Kitten's Al|en Pack
Join Date: 2003-03-03 Member: 14255Members

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Sure the work of modellers & skinners are great but everything I wanted to use in this pack I already have in the same or in better versions.
Not even the skin on the hands are the same on the marine models.
I dont think this pack is worthy the hard work of modellers/skinners/animators/sprite artist etc. holding your name when you done nothing but zipped it all thogether.
And why call it Ultimate A L | E N Pack when you not using the hudson models etc.
Sorry but thats my opinion.
Maby not everone think so but I do.
Starting on my own "real A L | E N" pack instead... Where I make sprites, some skins etc. by myself... (and NO Im not advertising for my pack cuz I dont have in mind to release it)