<div class="IPBDescription">What does this mean?</div> I type in map foolmap in console and right when it wuold load up the map i get this and hl crashes.
AllocBlock: Full
What is this? I just started my map and i get something like this already..
I clicked that "Search" link up in the top right corner of the screen and typed "Allocblock" into the keyword box. The forum search is fun <i>and</i> easy!
<i><b>Disclaimer</b>: I don't know what Allocblock is, I can't map</i>
ok i looked and it says alloc block full means the total allocated memory blocks avaible are full. well that is LARGE PROBLEM. mainly becuase I JUST STARTED MY MAP. all i have is some floor planned out for all the floor of the map, and then 3 rooms that actually have walls. do lights affect this? i have 9 lights so far. and 3 rooms. wow. big map. and i already have block full. please tell me if you have any suggestions.
ok this sucks. i tried everything on tommys site. i dont have a leaf saw into leaf, i only have 6 wads, my pathnames arent too long, i so far have used about 6 textures, and i have no sound in my map at all yet. I cant figure out how to stop it. i have 512 ram.
what a great way to start off your first ns map....
2 suggestions: -send the map and let me fix it. OR -backup your map, but a big leak blocking hull around it and delete half of the map. compile , load the backup and delete teh other half. If just one of the compiles has the error continue still you got it. Or make simular binary-error-searching methods.
I get allock block ful on my map 100% everytime i have a leak, because of complex map-border architecture. too bad because I cant use the pointfile <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
i dont have any leaks, i am very happy about that. i dont have any texture errors. but, when i was looking over the code, it said i have a bad surface extent. could that be causing the alloc block full?
i got it. i just sarted deleting the entire map, then deleting certain things once that was done. it turned out that the whole problems was caused by a see through hand rail. i dleeted that.
<i><b>Disclaimer</b>: I don't know what Allocblock is, I can't map</i>
<a href='http://members.telocity.com/pdebaan/errors.htm' target='_blank'>http://members.telocity.com/pdebaan/errors.htm</a>
<a href='http://members.telocity.com/pdebaan/errors.htm#allocblock' target='_blank'>http://members.telocity.com/pdebaan/errors....htm#allocblock</a>
what a great way to start off your first ns map....
-send the map and let me fix it.
-backup your map, but a big leak blocking hull around it and delete half of the map.
compile , load the backup and delete teh other half.
If just one of the compiles has the error continue still you got it.
Or make simular binary-error-searching methods.
I get allock block ful on my map 100% everytime i have a leak, because of complex map-border architecture. too bad because I cant use the pointfile <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->