Ikonboard skin request...

TimmyTimmy Join Date: 2002-05-17 Member: 627Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Monsieurevil's permision</div>Alright. I asked MonsieurEvil if he would like to help with my mod's IkonBoard skin.. He said all he did to the NS IkonBoard skin's is re color it. He said to post a request in the off-topic. So since he gave me permision, I suppose I won't get flamed (Hopfully I don't, I seen a lot of mod's get flamed for this reason) So...

I run a mod called Total Warfare:
<a href="http://totalwarfare.armourynet.com/" target="_blank">http://totalwarfare.armourynet.com/</a>

The forums:
<a href="http://aimweb.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi" target="_blank">http://aimweb.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi</a>

Their 18 days old. And we havn't done the 'super PlanetHalf-Life.com new hosted site' kind of public opening of my mod yet. That's why not many people are in the forums. So... You can post here or reply at <a href="mailto:badasstimmy@hotmail.com">badasstimmy@hotmail.com</a> .. Thanks. *puts flame sheild on* If you are going to register in the forums, please read the rules: <a href="http://totalwarfare.armourynet.com/TotalWarfare%20--%20A%20Half-Life%20Mod_files/rules.html" target="_blank">http://totalwarfare.armourynet.com/TotalWa....es.html</a>
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