Gettin To Know The Lingity
Sire of Titles Join Date: 2003-03-01 Member: 14175Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">because I sure don't</div> Anyone out there want to make up a quick dictionary for all the forum speak that I encounter on the wonderfull NS forums, I don't know the majority of the abreviations but I'm slowly learning that w0l is wall of lame, etc
it would be nice if someone could make or link this thread to a "dictionary" of sorts where the NS forumspeak is translated into plain english so people can make the distinction of being able to not only read the forums, but understand them
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it would be nice if someone could make or link this thread to a "dictionary" of sorts where the NS forumspeak is translated into plain english so people can make the distinction of being able to not only read the forums, but understand them
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o, d, m, s, and r c = offence, defense, movement, sensory, and resource chamber
cc = command console
in case you know absolutely nothing:
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my honest opinion
SUYF = shut up your face
rtfm = read the **** manual
GG = good game
I coudnt get the quote thing to work so I just cut and pasted it.
IP infantry portal
CC command chair (if you are playing eclipse, sometimes ppl use this to refer to COMPUTER CORE hive)
tfac/tf turret factory
com(m) commander (Hypergrip)
turr turrets
PG phase gate
obs observatory
MT motion tracking ("Are we going to get motion tracking comm?"
AL arms lab
proto prototype lab
para parasited
lmg light machine gun (default gun)
shottie shotgun (obvious, i know)
hmg heavy machine gun
gl grenade launcher
jp jetpack
JPer jetpacker
HAHeavy Armored Marine (Fieari), or the Heavy Armour itself ("Comm i need HA/HMG stat!")
rines marines, humans
heavy/heavies referring to rines outfitted with HA
com\comm commander (SoulSkorpion)
"humping the armory" loading up on full ammo (wastes time, you usually die before using it all, etc)
MS - Marine Spawn(Okabore)
"here" the single most overused as well as USELESS word for a grunt to tell the comm
*guy in HA jumping up and down/blinking flashlight on and off* WELD ME QUICK!!!(Typhon)
*guy with welder out, welding the air, coming towards you* WELD MEEE!
meds, mp, med med pack(killswitch1968)
MT/MC movement chambers/towers
DT/DC defense chambers/towers
ST/SC sensory chambers/towers
OT/OC offensive chambers/towers
RP resource points ("gorge, how many RP left until 2nd hive?")
OT/OC offensive chambers/towers
ungorge evolve to something else BESIDES gorge, please
WoL Wall of Lame. A wall of OCs and DCs designed to block the enemy from getting past.(SoulSkorpion)
wall or lame WoL
cara carapace(Okabore)
regen renegeration(Okabore)
movement movement towers. Common use: "Gorge get more movement"(Okabore)
mvmt movement towers
*alien biting you while you are gorge* HEAL ME!!!
<span style='color:orange'> </span>
<b>Health Waterfall/Medpack Spam</b> - Comm spamming medpacks onto a Marine, making them nearly impossible to kill.
<b>PG/Pig/Piggy/Phase</b> - Phase Gate. Piggy also is slang for Gorge... so aim for the yellow glowy thing when someone tells you to get through the pig.
<b>Gorg/Fatty/Gorgy/Chubby/Roundboy</b> - Gorge.
<b>Bob</b> - Skulk.
<b>Snot</b> - Gorge Spit.
<b>Skul/skull/skel/etc</b> - Common misspellings of 'Skulk'.
<b>Jetbo</b> - Ramboing JPer. Usually comes with HMG and full ammo. Avoid unless you're an Onos, and they're at the top of a tall room.
<b>Turrents</b> - Turrets.
<b>TF</b> - Turret Factory.
<b>RT</b> - Resource Tower. Interchangeable between Marines/Aliens. Sometimes used to refer to an empty resource nozzle by harried Marines.
<b>F4 Victory/RR Victory</b> - The other team quit by hitting F4 to return to the ready-room, invoking the team-imbalance auto-win. Cheap and can get you kicked, if not banned from a number of servers.
<b>Heavies</b> - Heavy Armor or HMGs.
<b>HMG</b> - Heavy Machine Gun. Currently just an upgraded LMG with lower accuracy. Hopefully will be changed in v1.1
<b>v1.1</b> - Our Saviour from JP/HMG rushes, jetpack exploits, pistol scripters, external building, map exploits and other bugs that make playing a proper round extremely difficult. Expected some time next year, but don't quote me. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
CC - computer core hive
EC - Eclipse hive
Maint - Maintenance hive
horse - Horseshoe (res outside left door from marine start)
sloop - South loop (res outside maint hive)
STA - Station access alpha (Res in a large corridoor sloping down)
SJ3 - Subjunction 3 (Res with vent access to CC)
Cargo - Cargo hive, guardian of many res nodes
Silo - Power silo hive
Via - Viaduct hive
Gen - Generator room, grouping point and res node outside cargo
Red Room (RR) - A small room accessible from vents near viaduct, is a siege point for via.
Quad - The quad lift, large lift between marine start and silo.
Sewer/vent/gen - The 3 hives
Shipping - Shipping access, outside ventilation. Has a door which can be blocked with chambers.
Double Doors - The 2 doors to the left of marine start
"The vent" - any referance to "the" vent, that isnt related to ventilation hive will refer to the vent leading into the marine starting location.
Waste/Fusion/Sat - The 3 hives
RR - Reactor room, double res point
Cargo - Key location outside fusion
Sat weldable - Refers to a weldable point halfway between the marine spawn and sat comms. In a room with what appears to be a forcefield.
NN - Unnamed hive (noname)
subs - Subspace hive
port/engine - Port engine hive
Mess - Mess hall, key access point
MI - Mother interface, siege point for subspace
<b>'Commando'</b> - as in, 'OMG TEHY HAF T3H FADES COMMANDO DROP t3H MINES AND TURRENSTS!!!!' (after to failing to look at their HUD to see I only have 3 RP's in the queue right now, and the thought that mines and turrets will somehow be a good defense against 5 fades with 3 hives. Followed by BlahMan and Duffman laughing hysterically at my frustration. Arg. Luckily, it's a rare thing on that server...)