Prioritizing As A Commander

LucidLucid Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10534Members, Constellation
edited April 2003 in New Player Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">whats more important?</div> ok, i'm getting tired of this situation: I join marines, and maybe myself and another decent player go put pressure on the aliens. We kill the gorge a few times, kill a res and maybe get a D or 2. All while nailing sucks left and right. But it doesn't matter because the comm thought it was a good idea to skip upgrades in favor of "securing" a hive. Well the aliens eventually get lvl 3 D and continually assault the hive that the comm is trying to secure while the gorge is free to build up the other hive. Ok so now we have 1 hive, they have 2 and we have no upgrades....

Taking hives isn't whats important for marines. Holding a hive gives the rines no advantage. Why is it so important to get a hive secured so quickly? The aliens won't even start building anything until they have atleast 2 res nodes and 3 D chambers. If you are gonna try that hive lockdown crap atleast get upgrades first. Level 0 turrets are crap vs level 3 cara. So are level 0 marines. Atleast get weapons 1 and armor 1 before you do anything.

Anyway whenever I comm I have a group of marines pressuring the aliens right from the start. If the gorge can't get out of the hive he can't build. If he does then just have your upgraded marines take out anything he builds. Then you can go JP/HMG rush, you can phase-siege the hive, maybe you can mine rush, you can go HA, whatever. But once you go on the defensive as marines you are most likely going to lose. This is why aliens have such a great win/lose ratio on public servers. So what is more important? Holding hives or killing hives?

Oh and another thing, marines are nothing, they don't need medpacks. There's nothing i hate more then "comm i need a medpack in base". Why do you need a medpack? I could be using that res for upgrades, motion tracking, HMG's, jetpacks, res nodes, etc. Either kill yourself or go on a suicide run. On the other hand if a rine is killing a res node and he just needs those few extra seconds to finish the job, go ahead give him a biscut. So what is more important? The marine that needs a medpack or the res you need to kill the aliens?

So all you comms out there grow some and start attacking!

Edit: gah, wrong forum. Could I get this moved to general please?


  • bigbbigb Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8421Members
    Nice post. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> i agree 100%
  • PreciousPrecious Join Date: 2003-03-18 Member: 14652Members
    I am fairly new to the comm job but I like what u have to say. I am a get 2 hives as fast as possible commander and here is why and what I do.

    Zero upgrades untill 2 hives are locked down. I need the res to get TF,T and PG up in 2 hives. I send the Marines to the hive that is in the missle of the map like port engine first. This will be the most fought after hive for the aliens and hopefully we can get the TF, T and pg up before they get any dc up. I also freely lay mines because they are great if we can ensure two hives. I then go after the other hive. I only take the res towers in each of the hives. When both are secured I tell the marines just to sit back and defend untill I get upgrades. The highest level of upgrades the marines can get is level 3 car. No Fades or leap. With the help of T's and mines the marines should have np protecting the hives without upgrades. Slowly the gorge builds closer to a hive but by then I hope to have upgrades. This strat does not work with every map.

    Being new to comm I am open to new ideas. I will try yours but I have questions. How many res towers do u build? From the sounds of it u have the marines continueingly attacking the hive or the gorge. Is this right?
  • N1ghtN1ght Join Date: 2003-04-07 Member: 15301Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Being new to comm I am open to new ideas. I will try yours but I have questions. How many res towers do u build? From the sounds of it u have the marines continueingly attacking the hive or the gorge. Is this right? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    generally the 2 hive lockdown strat is limited to pub play only, in clan games its not really a viable strategy because the aliens are organised and will not let you get those hives. On pubs though it works quite easily most of the time, unless you come up against an alien team with some good players in, the 2 hive lockdown is a better strategy to use when you have a weak team, or a very disorganised team, making people go through phase gates from spawn isnt very difficult, and its mroe effecting than using a 'teching' strat if your team is disorganised/unskilled on the whole. If your team however seems preety skillful then a teching strat is much better, you want to aim to secure 2 extra res nodes if your gonna tech, on top of the one in your base, and try to put the enemy hive under pressure whilst you tech up, thus keeping the aliens occupied at their hive, and away from your base and res points, in a teching strategy you dont want to use any turret factories, mines are used for base defence, and once you get level 1 armour and perhaps level 1 weapons, go for a jetpack/hmg rush. That is the most powerful marine strategy in 1.4 at the moment, all good clans employ the jp/hmg rush as marines, and if pulled off correctly is very difficult to stop.

    i hope that gave you an idea of another marine strategy you can try, you don't wanna limit yourself to just the 2 hive lockdown strategy, especially on larger maps where its more difficult.
  • GordonGordon Join Date: 2003-01-01 Member: 11707Members
    That kind of things happens all the time to me <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->

  • PreciousPrecious Join Date: 2003-03-18 Member: 14652Members
    I diffinently will try it. Maps like hera I never was able to get the two hive lock down to work and was looking for a different strat.

  • ChurchChurch Meatshield grunt-fodder // Has pre-ordered NS2 Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11646Members, Constellation
    Prescious, what you described was THE most popular strat waaaay back in 1.03. Now, JP/HMG are all the rage.
  • ZanidZanid Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15158Members
    I agree with the marines are nothing part. Also, marines need to upgrade right away at all costs, even if it means holding out on the troops and saving res. And remember the upgrades those Lv3 turrets are hell to skulks and well placed ones are even worse to lerks, so the faster you get them the harder time the aliens will have getting to whatever they may be guarding.
  • abtmabtm Join Date: 2003-04-08 Member: 15337Members
    Essentially to be a "good" commander you need to be able to hold hive areas and establish resources. After establishing your prescence in a hive you need to protect them and the resources that are in them. You need to also keep your soldiors well armed/supplied with health/ammunition as well. Also, you must keep your predjudices to yourself like "he's not a good player why should I give him armor" You can't think like that, you need to think in terms of a TEAM effort NOT a single player.
  • That_Annoying_KidThat_Annoying_Kid Sire of Titles Join Date: 2003-03-01 Member: 14175Members, Constellation
    Team work works, and upgrades are a big part of a team

    <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GigasGigas Join Date: 2003-01-16 Member: 12380Members
    But we're forgetting the comm's most important job: making coffee. I mean... I don't know about <i>you</i>, but I need at <i>least</i> two cups of vanilla-mocha blend first thing in the morning, or I can't hit the broad side of an Onos.
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