Ns Graphics Trouble

jgslickjgslick Join Date: 2003-02-10 Member: 13401Members
I'm having some serious graphics problems when I run Ns. I just wiped my drive and installed windows 2000 instead of windows me which had been on there earlier. with Me, ns ran fine, but now when i log onto a server, one of a few things can happen:

a) the lower half of any numbers or punctuation have a block over them
b) the textures dont show up on various built structures, i only see the basic gray shape
c) i get a ridiculous amount of lag, in the neighborhood of 2000 ping, and the game obviously wont function
d) i get a rainbow/spectrum effect on walls and floors, distorting the colors

i have all the same drivers for my graphics that i had before, using all the same settings that i have checked with other windows 2000 users that run ns, and i still get these problems no matter how i reinstall the program. i have all the necessary upgrades, and my computer has all the necessary hardware. just would like to know if anyone could help thanks a lot


  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    D3D not openGL might fix some of your problems (very similar description to osme of my errors)

    also check to see if you have the latest drivers for your car

    oh and congratz on getting away from ME (shudder, such a horrible OS, 2K is very nice, for windows that is)

    lol, you have the same drivers? that might screw you over (ME vs 2K you need the 2K/XP drivers generaly)
  • jgslickjgslick Join Date: 2003-02-10 Member: 13401Members
    Thanks a ton, moving to the other video mode fixed all the problems i had. youre damn right about WinMe sucking
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