Re: Regen Calculations

n00by_doon00by_doo Join Date: 2003-01-21 Member: 12534Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Can a dev/pt/vet explain...</div> Why Regen is not a fixed amount plus percentage of base hp?

If you go with a %age (as is currently used - 3% base I think) then it's going to be tricky to balance the ability across lifeforms. Too low and higher lifeforms get the best deal: onos are fine but skulks will take forever to regen any decent amount of hp. Too high and skulks are fine but onos can sit amongst a turret farm and do their nails.

The exact same problems apply with a fixed amount of regen per tick (eg 5 hp per sec), except higher values now favour lower lifeforms.

Why not just give x hp plus y% of base hp per tick? It just *has* to be easier to balance the numbers this way - why make it difficult on yourself?

[not sure about the lerk in 1.1 though - but this bird always seemed a bit whacky on the hp/armour balance to me in 1.0x. Basically you've got tweety-pie in a king tiger tank, and the supreme irony is that the best thing for this heavily armoured weakling to get is...Carapace...the armour booster?!]


  • CowswinCowswin Join Date: 2003-03-17 Member: 14623Banned, Constellation
    Lemee x% + y = HP regen per tick?


    70/10 = %(90)

    3% + 1(level 1 defense) = 4 HP per tick
    3% + 3(level 2 defense) = 6 HP per tick
    3% + 5(level 3 defense) = 8 HP per tick


    500/250 = %(750)

    3% + 1(level 1 defense) = 23 HP per tick
    3% + 3(level 2 defense) = 33 HP per tick
    3% + 5(level 3 defense) = 42 HP per tick

    Is that what you mean?

    I think the current system works something like this:


    70/10 = %(90)

    3% = 3 HP per tick
    4% = 4 HP per tick
    5% = 5 HP per tick


    500/250 = %(750)

    3% = 22 HP per tick
    4% = 30 HP per tick
    5% = 37 HP per tick

    There's a high likelyhood of me screwing up numbers here since I haven't gotten to go Onos in FOREVER, since by the time the game is over, the third hive is just finishing building or you don't even have a second hive. Haven't played with regen recently so I'm not sure if that's how the numbers work either.
  • fo_sheezy_my_neezyfo_sheezy_my_neezy Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10768Members, Constellation
    this seems to make sense to me. you get a percentage (which screws over lower lifeforms), but add a set amout to it (5hp). thr extra 5hp would go a long way in lower lifeforms (skulk and lerk).

    took me one and a half minutes to level 3 regen as a lerk from 4 hp last night. that's ridiculous
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