't even think about it again.  For the names I was just using what we had been using on the forums. What names would you suggest?  I'll start thinking up the prequel if you give me the names  <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->   Thanks for the feedback.
  • GreedoGreedo Bounty Hunter Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 37Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    I can't really say what the alien names should be, as they haven't been publicly finalized yet.  Just try and use names that people would easily recognize.  Like, flier, blinker, scrambler, builder, and behemoth, or something.

    And just so you know, not getting any replies is no reason to stop writing.  I mean, hell, the only person who's commented on my story the last couple chapters has been rob, and I suspect he only does it out of pity. <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
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