X2 Run Airspeed Limit

NetherNether Join Date: 2003-01-21 Member: 12530Members
edited May 2003 in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">Sucking the fun out of this game</div> Jetpacking will now have all the fun sucked out of it and it will be to easy to get brought down by lerks, youve already made them more expensive and changed the alien res model to allow higher tier aliens at the same time marines will be getting JPs so why go even futher and make them ****?.

Leaping, why not just remove this completely rather than nerfing it into the ground.The whole point of leap is to get in range extra fast which it does perfectly and I dont think ive ever seen a post complaining about leap on the forums.

There is no need for this change and I doubt any demand for it either

<span style='color:red'>Language, please.</span>


  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    Possibly as a reaction to the JP-rush tactics of v1.04, perhaps.

    Lerks have been weakened as well, both losing the Bite, and having Spike damage dropped. It's likely that most Lerks will simply sit in the Hive, unless they are accompanied by a number of teammates, considering how fragile they are. They've been mostly moved to 'annoyance', from the changelogs, doing support roles. All JP counters are now at Three-Hive, excepting the reduced-damage Spikes and always... well, always Spit.

    Maybe we should hold off until we've actually played before saying that having the air accelleration capped will turn NS to ****?
  • Ph0enixPh0enix Join Date: 2002-10-08 Member: 1462Members, Constellation
    sigh....does beta mean anything to you ?

    If it don't work, they'll change it.
    If it does work, but the PTs don't like the 'feel' of it, they'll change it.
    If it works, and the PTs have no problem with it, but you do, <b>then</b> post about it, explaining concisely the drawbacks of the current system and how you'd change it.

    BTW, cussing does nothing but remove any credibility you might have.
  • IncitatusIncitatus Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4316Members
    Dude you've never even played it. How the **** do you know it will suck
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