[sreq] Marine Build Wav

HavannaHavanna Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11510Members
<div class="IPBDescription">I need it done for aliens, please.</div> I wanted to simply replace the marine build sound for Gorge, cause I'm weird like that. But I noticed there are 5 wavs for marine build, while there are only 2 for aliens. I didn't want the sound to be all funky and unauthentic... but then I had that idea that... if you perhaps linked up 3 up the wavs and 2, you could have 2 sets of sounds the game would play?

My first questions would be if that would work, and if it would, could anyone do it? I have NO idea how to mix sounds or do anything like that, nor do I know how the game processes those sounds, I can only guess, roughly.

Maybe someone that knows this kind of stuff? I know some people like sheena have been able to craft their own sounds for NS, and if it isn't that big of a trouble, maybe someone could do this real fast for me? Thanks in advance.


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