in one game on tanith, we never got fades because the marines took down our hive whenever it was finished.;.--heh 1.04e--
We had waste handling, (our hive just got done getting built, and we were all spawning and defending the hive.
One jetpacker comes in through a vent, and manages to stay in flight forever, it seemed. he only tapped the ground once, and only landed on a beam in the air 2 times (probably to reload, or get a med pack or whatever)
now, since he landed on the beam, it takes skulks quite a bit of time to run up the wall, latch on the ceiling, and grab a beam, by that time-- he just takes off, for his infinite flight again
he was attacking our hive at that point, too, and skulks obviously couldn't do anything, as they have no splash-damage attack, and parasite would be quite hard to use on a jetpacker.
that's quite a problem.. i think he died because he landed on a beam and a skulk was waiting, and he got him.
Well, I think the one thing that annoys me more than that.. is that, jetpack doesn't even work that way for me, at ALL.
I usually get like 80 FPS, never going below 40-50
I can hold jump to get in the air, and when i let go i'll start falling, but if i hold jump again, nothing happends--- I JUST HIT THE GROUND.
Even "tapping" it like people kept telling me, it didn't change anything, i just seemed to fall straight down, a LOT faster.
crouching seemed to make it a little better, but the problem was still there-- even with all the fuel in the world, i couldn't stay up in the air after releasing jump
in one game on tanith, we never got fades because the marines took down our hive whenever it was finished.;.--heh 1.04e--
We had waste handling, (our hive just got done getting built, and we were all spawning and defending the hive.
One jetpacker comes in through a vent, and manages to stay in flight forever, it seemed. he only tapped the ground once, and only landed on a beam in the air 2 times (probably to reload, or get a med pack or whatever)
now, since he landed on the beam, it takes skulks quite a bit of time to run up the wall, latch on the ceiling, and grab a beam, by that time-- he just takes off, for his infinite flight again
he was attacking our hive at that point, too, and skulks obviously couldn't do anything, as they have no splash-damage attack, and parasite would be quite hard to use on a jetpacker.
that's quite a problem.. i think he died because he landed on a beam and a skulk was waiting, and he got him.
Well, I think the one thing that annoys me more than that.. is that, jetpack doesn't even work that way for me, at ALL.
I usually get like 80 FPS, never going below 40-50
I can hold jump to get in the air, and when i let go i'll start falling, but if i hold jump again, nothing happends--- I JUST HIT THE GROUND.
Even "tapping" it like people kept telling me, it didn't change anything, i just seemed to fall straight down, a LOT faster.
crouching seemed to make it a little better, but the problem was still there-- even with all the fuel in the world, i couldn't stay up in the air after releasing jump