Best Bots To Use?

MordenMorden Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14045Members
I was wondering what the best bot program is. So far i've run Whichbot, and RC bot. the Whichbot program was only a beta, so it was really limited. The RC bot program was more complete, but the alien bots were far less skilled. I was directed to these programs from the stickied post above, but i was wondering if there were better bots out there for v1.04. Thanks. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • SinSpawnSinSpawn Harbinger of Suffering Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8359Members
    I'm not even sure there are any other bots besides those 2, either way you can't play properly on lan with both, they have uber aim, and cant comm properly, AI cannot match human intelligence, aliens have mutliple gorges when not needed and get killed fast and waste alot of alien res..
  • clamatiusclamatius Join Date: 2003-03-27 Member: 14948Members, Constellation
    WhichBot does not spawn a gorge if there's already one on the alien team.

    I have certainly played a lot of lan games against a combination of WhichBots and humans, albeit not with RCBots as well. The WhichBots are currently better than a beginning NS player but worse than the average NS player, in my opinion.
  • ByekaByeka Name changed from Freak83 Toronto Join Date: 2003-03-13 Member: 14484Members, Constellation
    Personally I prefer Whichbots because RC Bots never seem to listen when I tell them to go to a waypoint. However I use them together which brings the best results.
  • MordenMorden Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14045Members
    The RCbot skulks run in a straight line without jumping, which... really.... just doesn't work against marines. The Whichbot skulks jump around like crazy, which i like, but the program seems to crash a lot for me.

    RCbots are alright as far a gorges go. The aliens will only ever have 1 gorge at a time, and as soon as that one dies another will replace it.
  • bon_Hommebon_Homme Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17543Members
    The RC bot is good. As far as I know they play better than I do, which isn't good at all. Ask blazeright, morden. He'll confirm.

    par examplar:

    on a team of 8 marines, no one comming, so I jumps in and prepare to get my team slaughtered due to my inability. Took me about an hour to realize I was playing with bots. It was the chuckling of the aliens to my "STOP CONSTANTLY ASKING ME FOR AMMO YOU NUB!", that clued me in.
  • MordenMorden Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14045Members
    Thats because the current of version RCbots, which fire projectile weapons, never miss a single shot. Its like playing with a bunch of people who are using hacks. Its the same for marine weapons, lerk spikes, acid rockets and even gorge spit.
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