<div class="IPBDescription">wha?</div> Hey, i have been using Worldcraft from all my maps in HL, but everyone talks about using Hammer... is there a difference? they look the same from the outside, but i am probably wrong...
Hammer is just a renamed updated version of worldcraft.
Apart from bug fixes and an improved interface, the only real difference is the help menu and tutorials, which hammer seems to lack, which is a pain when you want to refer to some old basics after a few months hiatus from mapping...
The Valve Hammer Editor = WorldCraft v3.4. I think Valve had to change the name because of some copyright business. But in any case, there's no reason not to use the VHE, since it fixes some bugs and improves a few small things. Just head over to the <a href='http://www.valve-erc.com/' target='_blank'>Valve ERC</a> and download it.
Apart from bug fixes and an improved interface, the only real difference is the help menu and tutorials, which hammer seems to lack, which is a pain when you want to refer to some old basics after a few months hiatus from mapping...
on the other hand VHE is hypersensitive to video cards, and is buggy with some operating systems. so there ARE reasons not to go to VHE.
so test VHE, see if it works fine for you. if it does, use it - it IS better.
if hammer doesn't, then go back to WC 3.3 - it is still ok, just has the same old WC bugs.