Problem Killing Hive.

ZeriamZeriam Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11602Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Hive is alive until you quit attacking.</div> I have noticed that when I am using a constant attack weapon that does not need to be reloaded (knife and welder) the Hive will stay alive as long as I am attacking, even when other people are shooting it and it is long past dead. I think the constant damage doesn't give it a chance to do the death animation, it just keeps playing the damage animation over and over. Once I sat on top of the Sewer Hive on NS_Caged for 3 minutes with almost my entire team emptying HMG's, Grenade Launchers, and LMG's all into the Hive and I was welding it to death. Everyone started saying over voice comm "WTF, this hive won't die!" until finally I let go of the mouse button and the hive curled up and died. I have done this with my knife many times also. One time I remember clearly was on NS_Nothing. I was standing under the PowerSilo Hive knifing it because it was undefended. It constantly made the damage noise and did the animation until I was killed by a Skulk. After I died (since the constant damage quit) the Hive died. I had noticed this before after I went on Solo missions to kill a hive with Jetpack/Welder combo. I would weld until an alien came and killed me and I always thought I just got lucky and killed it at the last second because my commander would always say "Good job dude, you killed the Hive right as you died!" I don't see how this bug could be exploited, but unkillable hives certainly isn't a good thing. Someone try it just to confirm it.


  • Coyote399Coyote399 Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10627Members
    yeah, ive seen it happen twice, im pretty sure its already been discussed......and this belongs in bugs
  • OlfredOlfred Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 10040Members
    I had that too twice times. Maybe its because the model don't disappear and uhm.. yeah it's like a dead body lying on the ground and won't let him respawn untilll zou stop hitting the corpse... Or was that another engine and not the HL one... hm.....
  • SecretFireSecretFire Join Date: 2003-01-02 Member: 11712Members
    Hitting the sewer hive? I think i was in that game with you...
  • TomCerulTomCerul Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9614Members
    It's a bug. When the hive goes slack and falls a few feet, cease fire and poof. Just one more of those little tidbits ya gotta know about NS. Like (currently) no motion tracking on Linux servers, building spawn and phase without adequet clearance overhead for the marines that appear.
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