Sound Issues

fizifizi Join Date: 2003-06-18 Member: 17452Members
My sound works fine in the game it's just when I have the bass on the card turned up when i fire a gun as a marine the sound almost completly cuts out while it shoots. If I turn the bass off the sound is fine (but flat). I like my bass. I think whats going on is the sounds arn't high enough quality to sound good in a high bass situation. Are the sounds being redone for v2.0?

I have a Audigy 2 running the latest drivers and a good set of headphones so as far as I can tell it's not my hardware. I could be wrong though. Anyone got any suggestions?


  • Grunt256Grunt256 Join Date: 2004-06-22 Member: 29462Members
    can you hear a bit of sound, if so it could be your bas is over powering ur gun sounds so it will sound like its cut out, this is NS bud not a rap song, you dont need a ton of bass, turn ur bass down, have it turned up only a bit
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