Balence This Balence That Bla Bla Bla
I hunt the arctic Snonos Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12097Members

<div class="IPBDescription">have u ever stoped to think...</div> There are at least 50 posts in these forums (probably more archived) about people talking about what needs to be balanced and what should stay etc.
Now remember this is my opinion but does a game relly need to be all so perfectly balanced?
Gasp!!** (people putting hands to their faces thinking "WTF is wrong with this guy!)
Ok think about it just ignore all the tiny things for now like grenade damage, build time, bunny hopping, and most recently the debate over crosshairs even. Stop micromanaging and look at the big picture.
NS has released a supurb game. With many new elements never tried.
Because of this there are new aspects to be played such as commaders and aliens.
These 2 elements right here give the games BOTH sides some pretty cool and outright awsome atvantages and disatvantages.
Lets take a look. I mean come on people, the game has put in cheats for you lol!
Marines: You have a commander to drop you med packs and ammo. What other mod can you suddenly get gifts (for almost free) falling from the sky from heaven right to you with out using some giveweapon clip cheat.
You can siege things through walls. What!?!? the marines have a super gun thats really powerful?? AND WHAT?!? It can shoot through walls too!
The marines have one huge advantage. Marine players are fighting conventionaly. Meaning they have a gun. hands to hold it you know what I mean , the standard first person shooter look that everyone is used too.
Marines are more open to noobies b/c everyone knows how to run around with a gun. Thats a main reason why in the first release of NS no one played as aliens b/c everyone didint want to try somethng new and look bad at it (b/c they never tried it before)
The marines have big guns even early in the game. If you want to make it balanced why not take those away so they have to fight with knives melee style like the skulks. (bad idea) I consider an LMG to be a big gun when compaired to an alien that doesnt have any gun.
Then there is the phase gate: ie. teleportation
shotgun: One shot kills. Imagine the AWP from CS with a scope one it.
And many others
Now ALiens
They move really fast, even that fat marine eating cow on steroids Onos.
They can climb on walls. Screw people complaining on bunny hopping the aliens move fast and then even faster when they buny hop. I dont call that cheating I call that making use of your hive given legs.
What other mod can you play as as something as huge as an an Astrovan with the armour or a tank? Without some cheat.
Aliens can kill with 2 hits. They can magicaly heal themself. (Regenoration)
They have the cheapest trick of all. They cant die. Redemption. The min. the marine wastes all his ammo on a fade it teleorts back to saftey.
Hive sight. What kind of blatent wall hack is this lol.
I could go on and on.
Look at the big picture.
If the game is really a little off on balanceing who cares. Marine and Alien tactics are apples and oranges. They both taste good but they just are too different to make 100% equal to each other. Each side has its own tactics and special abilities its up to us to find them and use them.
many people think that playing as marines or the aliens is too hard and they never win bla bla bla.
I admit it, sometimes I too think the marines will never win but then I realise that A. i see who Im playing with.
B. Realise The marines are using the same tactics over and over that dont work. C. Well I dont know about you but I like realism too and life doesnt always make everyinth perfect and balanced for you. It would be very dull. And when the marines do win after say 5 consecutive butt thrashings, well that just makes the victory all the more sweeter.
Now remember this is my opinion but does a game relly need to be all so perfectly balanced?
Gasp!!** (people putting hands to their faces thinking "WTF is wrong with this guy!)
Ok think about it just ignore all the tiny things for now like grenade damage, build time, bunny hopping, and most recently the debate over crosshairs even. Stop micromanaging and look at the big picture.
NS has released a supurb game. With many new elements never tried.
Because of this there are new aspects to be played such as commaders and aliens.
These 2 elements right here give the games BOTH sides some pretty cool and outright awsome atvantages and disatvantages.
Lets take a look. I mean come on people, the game has put in cheats for you lol!
Marines: You have a commander to drop you med packs and ammo. What other mod can you suddenly get gifts (for almost free) falling from the sky from heaven right to you with out using some giveweapon clip cheat.
You can siege things through walls. What!?!? the marines have a super gun thats really powerful?? AND WHAT?!? It can shoot through walls too!
The marines have one huge advantage. Marine players are fighting conventionaly. Meaning they have a gun. hands to hold it you know what I mean , the standard first person shooter look that everyone is used too.
Marines are more open to noobies b/c everyone knows how to run around with a gun. Thats a main reason why in the first release of NS no one played as aliens b/c everyone didint want to try somethng new and look bad at it (b/c they never tried it before)
The marines have big guns even early in the game. If you want to make it balanced why not take those away so they have to fight with knives melee style like the skulks. (bad idea) I consider an LMG to be a big gun when compaired to an alien that doesnt have any gun.
Then there is the phase gate: ie. teleportation
shotgun: One shot kills. Imagine the AWP from CS with a scope one it.
And many others
Now ALiens
They move really fast, even that fat marine eating cow on steroids Onos.
They can climb on walls. Screw people complaining on bunny hopping the aliens move fast and then even faster when they buny hop. I dont call that cheating I call that making use of your hive given legs.
What other mod can you play as as something as huge as an an Astrovan with the armour or a tank? Without some cheat.
Aliens can kill with 2 hits. They can magicaly heal themself. (Regenoration)
They have the cheapest trick of all. They cant die. Redemption. The min. the marine wastes all his ammo on a fade it teleorts back to saftey.
Hive sight. What kind of blatent wall hack is this lol.
I could go on and on.
Look at the big picture.
If the game is really a little off on balanceing who cares. Marine and Alien tactics are apples and oranges. They both taste good but they just are too different to make 100% equal to each other. Each side has its own tactics and special abilities its up to us to find them and use them.
many people think that playing as marines or the aliens is too hard and they never win bla bla bla.
I admit it, sometimes I too think the marines will never win but then I realise that A. i see who Im playing with.
B. Realise The marines are using the same tactics over and over that dont work. C. Well I dont know about you but I like realism too and life doesnt always make everyinth perfect and balanced for you. It would be very dull. And when the marines do win after say 5 consecutive butt thrashings, well that just makes the victory all the more sweeter.
That thread is just Teoh having a sly and humourous dig at several groups all at once. I just joined in for a laugh and to show I agree.
And now we've got a thread arguing we shouldn't argue/discuss over balance. There has to be a happy medium.
The devs have to get feedback and threads debating issues of balance is one way of getting it in addition to direct feedback from PTs. On the other hand a lot of threads are just saying the same old things and (no offence intended to anyone) it's difficult to sift the valid points from the rubbish/ill-informed ones.
At the end of the day, go out there play NS, enjoy yourself, post anything which you think is severely effecting the game (and hasn't already been mentioned) and trust the devs to do their completly voluntary and un-paid job.
'nuff said.
As the dev team said. Why give the marines 20 weapons that do the same thing. Its like CS both teams have lots of guns that all do the same thing, boring, NS has lots of variety.
Like I said. due to the fact that marines and aliens difer in playing style so much you cant expect to be able to balance it 100% and thats ok.
the game is flawlessly balanced the way it is right now. Winning or losing is in the hands of the players, not resource counts or bunny hopping, or building HP.
Fix the exploits (especially the alien-as-marine thing, really sucks)
Fades to strong?? No way
Siege is lame?? No way in 1.04
GL to strong?? No (after all, the aliens get onos)
It's funny,
when you read the kharaa-strat, Aliens loose almost all the games
when you read the front-strat, Marines loose almost all the games
I wonder who wins the rest.....
Just start playing and have fun.
Oh well, live on pance-less gorge! <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo--> You've seen aliens lose.
Exactly. It is my opinion that this game perhaps <u>shouldn't</u> be balanced.
Think about it. I think it is wholly appropriate for the marines to have a general advantage. It gives newbies a chance to get used to the game without people getting mad at them for losing a bit of advantage that decides the game. I think that aliens should basically be for the more experienced half of the players.
There is something in being disadvantaged that makes a game enjoyable.
Can anyone think of an experience where you have been thoroughly thrashed by another player (in say a fighting game, or tennis, or whatever) and you enjoyed it all the more for it? I for one live for that.
I want my games to present a nigh-insurmountable challenge.
Which is why I think it is appropriate for a game to be imbalanced. If its the wrong difficulty for you right now, start playing a different team.
Anyone else up for a challenge?