Change Of Hardware...

pHkpHk Join Date: 2003-05-24 Member: 16664Members
edited May 2003 in Tech Support
<div class="IPBDescription">sound trouble</div> i changed mainboards just now. i did a format, reinstalled win2k SP3 and hl + ns. i started playing but sound was kinda buggy - i cant really explain in english since english is not my main language - but it sounded 'dull' and 'too bassy'. sounds werent as clear as they used to be (like shooting and jumping sounded so odd)...

up untill now i tried the following:

- directx 9.0a settings
- voice comm on/off (i usually put it on)
- half-life sound settings
- windows sound settings
- onboard soundchip settings (asus nforce2 - nvidia soundstorm)

*edit* : music and everything (winamp, wav, ...) sound good. just in-game hl sound weird for some reason...

i remember i had it sometimes on my other system aswell, but it went away after a reboot or restart, now it stays whatever i do. i cant quite remember what i did to solve it. anyone got an idea? it doesnt really keep me from playing but its very annoying not to hear the sounds as bright and sparkling as they used to be.

os: win2k sp3 - mainboard: asus nforce2 deluxe - gpu: g4 mx 440 - sound: on-board (nvidia soundstorm)
old specs:
os: win2k/winxp - mainboard: some crappy aopen thing - gpu: g4 mx 440 - sound: SB Live! Value


  • DruBoDruBo Back In Beige Join Date: 2002-02-06 Member: 172Members, NS1 Playtester
    I'd suggest opening up whatever mixer program came with your motherboard's sound chip and adjusting the reverb level. You can also check to see if EAX was enabled in Half-Life; that's a feature that works with Creative Labs cards like your SB live but not with anything else.
  • pHkpHk Join Date: 2003-05-24 Member: 16664Members
    if reverb was on on soundchip level .. the others sounds nomatter what program would sound crap too. they dont. sounds in windows (winamp etc) sound just the same as before. nothing wrong there.

    however, i didnt think of CD. it seems to have a setting 'cd_sound' im joining a server as we speak to c if thats any help...

    thnx for replying anyway.
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