Kharaa Fiction

MastodonMastodon Old Fogie Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12052Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">somebody has to get this motha gone.</div> I was reading through some of these fantastic stories and noticed that really weren't any taken from an Alien point of view. I think that this would be especially challenging and enriching if some folks expanded on the limited information in the manual and other stories. I enjoy writing but I'm afraid I'll start a story and never finish it, so what I've done is cooked up a little introduction type of thing to many help you authors get some ideas or something. It was a bit of a rush job so forgive any typographical errors or poor punctuation. I deliberately used a lot of broken, fragmented sentences because I think it kind of fits the character of the Kharaa. Anyway, here it is in all its brevity. Expand on it or create your own, lets just give the Aliens some respect, yo!
<b>"Cleanse the intruder,"</b> it spoke.
The Bacterium knows only existence. A gust of wind, a careless marine boot, or some unsuspecting host...any means will do. Any means to get it to warmth, moisture. Any means to sustinance. Any means to subside.
The intergalactic hitch-hiker.
This wasn't warfare, this wasn't science, this wasn't even a matter of God versus Charles Darwin; this was survival.
<b>"Cleanse the intruder,"</b> it spoke again.
The voice, if you could call it a voice, was cold. Perhaps not a belligerent type of cold, just simply cold. Unfeeling. For when it comes down to survival, feeling cannot be a part of the equation and, thusly, the Bacterium had programmed out any feeling. Ample time and resources had been gathered. A hive had formed; the womb of this mishappen body. She shuddered and gestated. Some would say her groaning could only be compared to labor pains. Thousands of atoms turned to molecules turned to tissue to turned to organs and flesh. It couldn't be called a child; a child has to be taught and nurtured. The amalgam that emerged from this womb knew only service. It knew only the bidding of the 'voice' that shook every neuron it posessed: <b>"cleanse the intruder"</b>. In fact it needed not know more than that for this was, after all, survivial. The skulk was wholly what it was; a servant, complete and completed, programmed to exist as self-sufficient limb of its masters body.
It needed existence as the Bacterium did. It was one with the Bacterium as it's mother, the hive, was, as every atom it produced was one of the same vicious machine. From it's inception the skulk was prepared. The cleansing could begin.

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  • HBNayrHBNayr Join Date: 2002-07-13 Member: 930Members
    edited January 2003
    <a href='' target='_blank'>For the Mind.</a>


    "Always remember, you live for the Mind."
    -- Frrt-a

    Edit: And of course, I forget the went down, taking my piece of fiction with it. Being as how I have re-written the pieces posted here, and do not wish to dig and see if I have an original copy of the piece, and the continuation is not yet prepared for public viewing (Yeah, NS is THAT much of a production-killer), I am going to have to ask, once again, I'm afraid, any fans of my piece to post a copy of it. I will check my own folders, but there's no guarantee that I will find it again. Pester me enough, and perhaps I'll polish what I DO have enough to post it on the boards very soon.
  • RobRob Unknown Enemy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 25Members, NS1 Playtester
    No problem, I've got it all backed up. Images are gone, of course...

    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
  • HBNayrHBNayr Join Date: 2002-07-13 Member: 930Members
    Thank you very much, Rob.

    I also highly suggest reading Rob's own Unknown Enemy: Uncertain Outcome. Truly a great work of NS fan fiction, and the man has the ability to churn out new chapters with insane speed, so it should keep you reading for a while.


    The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
    -- Noelie Altito
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