im gonna be vague, but im nearly right, so its oky.
youre rate is how much data you try to send up and down from the server. a low rate makes for a choppy game, but its smoother for a 56ker, and a high rate can be smoother for a broadbander, but it sucks more bandwidth and can then be more work for the server and the client.
overflow is when theres too much data coming at you and your computer cant handle it. an appropriately set rate can prevent this 95% of the time. paly with different values of rate from 1000 to 9000, (although many servers cap the players at 3500, try lots of values anyway) and sooner or later youll find a value that is perfect for you.
youre rate is how much data you try to send up and down from the server. a low rate makes for a choppy game, but its smoother for a 56ker, and a high rate can be smoother for a broadbander, but it sucks more bandwidth and can then be more work for the server and the client.
overflow is when theres too much data coming at you and your computer cant handle it. an appropriately set rate can prevent this 95% of the time. paly with different values of rate from 1000 to 9000, (although many servers cap the players at 3500, try lots of values anyway) and sooner or later youll find a value that is perfect for you.