New hello topic thread thing!

RipNChewNMaimRipNChewNMaim Join Date: 2002-06-02 Member: 719Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Another thread to say hello!</div>Hey all,..I posted waaayyyy at the bottom of the other one and err,..nobody read it, I guess I'll start a new one!! :D
(If it voilates any rules or traditions I am sorry and you may delete this thread, mods)

Anyways,..this is a direct C&P of what I wrote,..Hi all and enjoy!


I'm Rip,..and I am an Ultra N00b

<"Hi Rip!">

The AA intro sounded nice enough to break the ice...Oh well.

I'm RNCNM,... I'm From a weird place called Ohio.
I've always loved games since I was a little kid, just never had the income to invest in them,...which led to many years of feeling behind in my lonely childhood years.

<crowd sniffles>

BUT! I recently acquired a job at a very huge retail electronics store, and was propelled faster than a donut to a cop's mouth, into the gaming world (with the help of a recently obtained UBER-ADSL Modem)


So I am here, and I have played. I have gotten over my 3d motion-sickness (thanks from the help of Quake 3), and I am READY to R0x0r J00 @LL !!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!


I learned about NS from a link posted in another community which some of you might have heard of,. Infantry. The game (in my opinion which was not great because of the gfx [which sucked compared to H-L], but because of the community). If you do not know of infantry's plight, and what led me here,. I shall tell you.

In a nutshell, infantry was owned by Harmless Games way back when (before I even played it). Then, when HG ran out of dough to support the game (which was free), Sony Online Entertainment, stepped in and bought it, thus 'saving' the game and its great community from the depths of the abyss of the forgotten (sorry, writer's flair comin' up). Anywho,...SOE polished dup the game, allowed the head guy known as Yankee, along with some of his remaining crew to stay on with the game. I joined in around the beginning of the summer of '01 and was amazed not only at the community, but the sheer size (over 2000 players on at peak times, which rose when the Chaos on EOL zone came out. EOL alone held 500-1100 players at peak times). There were the mod wars and of course the board wars as well with trolls and such (neither of which I was fully aware of because I wasn't and still am not elite).

Then, out of nowhere (well we all know how it goes in big business, everything is set in stone before the public knows), but nonetheless,...FIVE, count them, FIVE days before the game that I adored and spent a lot of time on trying to become one with the L33tn3ss was to go Pay-toPlay,.. they announce it. The community as a whole was ripped asunder by butt hole-licking sn00bs who were going to vie for mod spots in the ensuing era, and complete n00bs who flamed with very little brainpower (E.g.>SONIE IZ G@Y,...OMG OMG OMG P2P SUX!!.

I was stunned,...crushed and angry. Threads began to fly all over the boards, people mostly spamming their new-found hate for SOE, calling for a boycott of Sony products or whatnot, and the brown-noses flaming them away with their 'good, p2p will wipe out you losers' posts.

May 1st rolls around and Infantry dies. I look at the zones in despair (none have broken 350 people on simultaneously yet). So to the boards I went,.. combating the brownnosers and stomping their digital faces in with my very p!ss3d off intelligent n00bie foot. Until I came across a threat that contained alternative games to flee to now that There was no hope, and poof! Suddenly I was dropped at the Doorstep of the NS site, and beckoned inside further by the radio chatter of the little flash movie.

Hoards and hoards of info came smacking into my synapses before they cou7ld even process it. I realized in a week or so that I had found my new home, and it wasn’t even finished yet.

So here I am,. never having played half-life a day of my life, but having heard great things about it, and finding out that this plays right into my field (if you hadn't noticed,. I like being on alien teams). I was and still am inspired to play H/L and patiently await the coming of NS.

It is rumored that I have a human designation (Jon)that is quite common amongst the cattle upon which my superior species feeds,...but perhaps the translation was wrong. Also in these human rumoring-type things,.. it is said that someone with my designation will be starting a web comic with his very n00bish drawing and software skills (any recommendation on software that can help design  logos would be greatly appreciated). He also strums an instrument of some sort that is called a guitar. (more to come on these strange rumors in the future).

In closing (I know you're bored with me already), I request humbly, that I be guided and corrected by the powers and vets that be in my quest to become t3h r0x0r of j00 @ll. Any tips or suggestions (like a good place to get a web page and doing my sig file n stuff, so I can look a little more stream-lined) would be deeply, and truly appreciated.

Now, ONWARD to find a CD-RoM drive because the one that I had has currently and permanently expired...and there are games UNPLAYED!!!!!

Thanks for reading this if you made it this far.

RipNChewNMaim (Just call me Rip).

"In a matter of moments, all you'll be is a satisfying lump in my belly..."
   --cool saying before a duel.


  • RipNChewNMaimRipNChewNMaim Join Date: 2002-06-02 Member: 719Members
    >>boing!!!<<< For hope of a better life!!
  • RavenousRavenous Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 48Members
    Oboy .. that was a loong "Hi im new" text  <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
    Altough it was interesting to read  <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->

    Welcome to this great NS community Rip ! Remember to read the Forum FAQs.

    And pay-to-play sucks !
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    uh, read the FAQs and uh, send me money? please? in any case hullo
  • f3rretf3rret Join Date: 2002-05-29 Member: 686Members
    I like your sig, Rip... <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->

  • realityisdeadrealityisdead Employed by Raven Software after making ns_nothing Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 94Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Hehehe, nice post! <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--> Hey, Rip.

    I'm sure you'll find the people here more than willing to help you out with learning the basics. Keep in mind that questions that are asked repetatively by people who make one stop into the forums just to get a quick answer (Like, "When's it coming out??") are usually ignored (And are usually answered in the various FAQsheets around here)... but I highly encourage you to get involved in the community. It's really great, I've never seen one quite like it.

    If you don't know where to start, just start bringing up (reasonable) ideas in the ideas forum... comment on the artwork in the ArtForum, give some feedback on the various map shots in the Mapping Forum, etc. Even if you don't have any experience in creating levels (or whatever), feel free to comment anyways. Sometimes that's where the best feedback comes from: A "non-mapper" who simply states what he does, and doesn't like about a particular area. <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->

    Hope to see you around, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here.

    <!--EDIT|ken20banks|June 05 2002,12:25-->
  • FamFam Diaper-Wearing Dog On A Ball Join Date: 2002-02-17 Member: 222Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Welcome Rip, hope you have a good time, as a veteran of HL its always nice to see its still getting new players every day, thanks to the great mod teams out there and Valves fantabulous support for its game.

    Another good way to get into the community spirit is to come onto IRC and have a good old natter about Half-life, NS, food, football, Marts social life, you know, the general.

    Go to and download mIRC 6, then join #naturalselection on Gamesnet. We won't bite. Except for coil. <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
  • SentrySteveSentrySteve .txt Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 290Members, Constellation

    but before you say anythingin mIRC you must poke greedo <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->!  Welcome to NS <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->!
  • eBnareBnar Join Date: 2002-03-12 Member: 307Members
    Good evening. You can call me eBnar.
  • XTS_HighlanderXTS_Highlander Join Date: 2002-04-13 Member: 429Members
    Welcome lost one.  Behold our magnificent and awe-inspiring community nestled in the bosom of the NS.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    oh my, i just realized you were talking about the same infantry i used to play. i remember taking an APC and driving to the VERY EDGE of the map with all my teammates then coming up behind the enemy base and annhilating them. i got many congrats. good times, good times. didnt know it became pay 2 play tho.
  • Sgt_XSgt_X Join Date: 2002-03-01 Member: 261Members
    i played infantry twice because one of my class mates wanted to verse me and they were to cheap to any good games. I didn't like it, i mean how much quality can u put into graphics when it's web based and probably going to cater to 56k modem users.
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